Friday, January 17, 2025

Friday's Fave Five #821

Hi everyone and Happy Friday.  Last night when I usually write this post, I was fighting off a horrible headache which made just being on the computer difficult.  So I cried uncle and gave up for the evening.  Seeing as this post goes up at 12 a.m. Friday morning and you Easterners will be ahead of me, I'll have to join in when I can on Friday morning.  But you guys go ahead and get started.  See you soon.


Hi again.  I'm back and feeling much better this morning.  We had a horrible wind yesterday and I woke up with that brain fog kind of headache that comes with air pressure changing, big temperature change type of wind we get around here.  And sure enough we had a huge drop in temperature and some snow overnight.  But back to our purpose of being here.  I'm ready to ponder and be thankful for the blessings of the last week.

~ steal of a deal ~ My down puffer jacket somehow got some stains on it that I have tried since last season to remove and though it did fade it didn't totally disappear so I've been on the hunt for another one.  Missed out on them from C*stco in the fall because I just wasn't thinking of it then so have been keeping my eye out.  I found an LLBean one at Winners (Canada's TJMaxx) for 1/4 of the price that they were on the website.   Just because it was last year's color.  And bonus my hubby had given me a gift card for the store for Christmas.  I love the thrill of a great deal on a quality item.  

~ supportive work help ~ there was an issue that arose with work and I was so thankful for supportive help from the agency.  It's nice to know that when help is need it is available and respectful and understanding.  The ladies who run the agency I'm contracted with have been in the business for many, many years and have all that wisdom that comes with experience and are so helpful with all the ins and outs of dealing with gov't and policies and parents and providers.  So thankful for them.  

~ checking in texts from my daughter ~ my sweet youngest daughter has been checking in with me regularly just to make sure I'm doing ok.  Sometimes the hardest days after a parent passes are when the busyness of everything is over and things get quieter.  It's so thoughtful of her to be thinking of me in the midst of her own grief.  

~ back to a semblance of routine ~ while I love the holidays and everything that goes with it this last December was a tough one with all routine and normal everyday thrown out the window for the whole month.  This last has been one of getting back to a more normal everyday routine and rhythm.  And it is doing my physical and mental state a whole lot of good.

~ grace from my sweet hair stylist ~ I always book a few months ahead with my stylist because I can only go Saturdays and she fills up fast on that day of the week.  At my last appointment, I had booked for this month, but in all the chaos of what was going on, I neglected to put it in my phone calendar.  And I also somehow unsubscribed from the reminder service.  So Saturday I'm sitting around, having slept in for the first time in weeks thinking I was going to do a whole lot of nothing on Saturday morning when I got a text from her asking if I was just running late or if I had forgotten.  Yikes.  Good thing the salon is like literally 2 minutes away.  I've never thrown clothes on so fast.  I still ended up being 20 minutes late but she was so graceful about it knowing everything that had been going on.  She didn't make rebook but took me at the time I arrived.  So thankful for her.  

I am so thankful to God for the everyday small graces that all add up to make wonderful days.  They may not be perfect days but the grace and touch of God to get us through even the hardest of times is there if we are but open to see them.  My prayer is that in the coming year our eyes and hearts are even more open to see the touch of God in our ordinary everydays.  Thanks for sticking with me through not only the past month but, for some of you, through the many years of Friday's Fave Five!  


aspiritofsimplicity said...

I hope you are feeling better when you get up in the morning. Thank you for posting early. I am one of the easterners and am probably on my way to work when you wake up. Also, I wanted to say that you are in my prayers. I still think of my mother every day even though it's been over 3 years.

Faith said...

I had a horrible headache most of Wednesday so can totally relate. I hope yours is better now I'm finding that I need to reduce iphone usage. Is that a new Yancey book????!!!! Omgosh that is one we DO NOT have. We have like almost all his books. My fave continues to be What's So Amazing About Grace? i honestly think all Christians should read it.
See you soon

ellen b. said...

The shepherding care of our Lord and Savior is always with us. It was good to read your thankfuls. Glad your headache subsided.

Faith said...

I'm so glad your hair stylist had grace for you. Mine is the same way. The bigger fancier salons in town definitely are NOT like that!
I'm glad your headache is gone and that you had some great help from the daycare agency. And yay for youngest girl checking in with you. I've also been wondering how you're doing/grieving but didn't wanna bug you with emails. Just know I"ve been keeping you all in prayer.

Willow said...

I'm glad you are feeling better now.
You can't go wrong with a good and gracious hair stylist. Mine is like that, too.
It is hard to find a really good agency to work with sometimes. Yours sounds like it is a good fit for you. That is truly a blessing.
Have a good weekend and stay WARM!

nikkipolani said...

Glad you are recovering from that bad headache!

How lovely to find just what you need at a price you love.

I think you were wary of the new arrangement for work, but it's so good to hear that you are finding good help for your need.

You did good with that girl of yours -- her thoughtfulness and care are precious traits.

Susan said...

Hi Susanne, I agree, thank God for small graces. That was nice that your hair lady texted you. It takes time as you grieve the loss. Holidays can be hard. You do need extra rest. I tend to keep busy, but I do make time to rest. Have restful weekend!

Karen said...

I love what you wrote about small graces. It's so true and for me it's what FFF is all about. I can't thank you enough for getting me started with this practice in my life.

I'm glad you have a good support system in your job, that makes such a big difference. And, that you are surrounded by kindness, the hairdresser, your lovely daughter. It helps to know that people are there that you can lean into during the hard times.

It sounds like we're sharing a freezing spell with you for the next few days. Stay warm!

Ingrid said...

I know through what you went ! You lost your mum, I lost the love of my life, it will be 3 years,end June but I feel still lost. But grief is grief for anybody you have loved including our animals.

Barbara Harper said...

So glad you're feeling better. My husband used to get massive headaches during air pressure changes. It just occurred to me he hasn't in a while--I'm not sure why not, I'm but grateful.

What a great deal on the jacket! We have trouble finding winter clothes in January--which is silly, because we still have cold weather for three months.

So thankful your stylist understood and got you in. A good haircut makes such a difference.

That's sweet of your daughter to continue check in with you. Grief lasts so much longer than people often think.

Melanie said...

I know about those temperature and barometric changes. They play havoc on my fibromyalgia and also sinuses. I'm glad your headache finally left.
It's so good that your daughter checks in on you. When a loved one dies, you get so much attention and things are busy. But, it's when life for others go back to normal and you're still struggling with grief that it can feel very lonely.
Thank goodness for an understanding hair stylist. I have to put appointments in a couple different places to remind myself.
Stay warm in your new coat. We're getting a winter chill here too.

Wendy said...

I'm glad you were feeling better and able to do your post. And that you managed to get your hair done - I always find it uplifting. Good too that you have support to call on when there are issues around your daycare. I'm sure everything feels harder at the moment as you grieve but thoughtful of your daughter to check up on you. Hoping you're having a restful weekend.