Friday, August 09, 2024

Friday's Fave Five #798

Hi everyone and happy Friday to you all!  I'm sorry I didn't get around to reading everyone's FFF from last week.  I'm having a real issue with my new lenses in my glasses and I can barely focus on the computer screen.  My eyes get blurry and fatigued very quickly so I've been avoiding having to read too much on the computer.  I can type up what I have to but proof reading is a no go.   I have to go get them checked but until I can figure out where to start with that being on the computer is hard on my eyes.  The guy Ipve gone to for years and got these lenses from in June retired at the end of June and no one took over his business so I have to find someone who can help me out.  But in spite of it all, Friday still comes around and it's time for Friday's Fave Five.  Let's get to finding our favorite five blessings in our week.

~ tire issue caught before departure ~ Our older daughter was down for a visit all last week from a province away.  The day she was to return home, Hubby found a major issue with one of her tires.  Like a scary, must be dealt with immediately type of issue.  I am so grateful he noticed it.  She ended up having to stay an extra day in order to get new tires on her vehicle.  Also grateful that we were able to find somewhere that could sell and install them as it was a long weekend here in Canada and most tire shops are closed.  And thankful that she had no major commitments and she could stay the extra day.  And very grateful she didn't have a major blowout on drive to our home at the beginning of the week.   So much to e thankful for in point it can almost make up the Fave Five.

~ cool down this week ~ This week the weather cooled down significantly which was really nice after so many weeks of heat warnings.  It's just the beginning of August so next week will trend hotter again but it was nice to not have to run the ac continuously.  Though I'm thankful we have it I much prefer to have windows open.  

~ haircut and color ~ Boy was I in need of it.  I think I went a week longer than usual because of vacation days and when you have short hair that week is a long time.  LOL.  

~ thoughtful gift ~ at pick up time one of the parents showed up with a lovely bouquet of flowers because in her words, "Everyone needs flowers once in awhile".  The thoughtfulness really blessed me.

~ less in numbers ~ This week there were less children attending dayhome due to family vacations.  This was a blessing because coming off a vacation myself, though it was a staycation, is always hard for me.  My natural body rhythm leans more towards going to bed around 11:30/12:00 and sleeping till 7:30 but with work I have t be up at 6 a.m. so that means getting to bed earlier too.  It's amazing how quickly my body goes right back to what is more natural for it at the first opportunity.   But I'm also thankful because it was all the older kids that are on holidays which means the littles that were here all napped which gives me a break and down time in the day.  Something that doesn't happen when non-nappers are here. 

What have been your favorite blessings of the week?


Susan said...

Hi Susanne, I am a late bird and I remember how hard it was to have to get up early to drive into work with my husband. He still gets up early. I understand your eye issue. I just got new glasses about 6 months ago and I can tell my right eye is not seeing as well. I think I will need to have cataract surgery in the near future. I hope you have a relaxing weekend!

Anonymous said...

What a blessing that your daughter was able to get new tires and return home safely! We have had low numbers at the school where I work as well. I work with the toddlers but the Montessori school where I work goes up to 8th grade and is open in the summer.

Faith said...

Oh Susanne!! Praise God your husband noticed the tires and the issue!! And thank God she was able to get to a place where it could be taken care of.
I totally know what you mean about hair cuts and having the shorter trendier cuts.....that week is important! hahah (i'm growing out my color though and am almost to the point of being totally silver!!)
How wonderful that your littles were able to nap and the older children were on vacations. A huge blessing to ease back into your work week.
We're having 2 days of hard rain here but it's much cooler although still a bit humid. starting tomorrow we are supposed to see much dryer air move in and SUNNY DAYS for the entire week ahead. I'm thankful because July here was so dry, hot and humid. Hot as in 90s and we needed the central air more than in previous years. I'm all for August summers here in NY....cooler, drier and sunny warmth but not to where we need AC. All of my windows have been open since Tuesday night and we are loving it.

happy weekend!!

Barbara H. said...

Oh wow--so happy for all of #1. Thank the Lord your husband saw the tire issue and she didn't have problems with it on the way there.

It's a relief to have some cool weather in August. And how nice not to have the full group at day care so you could ease back into work. I tend to be a night owl, too.

How sweet to receive flowers "just because!"

Melanie said...

I hope you can find an eye doctor you're comfortable with soon. Blurry vision is no fun.
That's a blessing that your daughter's tire problem was found before she left.
We're in a slight cool down here in TN for at least a week. I'm ready for fall for sure!
I'm glad you were able to ease back into work after your staycation. When I was a nurse, I was up at 5 am every work day and hated it. Now Apollo has me up, waiting for breakfast at 7:30.
Have a great weekend!

ellen b. said...

I do hope you get that lens issue corrected soon. Oh boy, that was a good catch by your husband to see the tire issue. Take it easy!

Wendy said...

Sorry to hear you are having such problems with your glasses. I do hope you can find someone soon and get everything sorted. And wow what a relief that the tire issue was spotted and fixed! Have a good weekend Susanne.

Gattina said...

That was real luck that your husband realized that there was something with the tires ! How awful to have a break down in the middle of nowhere ! Be careful with your eyes, they are so precious. I have the same, all my specialist and my doctor aged too, like me and are retired and if they are working they do it the "old" school. I prefer then to replace them ! I also have to go to the eye doctor, because my view changed.

Willow said...

Oh that must have been a scare to realize your girl almost drove off with a tire problem. So glad with you that your hubby discovered it before she left.
I tend to be a night owl too.11:30-12 at night. Then I can sleep soundly for my 7-8 hours.
Hope your lens issue is solved soon.
Have a good weekend!