Friday, August 02, 2024

Friday's Fave Five #797

Hello everyone and happy August!  I can hardly believe we are into the 2nd half of the year!  First off I just want to apologize for not getting to commenting much last week.  I'm on vacation this week and have had  family visiting since last week so computer time has purposefully been very limited.   This will be a quick little FFF for me but I still didn't want to miss the opportunity to take note of the blessings in my week.  Please join in with us if you never have before.

~ family visits ~ of course the best blessing this week has been my adult kids all making it down to visit at some point this week.  The times when all of us can make it at the same time seem so few and far between that I am especially grateful for them making the effort.  Though it was a bit of juggling with schedules they all ended up here at the same time over 3 days.  My daughter who lives furthest away has been able to stay all week so that has been wonderful.

~ Waterton trip ~ Waterton is a national park in our province and one of our family's favorite day trips.  We made sure we went at least once a year as the kids were growing up so when they all were here this week we made sure to spend a day.  A light lunch in our traditional spot by the creek, a hike up to Blakiston Falls and Red Rock Canyon followed up by the traditional end of day ice cream cone left us full, tired and happy.  The day was perfectly warm without being extremely hot and sunny.  We have to make sure the day won't be blistering hot as since the fire a few years back there is not much for shade on a lot of the trails and it's very easy to overly heated especially our black, long haired pooch.  I love doing traditional family things.  It fills my cup.

~ bike rides ~ On Saturday, my son's girlfriend also joined us and they had brought their bikes with them so we enjoyed a gorgeous bike ride on the trail in the river bottom where the pelicans fish.  Another absolutely perfect day that we all enjoyed. 

~ stunning sunset ~ we've had some incredible sunsets this summer and I was able to capture this one from the top of the coulees.  God is an artist and I just am mesmerized by the beauty of some of these we've been enjoying this year.

~ time off ~ though it is a staycation year I have thoroughly soaked in this week of family and rest.  Sometimes when we go away on vacation we are so busy trying to fit things in that I come back needing a vacation from my vacation.  This week has been good for body and soul with having no agendas and taking it a moment at a time.  So thankful for this gift.

What have been your favorite blessings from the past week?


Susan said...

Those are great pictures!!! I love being out in nature. Sharing it with family has to be so special!

Faith said...

It sounds like a perfect staycation!! Although we love to travel, some of our best times have been the road trips during a staycation. I'm thrilled for you that all 3 "kids" could be with you.

I love the look of that national park!! There are so many trails to explore! I'd love to get out your way one day for sure. The hiking looks superb and very similar to our mountains.

I hope you have a relaxing weekend before your daycare children come back.

Barbara Harper said...

That's so wonderful your kids got to be there for a few days! Sounds like a great, restful vacation.

Wendy said...

A staycation with your family sounds perfect. Have a good weekend Susanne.

Melanie said...

What a wonderful staycation you had! Having family is the best. Waterton looks lovely, especially the waterfall. I hope to get into walking more of the trails in the Great Smoky Mtn National Park this next year.
Have a great weekend.

ellen b. said...

Your time with family sounds so nice, Susanne! Glad they could all gather for this time of fun and relaxation! Truly a wonderful gift. Happy August to you.

nikkipolani said...

Those are really wonderful traditions -- so glad you could do it together during your time off. And Tux too!

Staycations are my favorite for actually having some time to rest. Beautiful sunsets and God's handiwork and family. Perfect.

Karen said...

It sounds like a wonderful week! I know how special it is to have all the grownup kids home together. It doesn't happen often for us, either. I love the family photo.

Enjoy the weekend!

Willow said...

Staycations are often more restful that traveling. But biking is always a fave.
Your tradition of going to a national park sounds like a good idea. Now I'm thinking what kind of tradition I can encourage.
Gorgeous sunset!

Gattina said...

How nice that you could see your "children" during the holidays ! I think there are such a lot of beautiful things around us, that even I didn't want to travel abroad. There are so many things happening, cancelled airplanes, too hot weather, storms, train strikes, and I just don't want to get bothered when I can avoid it. My son sits in Switzerland on his trip to Italy, with wife, son and dog ! The car broke down and as it is the weekend they are blocked there everything is closed on weekends in Switzerland, except the hospitals. That would be too much for me.