Friday, January 24, 2025

Friday's Fave Five #822

Welcome to Friday's Fave Fives everyone.  This week just flew by so I'm glad I have this exercise to help me to take note of blessings that God sent into my life during the week.  On weeks like this I need the intentionality of hitting that pause button and slowing down and taking note otherwise one day just melts into the next.  Please join with me as we develop a mindset of looking for blessings in our everyday, ordinary days.

~ one educational course done ~ with my work I'm required to attend six training opportunities a year.  I finished the first for 2025 last night, a 2 hour zoom workshop on stress and self care titled Calm in the Chaos: Importance of Self Care for Early Childhood Educators.  It was pretty good, a lot of it I already knew but it was good to be reminded and the speaker had some good thoughts, suggestions and strategies.  It was on zoom so I could stay home in my comfy clothes and we weren't even required to have our camera on though we did have to answer a few questions at the end to prove we had been listening.  So all in all a good first session to start the year and I've got one done.  

~ easy week ~ an easy day at work is a blessing.  A whole week of it is heaven.  All week I've been down 2-3 children each day so the days have naturally been a bit more calm and easier all around.  I've needed it and I am thankful for it.

~ some donating done ~ though a hard task,  I was able to work my way through the bins of Mom's clothing and get it all sorted either for tossing or for donating.   It was a task I was not looking forward to but neither did I want to sit on a bunch of bins of clothing.  By God's grace the task went easier than I thought it might and I was able to make quick decisions. 

~ snail mail ~ the only thing I ever really get in the mail anymore these days is flyers and bills so it was a lovely surprise to get a note from Faith this week.  Apparently, thanks to the Canada post strike that went on forever before Christmas, it took a long time to get here but the words were no less encouraging and uplifting.  

~ birthday lunch ~  my friend's birthday is in November and mine is in December.  We just could not get together in either of those months and were finally able to go have a nice lunch together on Saturday.  It's a blessing  to be able to celebrate each other's birthdays together.

What were your favorite blessings of the week?


aspiritofsimplicity said...

That zoom workshop sounds wonderful. I'm not sure if you know this but I work with toddlers as well. I'm going to look for a workshop like that down here in the states.

Faith said...

Well I am SO glad the letter could be encouraging and that it finally got there! The post office did warn me it might take a bit but I didn't think it would take THAT long!
Love that you had an easier week and that one of the requirements is over for you. I could teach that Self Care course. :) I hope Canadians respect the career of Early Childhood Educators more than than USA people do.
How fun to finally get together with your friend and celebrates the birthdays. My friend Lynn and I still need to do this....our birthdays are 2 weeks apart in Dec and we just haven't had a chance yet
Glad the chore of going through your mum's stuff is over.
Have a cozy, relaxing weekend.

Barbara Harper said...

Good work getting the educational course done! I'm glad sorting through your mom's clothes went more easily than expected. Yay for an easy week and an unexpected card! How fun to get together with your friend and celebrate your birthdays.

Deb in Utah said...

Hi Susanne. So glad you had a good week. Sounds like you got some important things checked -off your "to do" list and that always feels good. The class you took sounds interesting. Lunch with a friend is always fun and relaxing. Sounds like your week went pretty well. Now enjoy the weekend! See you again soon!

ellen b. said...

How nice that you had a quieter week of day care. That's a task well done and behind you for sure sorting your mom's stuff. Hope you have a peaceful weekend.

Willow said...

Congrats on getting that first session finished. And having a quieter week in the daycare was certainly refreshing.
Glad you got some of the sorting out of your mom's things done (I remember...)
Have a good weekend and stay warm!

nikkipolani said...

That time flying by thing is starting to feel a bit alarming. I, too, am so glad for Friday's Faves. Thanks for continuing to post it through all these years.

The coincidence of your educational course and the calmer week = win!

That sorting and donating must've loomed in your mind. Good for you for getting through it.

Sometimes those delayed get togethers are the best.

Susan said...

Good that you were able to go through some of your moms' things and have some peace about it. That is nice that Faith send you some snail mail. Glad you had a lighter work week and lunch with your friend!

Ingrid said...

I see you are going to the same things I had to do ! Giving or throwing away clothes. The T-shirts I kept as pyjamas for summer. It's nice that you could stay home for this conference, I haven't been out since 2 weeks it is too humid for me and we have many flu patients and the hospitals are full.

Karen said...

I'm glad you had a good week. Snail mail is such a treat. I'm trying to be better about sending it. I remember sorting through my mom's things and all the emotions it brings up. Sending you a hug.

Wendy said...

Well done on getting your first training session done and sorting out your Mum's things. I know how hard that is. But sounds like you had a good week overall. Enjoy the weekend.