Friday, July 26, 2024

Friday's Fave Five #796

Hi and welcome to Friday's Fave Five.  It's our place to stop at the end of the week and take note of the blessings that have come into our ordinary days over the past week.  This has been a sad week in Alberta.  There are so many forest fires happening, over 170 active fires with over half of those considered out of control.  One of the out of control fires hit the historic mountain town of Jasper today and there is much loss and devastation of not only Jasper National Park but there are estimates of 30 - 50% of the town being lost.  The whole town was evacuated, 10,000 residents plus about 15,000 tourists yesterday.  Critical infrastructure has so far been saved thanks to all the hard working firefighters but many homes and businesses have been lost.  If you are a believer please pray for those who are risking their lives to try and save as much as they can and for those who have lost everything.  If anyone wishes Samaritan's Purse is helping those who were forced to flee and donations can be made here.

All this just makes me realize how grateful I am for the blessings of this week and how I must build my foundation of thankfulness in good times so that it is there when devastating things might come my way.  So with a heart that hurts for those who lives are turned upside down but also with a heart that is thankful I do my favorites for this week.

~ first responders ~ I am so thankful for first responders, those who put their lives out there to help others in the worst of times.  Where would we be without them?

~ river bottom bike ride ~ Sunday before it got too hot, Hubby loaded up the bikes and we took them down to the river bottom for one of our favorite bike rides.   We rode to the weir and had a little visit with the pelicans who were breakfasting on all the fish and looped back to the train bridge and then back to the car.   I love it down there.  

~ hugs of little arms ~ I have a couple little ones in my dayhome who are huggers and I will take them anytime they want to give them

~ homemade iced teas ~ I think it was Faith last week who had an iced tea on her list but I'm adding it too.  I love homemade iced teas as I find the store bought premixes soooooo sweet.  This way I can ad my own sweetness, monk fruit being my choice if I use a sweet at all.  Last time I was at the Farmer's Market I had bought some high quality teas from a booth and they make perfect iced teas.  I especially like the Apple Chai.  Yum! 

~ my silly pup ~ he's such a character.  He can be quite a tease and his favorite thing is to steal either one of our shoes or whatever is on the back of the couch right out from under our noses.  He's quite the stinker but brings lots of laughs even as I'm muttering under my breath while retrieving said stolen item from under the bed.  

What have been your blessings you are thankful for this past week?


Faith said...

My heart broke too when I read the news that came across my phone about the Jasper National Park and the townfolk (plus tourists!) who had to flee. I'm thankful for those firefighters both in Canada and the Mid-West/Western states and also that YOU and hubby are ok.

Such a cute pup! and preK hugs are the BEST!! that's a part of teaching i miss for sure.

LOVE that you could get in a good bike ride. Sadly, I was told no biking for me yet due to this cervical stenosis. UGH chai iced tea sounds good! This week I've been enjoying a sugar free Green Tea, iced with a touch of lemon. SO good.

Have a relaxing weekend Susanne!

Barbara Harper said...

I had not heard of the fires in Alberta. That's so sad. I am thankful for first responders, too. I can't imagine charging into fires, but I'm glad they do.

What a nice ride to the river bottom. Little kid hugs are so sweet.

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Susanne. Those wildfires are so scary. Prayers that all those fighting the fires and living around them can be safe and that the fires can come under control soon. So glad you had a nice week and could see some simple blessings. I loved reading this post. I hope you have a good weekend. See you again soon!

ellen b. said...

Those fires are so devastating and sad. It's hard to imagine what it would be like to have to evacuate. We love first responders! Our son happens to be one so we are aware of the dangers out there for him. Sweet littles who hug! It would be hard to be mad at that face on your pup!

Billie Jo said...

I am so sad to hear about the wildfires. I will add all affected to my prayer list. Your pup is absolutely precious! Have a cozy weekend!

Willow said...

Yay for a good bike ride! The area you ride is beautiful.
Those puppies. You love them and they are up to so many antics which make you want to scream. (kinda like kids...) Yours is adorable, fortunately.
I'm thankful too that you are safe from the fires. And yes, thankful for the first responders, firemen and emts and police.
Have a good weekend and enjoy some more good teas.

Melanie said...

I've been reading about the devastating fires in Canada and especially Jasper. So very sad. My prayers to those who evacuated and now have lost everything.

I too love iced tea. I discovered Celestial Seasoning Wild Berry Zinger and that's my go- to tea!

Your pup is adorable! I sure miss my Mandy.

I hope you have a good, restful weekend.

Wendy said...

I'd heard about the fires. It must be awful for those who have had to evacuate. How can you get cross with such a cute looking dog? Does he just take items or is he destructive with them too? Hugs from little ones are the best. Have a good week Susanne.

nikkipolani said...

It's been so sad to read about all the fires in Alberta. What devastation to these small towns. Thankful with you for those first responders.

Love it that you have these bike dates with your husband and/or family and friends. Such a pretty area.

That furry face says it all :-)