Friday, July 12, 2024

Friday's Fave Five #794

Welcome to Friday's Fave Five.  Please join us as we intentional pause the busyness in our days and choose to acknowledge and appreciate the blessings God gave us during the past week.  Doing this practice on a regular basis helps us to stay mindfully aware of the good gifts in our lives.  Practicing it during the good times helps us to get into the habit so that when more difficult times come or those weeks that are so incredibly mundane and routine roll around, we already know how to look for the blessings hidden underneath.  Participating in FFF is a little nudge each week to help that habit develop.  Please join in with us.  

~  celebrating Mom's birthday ~ This week was my Mom's 92nd birthday.  Though it was very low key this year due to her health we still took her some flowers and a sweet treat.  She was able to chat with all four of her adult grandkids thanks to video on snapchat or by phone, which was a real blessing for her and made her so happy.  I'm thankful that we had another year with her.  

~ weekend bike rides ~ Last weekend was the last days of my week off and though the week didn't have such great weather the weekend turned out beautiful.  We managed a bike ride on both days and also had some nice walks.  We bbq'd some burgers and just enjoyed the last moments before we both had to go back to work.

~  flowers finally starting to show off ~  After a cooler and rainy June and start to July this week we were hit with a heat wave.  It was the kick the flowers needed to finally start to bloom properly and the pots are finally starting to fill in.  This is a few of my favorites this year.

~ lazy, hazy days of summer ~ summer days are some of my favorites with work.  The kids and I are outside a lot and summer time is water time which they love and it keeps them happily occupied for hours.  Then because of all the outside time and warmth they are ready for a rest after lunch.  The days go by fast.

~ confirmation of a decision ~ I tend to get really hung up with decision making at times. I tend to rehash the scenarios to death and get frozen with indecision.  Not such a big deal to some people but for me it can be a real stumbling block.   So it's really nice when something happens or someone says something that just confirms to me I was making the right choice or points me in the direction I need to go.  I had that happen this week and it was such a relief to have that.  

What were your favorite blessings of the week?


Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Susanne. I totally understand your problem with decision making. I'm right there too. I am so glad that you were able to get a confirmation that you are moving the correct direction. Your flowers are beautiful. Wow, your mom is getting up there! I am glad that she had a nice birthday. It's great that you are enjoying the summer. We are in St. George with a lot going on, so if I am able to join with you for FFF, it will be later today or tomorrow. I hope you have a great weekend!

Faith said...

I love it when, after we pray about a decision, someone comes along to confirm it...or even the other way talk with someone like a spouse or close trusted friend, you make a decision and then Scripture confirms it! Glad that happened for you. I'm gonna need a LOT of prayer support when I go see the neurosurgeon cause I'm not on board with most of the drug treatments hahah which I'm pretty sure they're gonna push.

I can't currently ride my bike and I'm so bummed!! Each time I tried this past month, I ended up with neck and head pain. Dave tried to adjust the handlebars but it's so rusted that he can't get the bolts off!! We may have to sell it and get a stationary one with higher handles or take this to a bike shop that no longer exists in our town so we have to figure this out. I miss biking!!

I love your faves from your collage are the upper left hand corner and the bottom right. SO beautiful!! Mine are all popping with color now too and I'm loving it. Been way too humid to enjoy the deck though.

water play is so much fun with preschoolers! I used to do some of my best teaching when we did water play (so many language and creative play opps!)
Happy #92 to your mom!! that is awesome. My grandmother on dad's side lived to 94. I wanna be like grandma.

Have a wonderfully relaxing weekend.

Barbara Harper said...

I'm glad you were able to spend your mom's birthday and she was able to talk to all her grandkids. I'm happy, too, that you had a relaxing rest of your week off. That lake area is gorgeous.

I shared some of my flowers this week, too! This time of year, the planters really fill out. I so enjoy them.

I know what you mean about decisions. I tend to think through every possibility and ramification and second-guess myself for ages. It's so nice when someone says something or something happens to confirm that we're on the right track.

nikkipolani said...

Wow, your flowers have really taken off! Great choices and arrangements. You also had some beautiful views for your bike rides.

So pleased that you felt confirmed in your decision this week. It's a good gift indeed.

Happy belated birthday to your dear mother. She's about the same age as roomie's mom who is getting frailer as well.

Willow said...

Your flowers are absolutely beautiful! They're blooming so much!
Happy Birthday to your mom. It is so sweet that she could spend time with each of her children on her birthday.
I understand the peace that comes with having that confirmation and support for our decisions. I tend to be a staller/second guesser in making big decisions. When we receive that encouragement, it brings peace.
I hope you enjoy more bike rides this weekend!

Wendy said...

Belated birthday wishes to your Mum. Your flowers look lovely. Glad you had a nice time during your break and hope you have a good weekend.

Gattina said...

I seldom make decisions, the decision makes it for me ! I jump without thinking and think when it's done. Fortunately for me I always had done the right decision ! It seems that you have the same weather as we here. First cold then heatwave but not for long and now we are back to rain, low temperatures, and summer seems to be far away ! Maybe on Christmas !

ellen b. said...

Happy Birthday to your mom. It is good to have time off to do more than the ordinary. Your flowering pots are beautiful. We are going to have some water time with the grands later today. Happy weekend to you!

Melanie said...

Susanne, I am the same way with decision making! I overthink things and it takes me forever. I always feel so accomplished when I make a decision (and stick to it).

Such lovely flowers! I wanted to do some pot gardening this summer but it turned so hot to quickly that I just haven't gotten into it.

Water fun with the kids sounds wonderful. I'm glad you have that outlet to let them let off steam!

Glad to hear of your bike rides. Lovely photo.

Billie Jo said...

Happy Belated Birthday to your dear Mom! Your flowers are gorgeous! I hope you continue to enjoy these lovely summer days.