Friday, July 02, 2010

Friday's Fave Five #95

**Updated with photo and plan B

Welcome to the first Friday's Fave Five of July. A whole new month, officially in my mind the start of summer. Join us in finding your favorite things from the past week, those things that were blessings to you, large or small. If you need details they are here, otherwise just join right in!

This week was really, really ultra busy so those little things might have gone right past me if I didn't take the time to look for them or be aware of them. But they were there in spite of and in the midst of busyness.

1. Feeling appreciated. Parents of children in my dayhome, who let me know I am appreciated are a real blessing to me. This week was a tough one as a family who has been with me for 7 years have moved past the stage in their lives of needing my dayhome. I will miss both the children and the parents incredibly. They started at my home when the oldest was just one and I have daily watched them grow and change for 7 whole years. Now the youngest will be starting grade 1. In those years, they let me know often they appreciated having me and it meant the world. They blessed me with a beautiful outdoor pot of flowers, which I forgot to take a picture of, but will post as soon as I can. And a gift certificate to get a spa treatment of my choice.

**Here they are, better late than never. I ran out in the pouring rain (yes, again), and my jammies just to get this picture for you all! :v)

2. Pizza. I love pizza and can eat it most anytime. Hubby blessed me the other night after an extremely busy and exhausting day by taking me to a local pizza place that serves all kinds of unusual pizzas. They are award winning and one of their pizzas won the best new pizza in Canada and the owner has won best Pizza Chef in Canada by Pizza Magazine. (Who knew there was a pizza magazine). LOL. They have competed in some kind of pizza competition each year in Vegas and several of their pizzas have been in the top 25 and top 50 of their category and one even made top 13, coming out as top Canadian entry. We chose their most popular one, the one that got them named best new pizza in Canada. And may I say it was absolutely delicious. Ranch dressing, chicken, bacon, red peppers, and cheddar (along with the mozza). Melt in your mouth pizza goodness. It will be a place that I'll only go to once in awhile because of the price but it sure was a nice treat.

3. A holiday day in the middle of the week. After such a busy three days it was nice to have a holiday day. Yesterday was July 1, which makes it Canada Day and a holiday here in Canada. Well for most of us anyway. Malls and restaurants and big stores are still open but at one time they never used to be. But for me it was a day off and it was nice. Hubby and I went for a 2 1/2 hour bike ride in perfect weather. We finished it off with a hot dog bbq, something we were both craving and a nice Starbucks drink. Then a nap finished off the afternoon nicely. This is the first year I didn't watch the fireworks and I didn't even miss it. I just stayed home and relaxed until it was time to pick up my youngest from her job.

4. Unexpected days off.
Today is an unplanned and unexpected day off for me. None of the kids are showing up in dayhome. Yipee for me. It's like an extra long weekend. Now that does not happen too often and I am going to take complete advantage starting with sleeping in. I see a walk around the lake coming up and maybe a little trip to the library. I'm sure I'll think of more through out the day.

**Well, wouldn't you know it. When I wrote this yesterday it was lovely outside, a little cool but nice. I woke up this morning of my unexpected day off to pouring rain. Yes, again. So now after I put those downspout extenders on, you know, the ones that made another fave five list, I am moving to plan B. Jammies, pot of coffee, this movie and my book!

5. A neighbor who dayhomes too. My next door neighbor also has a dayhome and what a blessing that has been since they moved in. To actually have another adult to chat to over the fence for a few minutes while the children play outside is absolutely wonderful. We share ideas and bounce things off of each other and it's a great support.

What are your five favorite blessings from the week? If you do a post, please link that specific post up in Mr. Linky so that we can come and visit with you. And a Happy Canada Day a day late to my Canadian friends and Happy July 4th to my American friends.


Anonymous said...

Wow -- a double hurray for that unexpected day off! And happy Canada day to you in the midst of your busy week. Glad there were blessings throughout.

Mary said...

Isn't there a magazine for everything? Wow, you're going to get very spoiled having 2 days in a row off, plus the weekend! Hope next week isn't too rough!

aspiritofsimplicity said...

It is so nice to be able to let someone know how much you appreciate what they do. Often just a smile or a kind word can mean so much. Pizza is really the yummiest of yummies! We have a holiday coming up on the Fourth down here and I have an unexpected five days off! We are similar this week!

Kari said...

I love your week - being appreciated, pizza and a day off. totally awesome.
Happy Weekend.

Faith said...

what a blessing you are for all those families you serve!! It is GOOD to be appreciated by the parents....
I never heard of Pizza Mag. My hubby would LOVE that! Sounds like you had a wonderful week of blessings.....enjoy that day off....I am here on the Cape and enjoying a cool breeze, sunny skies and waiting to see if we're gonna kayak this a.m.! Happy weekend!!

Barbara H. said...

A belated Happy Canada Day to you!! Sounds like it was a lovely day, and how neat to get an unexpected day off as well!

That's great that your neighbor has a dayhome as well and that you can visit and share ideas some times.

That pizza place sounds really neat -- glad you got to visit it.

I can imagine how sad it must be when one of your dayhome kids moves on. That is wonderful that the parents showed you how appreciated you are. What a blessing!

Finding Pam said...

What a lovely list of Fridays Favs. Your list is so nice to read and how great to have two days off. We live so deep in the country that there are no pizza places. I miss my pizza. I am sure all of your parents appreciate you. That is wonderful to have seen those children grow up and to have been a part of their lives.

Happy Canada Day!

Karyn said...

7 years is a long time to care for a must be sad to see them go. How nice that the parents express their appreciation in tangible ways. You deserve it.

That pizza place sounds interesting.

two days off! yahoo! Enjoy your walk.

ellen b said...

Yippee for your extra day off! It is great to be appreciated and told you are! Gourmet pizza...yum. That's great that you have a neighbor to compare notes with :0) Enjoy your extra long weekend!

Laura@OutnumberedMom said...

Having been there, I'm sure that family feels there is NO way to express what you have meant to them!

Hope you enjoy that trip to the library.

Happy weekend.

Jerralea said...

I'm so glad you were shown appreciation for all you do! It's so important that we do that for each other.

2 days off in a row! Yippee! I love days off. Happy Canada Day to you!

My day off will be Monday for Independence Day. I'm so looking forward to it!

momma24 said...

Unexpected days off...aaahhhh! Very nice! Pizza *and* being appreciated-super!

Donnetta said...

How nice that family showed their appreciation to you in such a way. It has reminded me to verbalize my appreciation for others more often.

And as for pizza, I'm with you. Could eat it about anytime, anywhere. In fact, since it's Friday that means pizza night here tonight. YES! LOL

Your extended weekend sounds lovely! Rest and relax friend.

(BTW, I appreciate YOU!) :-)

Hazel said...

Two days off, award-winning pizza, feeling appreciated and neighbor support - what a week indeed! And you got flowers too. It is just so wonderful to read all this. Happy Friday, Susanne.

Gattina said...

Beautiful flowers !
I don't know exactly what a dayhome is. Is that a day care for children, for working parents ?
I also love Pizza !

Lisa Spence said...

The flowers are gorgeous!

How nice to have a neighbor with so much in common!

Carrie said...

How very special that you would have a familiy in your life for seven whole years. That's a long time and I'm sure you'll miss them very much. What lovely flowers and a great parting gift though!

And I think that's really cool that your neighbor also runs a day home. That would be so encouraging to ME. So hurray for that - as well as unexpected days off!

annies home said...

its always nice to be appreciated love the flowers and happy canada day to you

TXDidi said...

Oh, pizza! One of life's great treasures, for sure. I remember my hubby saying how his aunt, a governess, would feel after working with a family for years then having to move on when the children had grown. It was always a bittersweet moment. She actually lived long enough to do some governess work for the children of her charges. Have a great week. And happy Canada Day, a bit belated.

Stephani Cochran said...

I didn't get a fave five posted this week, but glad to read yours. How great that this family showed their appreciation. That is always a good feeling and a great boost! ~ That's great that you have a neighbor that you can enjoy and bounce ideas off of. It's always nice to have support from like-minded people! Have a great week!

Laura said...

Such beautiful flowers! It's always nice to feel appreciated isn't it. So glad you got an extra long holiday and are enjoying it even if it is raining. It's funny but all of a sudden I have such a craving for pizza :)

Lindsay said...

Your new flowers are beautiful! They make such a lovely addition to your step!

Mountain Mama said...

I sure understand how you feel about the little one not coming to dayhome anymore. We grow so fond of and bond with these little ones. We hold them in our heart.
I saw your new pink shoes and they are so cute!!!!!
Hope you enjoy your days off and get rested up.

Cindy said...

A day off p.j's and a movie, sounds like my kind of day lately.

I love pizza also but try and have it only about once every three months. drabs

Happy Canada Day! I too missed the fireworks, in bed early. Next year.

Rachelle said...

There is nothing better than a good quality pizza. Probably my favorite food. We have lots in common.

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous potted plant, Susanne. What a lovely lovely gift.