Friday, March 27, 2020

Friday's Fave Five #577

Hi everyone!  I'm so sorry this is late.  It has been a stressful week with some very hard and tough decisions that I have had to make and I totally am mixed up in days.  It just dawned on me that it is Friday.  So welcome to a late but still thankful Friday's Fave Five!  During these uncertain times, it may be harder to remain positive. Gratitude is a quick route we can take to a (more) positive mindset. Check out our gratitude lists and then create your own.

~ home ~  this week I am very thankful for home.  A safe sanctuary from all the chaos.  Reading fb posts, I find it very telling on our society how hard we as a whole are finding it to just be at home.  We, with our tv's, internet, gaming systems and every convenience, are finding it so difficult and "boring" to just stay home.My heart is sad for those who do not have a home, or who are stranded away from home right now.  How are you holding up in your home?  Have you been happy to just hide away in your home or are you itching to be out and about doing normal things? 

~ sunshine ~ we've had some lovely days of sunshine here that have allowed us to to get outside and take walks. It's been so good to feel sunshine on our faces!  Thankful for that warmth and to breathe the fresh air.  When we went on a walk on Sunday I commented to Hubby that it just seems that nature was contradicting the chaos that was swirling around humanity with peaceful blue skies and still calming views.   Here in my city people seem to have been pretty good about keeping distance, at least on the trails we have been on.  But I've seen pictures from Calgary where people are just crowded on the walking paths and many reminders have had to go out that even when outside in the fresh air people must maintain distance.  Have you been able to get out and get some fresh air?

~  good movies ~ with being at home more I am thankful that we can partake in a good movie or two to while away the time.  Yesterday Hubby made his delicious popcorn and we enjoyed Just Mercy.  Very good and moving true story.  And we've gone all nostalgic watching the Love Bug movies on Disney.  Blast from my past, I loved them as a kid and we've been getting some laughs and levity from them now to relieve the stress.

We've also been enjoying the first season of The Chosen.  I've watched it twice now and get something more out of it every time.  It so nice to watch something that brings HOPE, FAITH and STRENGTH instead of constantly feeding on fear and anxiety.  I encourage you to watch it, it's very well done.  They will be livestreaming the episodes for free next week on youtube, one each night.  You can go there to set reminders for yourself or you can download the app on google play or apple apps and it will give you instructions on how to get it to whatever tv or device you want and then you can watch it on your own time.   It's a great perspective that tells the gospel through the eyes of the people who's lives were changed by meeting Jesus.

~ the word of God ~  I know I mentioned it last week but this has really been forefront to me during this time so it made the list again.  God's word has bouyed me up this  week and gives hope.  I am thankful to people sharing it on facebook too as it has been reminders through out the day coming up before me.

~ compassion and understanding ~  I have loved the stories of compassion and understanding that have been shared on different forums during this time.  They have been encouraging and uplifting and have made me more aware to also look for opportunities to share that with strangers.

I have been self-isolating this past couple of days and next week due to a bit of a runny nose and slight cough but I'm sure it's my spring allergies kicking in.  But according to guidelines that is what I must do.  I'm hoping to get some deep cleaning done and get some books knocked off my huge pile, though in all honestly, it has been a bit harder to stay focused when reading this last couple of weeks.  But I'm gonna try.  What about you?  Are you still having to work or are you at home?  I pray that you are safe and sound and that this becomes a time when you experience the peace of God that passes all understanding even in the midst of the storm.

What have been your 5 favorite blessings this week?


Barbara Harper said...

I keep thinking, with the calendar cleared and my husband now doing grocery shopping (he likes to get out--I'm happy to stay home), that I should be getting so much more done. But so far that hasn't happened. Of course, my husband and son are both working from home. They're in different rooms, so that helps, but there's a bit more movement and interaction during the day.

I know what you mean--we have more we can do at home than ever before, so we should be ok. I'm an introvert, so the staying at home part is not a problem for me. But I'm sure it's hard for those who need to be with people more. We'll probably all have a little cabin fever when this is over. I'm glad all this didn't happen in the dead of winter when we couldn't go outside sometimes.

I have heard of The Chosen but haven't checked it out yet. It's hard to find Bible-based movies or shows that don't take too much liberty, but I have heard good things about this one.

I've had a drippy nose for weeks, which I am sure is just allergies. No cough, though, so that's good.

Going back again and again to God's Word is the biggest help to me, too. I was comforted when I read in a book recently that dealing with anxiety and worry isn't a one-time event that settles everything. Instead, we have to keep reminding ourselves of God's truth.

Susan said...

While I was sick the past week I had a hard time being in. I think I was worried the flu I had would get worst and end up being Corona virus. But God is good and I am well now and wishing I had felt this way last week so I could have gotten so much done here in my house. But today I have plans to dig in and enjoy being at home. I have found myself in the word even more and one of my FFF's was that I have started a study online with a friend in addition to my usual reading and study of the word. I too am thankful for the sun shine. It makes me hopeful.

Willow said...

Hello from isolation (mostly). We are out every day for walks and once or twice a week for groceries. Fortunately our weather has been mostly sunny. Here too, people are mostly maintaining their distance on our walks.
My Bible Study is always encouraging.
Sending virtual hugs!

Susanne said...

Barabara: The Chosen is a fictional account based on biblical truth. It is like reading a novel based on the life of Christ compared with reading the word straight up. It is not just putting actors to quoting scripture verbatim. So it does use imagination to fill in personalities, gives situations that might have been surrounding the biblical characters. It makes them real in possible real situations. It is written with guidance from biblical and Jewish scholars so that it stays real to the time. You can go on the youtube link I gave and there is lots of short videos from the creator and director on why they wrote things a certain way, who they conferred with, what they are trying to do. The creator/director is Dallas Jenkins who's father co-wrote the Left Behind series. Hope that helps.

Karen said...

We've been outside either taking walks or working in the yard. It's been so nice all week, but we're expecting some light snow later today. I'm welcoming the time to get things organized around here. Today, I'm going to tackle some photo albums.

Be well!

Wendy said...

We are on lockdown but we're coping - we're used to spending time at home. It's hard not being able to see the grandkids but social media helps with that. We can go out once a day for some exercise and we've been doing that - the weather has been co-operating. I hope you are just suffering from allergies. Get well soon and stay safe.

Ingrid said...

We are confined since the mid March and this was our second week ! Normally I would have a lot to do, some decluttering in the whold house especially that we are selling the house and move in an apartment. But everything is on hold, and me as well. I have no energy to do anything but my blog and my photos, but householdwise nothing. Just sitting there between computer and TV and thinking I will do it tomorrow ! My scrabble friends all feel the same. Sometimes I think I am in a movie and I will wake up ! Today our prime minister told us that we are locked in until April 18 ! I hope I will not go mad staying at home all the time is not my thing. Fortunately I met with two of my best friends who live close and we visit each other, do a little walk and chat of course. Fortunately there is Whatsapp so we can call our son and see Toby. But there is nothing to do, this time the whole world sits in the same boat !

ellen b. said...

My sister has been a great advocate of The Chosen. I haven't seen an episode yet. Praying for you during this time of decisions and sadness at the choices you have to make for the health and welfare of everyone. Stay safe and keep the Faith!!

Faith said...

I started watching The Chosen and really liked it. My husband just said Eh. Which is weird because he loves Scriptire!! And it went right along with scripture from what I've seen so far.

Yes I'm working from home but i miss my students, we Re home most likely until at least April 19th. Dave and courtney are now working from home too. I'm allowed to go to classroom as long as in,the building there are only ten of us. We are working on a schedule for next week Am day i have to take required NYS webinars and on line classes in order,to keep getting paid. Special education in a time. Like this is extremely difficult. I'm praying,fervently that all be back to normal by May. Public schools probably not until sept.

I'm having trouble focus No,on reading,too butmhave spent more time in the Scriptures and prayer. I'm missing my weekly trips to the library!! But getting in lotsa of walks like you are.

I'm thankful you're still blogging and doing this FFF!!!

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Susanne - Seems like we are all doing the very best we can to stay strong and healthy during this challenging time. God's word is always a source of comfort. Blessings to you and your family.

nikkipolani said...

I’m thankful the homebound rules have still allowed me to work—and especially now when the garden is starting to bloom. Breaks are taken outside (so glad you are getting some sunshine) and the inconvenience of dodging curious cats while I work has been minimal. While I normally cook all meals from home, there’s something about knowing so many restaurants are closed that feels constricting. I’m sorry you’ve had to close the day home but praying that you’ll be able to resume when safe.