Updated to add Laura's & Gail's picture request! You know I knew Laura was going to ask for pics even as I was hitting the publish button! LOL.
1. Baskets. To be more specific, baskets that I got for half price. I've been eyeing and drooling over these babies ever since they made their first appearance in Costco at the beginning of summer. Everytime I went in there I kept thinking of all the different uses I could put them to. I even ooh and aahed over them when I saw them in the Costco in Kelowna on holidays. Hubby said to get them if I wanted them that badly. But something held me back. Even last Sunday when I was there with my sis, we sat and admired them but then turned and walked away without them in the buggy. And then I ran in for a gift and there they were. At half price. It's enough to make me giddy! Now they are filled with wonderful things like throw blankets in the living room, childrens library books beside the couch. Gotta love it!

2. The smell of this collection from Bath and Body Works. And you know, I don't even have a Bath and Body Works in Southern Alberta, and they don't ship to Canada (what's up with that?!) but I am ultra blessed with dayhome parents who buy me gifts from there everytime they go to the States. I've tried several but this Midnight Pomegranite is one of my faves.
3. The sound of baby's laughter. I've got a new little one in dayhome and I tell you, their belly laughs get me every time. It's got to be the best sound in the whole world.
4. How could I not mention spending time with my youngest and attending this. Too fun and great memories!
5. I found a favorite quote for this week. I love quotes. I keep a collection of them as I find them in a special journal. They bring me laughter and nuggets of wisdom. This week I ran across this one and now I can't even remember where. Good thing I wrote the quote itself down. LOL.
"God's Word is always for the purpose of bringing GOOD. Just like God, His Word prioritizes GOODNESS over GLADNESS because God knows that GOODNESS ULTIMATELY BRINGS GLADNESS." - Beth Moore
So what was your Favorite Five things from this past week. Share with us in a post and link up!
Good morning Susanne! I don't think I've ever seen anything at costco for 1/2 price !!!
Good for you. Midnight Pomegranite sounds so exotic. Fun stuff this week...
I am a basket fanatic! Love um!
I agree with Ellen. Midnight Pomegranite does sound exotic - I will have to check that one out!
So glad you had a great time at the CI - WOW would that have been an experience!!
The laughter of a baby is one of life's blessings.
Oh you are such a tease, how can you talk about baskets and not show us a picture. Must see picture!!
b&bw rock!
can it be 5 of the same thing? lol I've got 5 pictures up today... but i love all 5 of them! :)
Happy Friday!
Don't think I've tried that pomegranite one from Bath and Body yet, but like several others they have! I've had my daughter's toddler this week and when she gets tickled, she just cackles and cackles and it is too cute!
No pics of the baskets?! Maybe another post!
Those are five very nice things! And I love how waiting for the baskets you wanted got you them for HALF price - that's great!
Did I mention my girl works at a Bath and Body Works?!
Hey, you've got me wishing I could see your lovely baskets! I do have a Bath & Body Works and now have to see what Midnight Pomegranate smells like. Happy Friday and thanks for hosting :-)
Oh I love baby laughs. I'm missing my own new boy's giggles!
p.s., Lana G's linky doesn't work - clicking on it goes to Susanne's site.
What an awesome fave five list! Those baskets are gorgeous. Isn't God good in leading you in the right timing on them? You know I'm going to agree on a baby's belly laughs. I can't get enough of that.
Happy Friday, Susanne, and have a GREAT weekend! :0)
Oh I LOVE the baskets! They work good for so many things don't they...and half price, enough to make you swoon!
isn't is just a crime that Bath and Bodyworks doesn't ship to Canada?????
I love that stuff but of course don't get it too often. I do have a friend that has a US mailing address that I could use if I wanted and then he could just bring it to me. Hmmm...I havent' thought about that in along time, I think I might have to do that very soon.. that Pomegranite sounds wonderful
Great faves! Have a great weekend!
That pomegranite stuff looks like something I'm going to have to check out!
I LOVE baskets!!
I haven't tried the Midnite Pomegranite yet...I'll check it out next tim I'm in the mall.
I posted something else today and don't have time to do the fave 5 but I'll try to do it again next week.
Have a wonderful weekend
Baby laughs are the best! Well, any child's laugh really. My nephew just learnt to laugh last month and new he's on vacation for with his mom. I miss him terribly.....oh and my sister too I guess! :)
I have some of that lotion too, I always put lots of bath & body stuff on Izzy! IT does smell really great.
Patience really paid off on those baskets, they're great, don't think I could have waited. Love b&bw shower gel. Thanks for hosting. Have a great weekend!
Great baskets Susanne :)
LOVE the baskets!! You do realize that now I will not rest until I have baskets like that of my very own. So jealous. The good news is that I'll be at a Costco on Sept 26th. Woohoo. I hope they still have some left for us basket die hards :)
I have too try pomegranite and I love backets . good answers,marina
How cool to get them half-price. Patience IS a virtue.
I love these kinds of posts. They really show tidbits of you that may or not be seen otherwise.
A good baby belly laugh does wonders to the spirit... every single time!
(Congrats on the beautiful buy! Definitely a favorite deal.)
Hi Susanne ;-)
The Belly Laughs are great nothing else compares to it.Did you know that Bath and Body Works is coming to Canada.Edmonton is one location .Yippee!!!! I love love the baskets from Costco exactly what I want for various things.Thanks for you comments on the blog :) I just stood by Rob and held my camera at an angle to get the pictures of McKenna..So no harm done to Mum.
Those baskets are beautiful. Good for you for waiting. I can't do that so well.
This is great! I have not seen Favorite Friday yet. I may join in next time.
Love the baskets
Love the Bath and Body works lotion
Love the quote!
....also love Costco.
Just wanted to let you know I have my post scheduled and ready to go for Friday morning. I will be participating! ;)
The Merry Meyers
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