Hello everyone! A little bird told me this afternoon out on our walk that it's Friday. Well, who knew?! I'm telling you I don't know what day it is anymore. My whole routine for everything that used to tell me what day it is, is gone. No going out to church on Sunday (though it is online it's the getting out of the house to go there that marked the day for me), no gym on Monday, Wednesday and Saturday, no small group on Tuesday. No job to keep me connected with the whole Monday to Friday thing. One day is just melting into the next. And I have to admit, I am floundering in remembering where in the week I am. And if I'm being honest my brain is tired. Tired of trying to figure out what each of us in the family qualifies for in emergency funding, tired of thinking thru the social distancing and how it pertains to immediate family, trying to think things through on the dayhome end. So with that in mind, I will just put it out here now that FFF might not be up first thing in the morning for the foreseeable future until I can get a new routine going in my life and release some of this stress. But it will make it up at some point on the Friday. And it is Friday today still, so with that we pause in the crazy and remember to look for our blessings in our everyday.
~ friends who check in ~ I am so grateful for friends who when they've heard that something major has changed in your life take the time to check in with you and make sure you are doing ok. I hope I am also a friend like that and pray that my ears are in tune to hear when someone says something to alert me to the fact they may need a call.
~ people willing to help ~ Our church has gone the Zoom way in doing small groups until this pandemic passes. With that comes a learning curve for those of us who lead the small groups. And if you are techy challenged it can be quite daunting to figure things out. I am very thankful for a lady in church who volunteered to walk everyone through who needs it. She spent a half hour with me on Sunday and then we had a Zoom meeting with the leaders on Monday. She has been so helpful.
~ calming cups of tea ~ I have been enjoying some calming cups of tea on these cooler evenings this week. Everything from earl grey, peppermint, peanut butter cup, green tea with vitamin C booster and chai. I don't know what it is about tea but I find it soothing.
~ bbq burgers ~ funny how when you can't access certain things you start to crave them. I was really craving burgers and though fast food drive thrus are still open we are reluctant to use them. So hubby broke out the grill early this year and made us bbq burgers for supper. Yum!
~ hand lotion ~ Oh my goodness, I am so thankful for having several bottles of good hand lotion in the house. With all the handwashing we've been doing I can't get enough of the stuff. My favorite right now is a french pear scented one.
What are you thankful for this week? What has blessed you, lifted you up, relieved the stress, made you smile?
Who knew hand lotion would be such a great commodity right now. Ugh! It is so hard to know what day of the week it is right now. Glad you are finding moments of peace and encouragement!
Well i DO have to work on,site in,the classroom,for 5'hrs amday down from 6.5 and the governor just took our spring break away for the week of Easter which none of us are happy about. I'm quite upset over the fact that the school k-12 have done not much at all and yet ohmthe special ed level for preK we have busted our butts for the last two weeks preparing lessons and learning videos and i myself put together learning kits to deliver to homes so our students' IEP goals can be met and now we don't even get our vacation time. It's disheartening.
But there are blessings and i did write them out. Trying to stay positive and in prayer but it's getting harder. I cant even concentrate on reading this week.
Your list sounds positive and I'm thankful for Grub Hub and doordash as we likemto order food and have it delivered. So far all has been fine
Your tea collection sounds very yummy,
Have a safe restful weekend
I know what you mean. Our Saturdays and Sundays are different from weekdays (though still different from what they used to be), but on weekdays, I have to keep checking my phone to see what day it is. I’ve experienced a strange sort of malaise and sometimes am having a hard time concentrating. I’m reading the same from others. I guess there are just so many new things to think about and be concerned about, our brains are still overloaded even when we’re not consciously thinking about those things.
Our church is small enough to use Zoom for Sunday morning. It was challenging enough to me just to log in and participate- I can’t imagine trying to lead. I’m glad you had a tech-savvy person to help and that we have guys like that in our church.
I almost put lotion as a fave, too. I have dry skin anyway, and all this washing would do me in if not for lotion.
Take care, rest up, give yourself space and grace. We’ll get through this.
I meant to add we’re the same way with fast food. Drive-throughs are open, but we just feel that’s another layer of possibility that someone working on the food might be infected. We got Papa Murphy’s Pizza one night because we cook it at home after they make it, so that would kill anything. I’m going to ask my husband to look for a couple of heat-and-eat convenience meals at the store for a break from cooking. He grilled chicken last week. Burgers sound really good, though!
Hi Suzanne. I totally get losing track of time. I was later getting my Friday Faves up today too. Sounds like things are going as well as can be expected in your neck of the woods too. This is a brand new thing for everyone to navigate, so I think we all need to be especially kind to and forgiving of ourselves. Have a good weekend!
Great list. Hand lotion - yes! I am so confused about the days, too. Working helps some, but schedules are all different now, so I work when it's necessary rather than following the days. We were doing some take-out, but I'm a bit reluctant to do that now, too. For one thing, I don't need the bigger meals! Now that the weather is nicer, I'm looking forward to getting outside again.
I have been so busy at home the past few days that I forgot to put in my Friday's Fave Five on my blog. But I have enjoyed looking at the others and will participate next week if I don't do it in about an hour. I was just thanking God for my lotion yesterday. It truly is a blessing.
I think many of us are struggling to keep track of what day it is. And faced with the additional burdens of trying to work out how to survive financially just adds to your challenges. I'm glad you found some down time though and yes hand lotions! I've never creamed my hands so much EVER. Being sort of retired myself and hubby partially retired, staying home hasn't been hard for us really. Although staying home together ....lol. Stay well Susanne.
I get the 'what day is it, again?' syndrome. I think we all have it since our schedules have been disrupted.
I find tea soothing, too. Like you, I've been drinking a lot of it.
And yes, we are all thankful for our lotion! (will it be the next hoarding/grabbing all you can get thing?)
Be well!
It is a disorienting time. Glad you are finding blessings to recount and hanging in there with the confusion and added stress.
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