Friday, July 19, 2024

Friday's Fave Five #795

Welcome to Friday's Fave Five.  This is our little spot to share 5 blessing from the past week.  We take a pause in our busy lives and intentionally take note of those things that God brought around to uplift us.  It doesn't have to be a big, dynamic thing, like say a European cruise, but it can be.  Most likely it is something simple like the hug of a child, or encouraging words or a moment you enjoyed.  Please join us as we develop a heart of gratitude.  Please join us.

~stunning sunsets ~ we've had some stunners lately.  I can't get enough of them.  So thankful for eyes to see the artistic handiwork of God.

~ rain ~  it has been a heat wave all week but yesterday some thunderstorms brought some rain which was very badly needed and cooled the night off a bit.  

~ early morning walks ~ because it's been so hot, I've been walking the dog at 6:30 in the morning.  If you know me at all, you know I am not a morning person.  It takes me a bit to get going in the morning but instead of sitting watching a half hour of the news with a cup of coffee I've pushed myself to get out that door with the pooch.  Once I'm out there I've actually enjoyed it.  Will it become a habit?  Not sure but, with more heat warnings out, I'm hoping to get out there daily.

~ free books ~ a local bookstore had their annual book exchange event where you can bring in up to 5 like new condition books and trade them for ones others have left.  They "prime the pump", so to speak, by starting things off with a couple dozen books and it just goes on all day.  I couldn't go until after work, their last half hour, but I still managed to snag 2 books that were actually on my list, and 2 others that sounded good.  

~ air conditioning ~ in this extended heat wave I am so very thankful for air conditioning and I know I am privileged to have it.  

What have been your favorite blessings this week?


Susan said...

Hi Susanne, that is a beautiful sunset! I am not a morning person either. I love to be out, but the mosquitoes are out there too. Good that you found some books. I need to get to our local library. My grands are coming over today and maybe I will take them to the used bookstore there. We will be over 100 this Saturday and hot the rest of the week so yes to AC! Have a great weekend and stay cool!

Wendy said...

I'm not a morning person either Susanne but having had a grandson here for a couple of months my routine has somewhat changed. I don't have a pooch to walk though so I can just enjoy the peace and quiet of the early morning. That sounds a great idea at the book shop. It's currently hot here but after all the rainy days we've had I'm not going to complain about it - although AC would be nice lol. Have a great weekend.

Faith said...

That's always been one of my fave quotes (the one you posted at the end)!

YAY for central air. NOT something I want to take for granted.

LOVE that you got out to walk in the early Am. That was me the last 2 weeks although today I overslept by an hour and am now eating breakfast to leave for a hike. everyone on the hike is meeting at my house at 7:50 so i need to hustle!

What a great idea that bookstore has!

Have a wonderful weekend aand I know I said I'd email you back....I haven't fogtotten you!! It's on my to do list for tomorrow AM!!

Barbara Harper said...

We don’t often see sunsets unless we’re outside or unless I deliberately go to a window on the west side of the house. But sometimes I’ll catch a glimpse of beautifully colored sky from another window and go look. I should deliberately do that more often.

Glad you got some rain. We got a bit, too. It sure helped cool things off.

Amen to AC!

I love that book exchange idea!

Melanie said...

I love your sunset. Buildings obscure any good views here where I live but I can occasionally see a peek at them.

We had some much-needed rain here as well. We're in drought conditions at the moment so I was very happy to see it. I'm glad you got some.

I'm slow going early in the morning as well. I'm up early to feed Apollo but then it's a cup of coffee and checking email.

Have a great weekend!

Gattina said...

Not really blessings ! Still the yoyo weather, today it was really summer 30° ! the park looks neglected because of that, there is never time for the gardeners, it's too wet and a few days of sunshine is not enough to dry the soil !

nikkpolani said...

Such amazing range of colors in sunsets, some caught better with our eyes, others with our lenses.

Good to hear you've had some mitigations for the summer heat wave. I put off using the AC as long as I can, but am so thankful to know it's there when the house HAS to get cooled down.

That's remarkable that you still managed to get books you were looking for at the end of an exchange event! Yay for you!

ellen b. said...

We are not straying far from our air-conditioned home right now. Yikes we are hoping things aren't as hot as expected on Sunday.
That's a nice book exchange idea. Glad you found some on your list.
Early morning walks are on our radar. Take care.

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Susanne. So glad you had a nice week! I like to get up and exercise early too. So glad you got some rain. That sunset was absolutely stunning. It's always fun to get some new books. I hope you have a good weekend. See you again soon!

Willow said...

I love that last statement. Absolutely correct.
I think we had the same rainstorm as you only a few hours later. I love the rain!
I'm not much of a morning person, but I have been trying to get up earlier these days.
Love your sunset!

Karen said...

The photo of the school always reminds me of the neighborhood where I grew up. It's less than a mile from where I live now, but we could see the elementary school from our front yard. Now, we live just a block from the high school. I like living near schools. The traffic is friendly, for the most part, and it's nice to see kids walking to and from in the mornings and afternoon.

Love the quote.

Billie Jo said...

Beautiful sunset! I really want to start walking in the mornings. I just need to get off the sofa and do it! Have a cozy evening, my friend.