Wednesday, April 01, 2020

First Quarter 2020 Reading Update

Oh my, I cannot believe we are already starting month 4 of the year.  Hello April.  I am so looking forward to some warm, sun filled days to sit on the back deck reading.  In January I thought I would give myself a reading challenge for the year.  You can find that here.  Then because I so missed challenges like the Spring into Reading and Fall Into Reading challenges I thought every 3 months I would choose books to fill those categories and share my list and let you link on too if you wanted to motivate yourselves.  My first quarter reading list is here.

So how did I do the first quarter?  Well let's take a look:

GOAL: 1 book a month from my longest owned and unread books From the oldest TBR box:
          The Pilot's Wife by Anita Shreve
          The Victory Club by Robin Lee Hatcher
          Sins of the Fathers by James Scott Bell
 (these have been in my to read box for years!!)

 GOAL: 2 books per month from my owned piles:

           If I Run by Terri Blackstock
           If I'm Found by Terri Blackstock
           If I Live by Terri Blackstock
           The Secret Wife by Gil Paul 
           A Proper Pursuit by Lynn Austin
           Shanghai Girls by Lisa See      (halfway thru this one)

 GOAL: 1 book per month from my library list:                                                           
           Us Against You by Fredrik Backman
            Everything We Keep by Kerry Lonsdale
           The Curse of Misty Wayfair by Jaime Jo Wright

 GOAL: for devotional type reading 1 novella/study per month from A Lineage of Grace by Francine Rivers:

          -Unveiled (Tamar)
          -Unashamed (Rahab)
          -Unshaken (Ruth)

I've highlighted the ones I've read.  Out of 14 books I've completed  9 and I'm almost finished a 10th.   Not as good as I wanted.  I was doing all right up until March when the whole COVID 19 thing hit and then several factors came into play.  I worked right up until this last Sunday so I was naturally busy with that.  The constant daily updating both federally and provincially has occupied alot of my brain as I'm sure it has most of yours.   To come against the fear and anxiety that all that information produces I have been trying to fill my heart and mind with the Word of God and have focused on getting into that daily.  Then last week my mind and heart were filled with the struggle of the decision to close the dayhome until this pandemic passes.  When that decision was finally made and the emails sent out I went through a grieving process about the whole thing so it was hard to read and focus more than a few pages at a time.  But I think I'm at a turning point and I've been enjoying reading again.  And it has been fun to see my book bag where I keep these books getting more and more empty.  Maybe now I can get to the backlog of reviews I just couldn't bring myself to write.   

So what were my favorite reads of the ones I finished?  They were all actually really good except for "Everything We Keep".  I didn't enjoy that one and it received my lowest rating out of the pile.  My favorite I think would have to be the 3 books in the "If I Run Series".

How did you do reading in this crazy 1st quarter of 2020?  What was your favorite read of January - March? 


Faith said...

I've read a couple of great books and a couple that were just ok.

One of my faves off the top of my head was A Curve in the Road. EXCELLENT.
And I LOVED LOVED LOVED the Charles Martin book Water From my Heart.
Other faves since the beginning of January for me were The Nanny (I'm reading another one of that author's right now); Home (Julie Andrews first memoir) and The Testaments (EXCELLENT) by Margaret Atwood.

Those Francine Rivers books are ones on my want to read list too!! And I've read the Lynn Austin one I think. Awhile ago!

Barbara Harper said...

I think it's understandable to grieve over closing the dayhome, even though that's the safest and wisest choice for now. I was in a strange kind of malaise for a few days. I think the sustained uncertainty of the whole virus situation maybe was taking up part of my brain so I couldn't seem to concentrate on other things. We've seemed to settle into a new rhythm now, so hopefully that will hold til this is all over.

You did great on your goals! I loved the If I Run series. And the Victory Club and A Proper Pursuit. I pretty much met mine--got to all but a couple of the books, but read a couple of others I hadn't planned on, so it all evened out. My post about it is here:

Karen said...

My year for reading started out extremely slow. I don't think I even read a book in the month of February. It's picking up now. My favorite so far is Emily's Ghost, a novel about Emily Bronte and her family. I loved the setting, the prose, the imagined story of Emily's relationship with a young curate who worked with her father.

Ingrid said...

I read so many blog posts that I have no time for reading a book ! But I have read so many in my life, I wouldn't even know what to read ! I came here for the FFF !
The day cares stay open for working parents, who cannot work from home.