Friday, January 24, 2025

Friday's Fave Five #822

Welcome to Friday's Fave Fives everyone.  This week just flew by so I'm glad I have this exercise to help me to take note of blessings that God sent into my life during the week.  On weeks like this I need the intentionality of hitting that pause button and slowing down and taking note otherwise one day just melts into the next.  Please join with me as we develop a mindset of looking for blessings in our everyday, ordinary days.

~ one educational course done ~ with my work I'm required to attend six training opportunities a year.  I finished the first for 2025 last night, a 2 hour zoom workshop on stress and self care titled Calm in the Chaos: Importance of Self Care for Early Childhood Educators.  It was pretty good, a lot of it I already knew but it was good to be reminded and the speaker had some good thoughts, suggestions and strategies.  It was on zoom so I could stay home in my comfy clothes and we weren't even required to have our camera on though we did have to answer a few questions at the end to prove we had been listening.  So all in all a good first session to start the year and I've got one done.  

~ easy week ~ an easy day at work is a blessing.  A whole week of it is heaven.  All week I've been down 2-3 each day so the days have naturally been a bit more calm and easier all around.  I've needed it and I am thankful for it.

~ some donating done ~ though a hard task,  I was able to work my way through the bins of Mom's clothing and get it all sorted either for tossing or for donating.   It was a task I was not looking forward to but neither did I want to sit on a bunch of bins of clothing.  By God's grace the task went easier than I thought it might and I was able to make quick decisions. 

~ snail mail ~ the only thing I ever really get in the mail anymore these days is flyers and bills so it was a lovely surprise to get a note from Faith this week.  Apparently, thanks to the Canada post strike that went on forever before Christmas, it took a long time to get here but the words were no less encouraging and uplifting.  

~ birthday lunch ~  my friend's birthday is in November and mine is in December.  We just could not get together in either of those months and were finally able to go have a nice lunch together on Saturday.  It's a blessing  to be able to celebrate each other's birthdays together.

What were your favorite blessings of the week?

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