Tuesday, August 13, 2024

August Reading Possibilites

July has come and gone and here we are almost in the middle of August.  I finished 2 books off my 2024 reading goal pile and listened to 2 audiobooks.  Not bad.  For some reason I am not getting as much summer reading time as I would like so far, probably has to do with my glasses giving me issues,  but I'm going to try and remedy that in August.  The first week of August was lots of family over so that was a bust for a lot of reading but hopefully with the weeks left there will be some good reading time.  This month I mostly chose books that had some kind of summer theme or cover. I really miss reading when I can't get some in at least every day.  What about you?  Do you miss reading if you miss a lot of days in a row?


PURCHASED FICTION  (reading goal for 2024)

          ~ That Summer in Berlin by Lecia Cornwall (finished)
          ~ A Great Country by Shipi Somaya Gowda
          ~ A Piece of the Moon by Chris Fabry
          ~ This Tender Land by William Kent Krueger
          ~ Code Name Helene by Ariel Lawhon


          ~ Ribbon of  Years by Robin Lee Hatcher (a favorite re-read I'm feeling the need to pick up)
          ~ The Summer Sisters by Sara Richardson
          ~ People We Meet On Vacation by Emily Henry


          ~ When You Love a Prodigal by Judy Douglass (continue as a study)
          ~ A Woman Who Trusts God by Debbie Alsdorf  (trust is my 2024 word) 


          ~ The Divine Proverb of Struesel by Sara Brusnvold (finished)
          ~ Making it So by Patrick Stewart   DNF'd  (lost interest about 1/3 of the way thru when the 
                                                                     f-bombs started to fly and generally found it uninteresting)

Anything interesting on your list this month?


Barbara H. said...

I've read a number of Fabry's book, but somehow that one never appealed to me. I was afraid Stewart's book would be like that.

I've just started one by Pepper Basham, someone I've never read before, that is starting out really good: Hope Between the Pages.

Faith said...

I've seen the one about summer in berlin on the library new book shelves but haven't heard of any of the others. I read a book about summer sisters once but it wasn't that one. On my list this month is the one I'm currently reading which i highly recommend: The Reformatory, an historical fiction account of the author's great uncle who lived in 1950 Jim Crow Florida. VERY heart breaking and important. I also have two lighter reads on my nightstand from the library: The Teacher, and All The Dangerous Things, both by authors that were recommended to me via Storygraph. I'm also skimmingthrough Joyce Meyer's book How to Love People who are hard to love in preparation for leading a women's small group this fall when I will read it along with the women who sign up. I'm hoping to get at least 8 ladies. I'm STILL waiting for The Women by Kristen Hannah. Still on the wait list hahahah When I asked for it at the library there were 67 people ahead of me. that was back in like May!