Friday, May 31, 2024

Friday's Fave Five #788

Hi everyone!  Welcome to Friday's Fave Five where we pause to look at what was a blessing in our lives from the last week.  Please join us as we develop the habit of noticing the things God brings to be a blessing to us and then thanking Him for them.

~ finally getting to fill the outside planters ~  the overnight temps finally got warm enough  that I felt confident planting out the planters.  I spent an enjoyable couple of afternoons digging in the dirt and making pretty combinations.  Can't wait until all the flowers bud out and show off.  

~ book order arrival ~ a book I have greatly anticipated finally arrived and I can't wait to get to it.  I loved the first two books in the series and can't wait to crack open the cover to this one.    

~ quiet evening at home ~ it's been a hectic week and I am thankful to have had a couple evenings where there was nothing to do and nowhere to be

~ fun show ~  Hubby and I have been enjoying watching an episode of a older show called Monk each evening that we can.  It's a mystery, comedy, drama and it has us laughing out loud every episode.  

~ help in the kitchen ~ one of my love languages is acts of service and I am so thankful that hubby helps to clean up the kitchen each evening after supper.  Sometimes he has very busy workdays too and yet he still lends a hand every single night.  Some husbands cook,  mine puts his hand to scrubbing pots.  And I love him for it.  

What were your favorite blessings from last week?


Faith said...

My husband also (when he's home!!) helps clean up dinner and I'm always grateful......that's a huge blessing, Susanne!

LOVE the flowers in all of your pots.....mine are actually doing well this year...except my gerbera daisies for some reason. they started out kind of looks like the bunny chewed off one. hahah

Yay for books to read....another huge blessing

Having free evenings is something to be truly thankful for.....I'm having more and more as I age and I love it.

Have a wonderful weekend!!

Barbara H. said...

The planters all look so pretty! I just finished For a Lifetime--it was so good! Quiet evenings at home are my favorite. Somehow we never watched Monk regularly, but we watched a few episodes and enjoyed them. Since my husband retired, he helps out regularly in the kitchen--not that he was unwilling before, he just has more time now. Acts of service is my main love language.

Melanie said...

Isn't Monk a hoot? I used to watch that show years ago.

How wonderful that your husband helps in the kitchen! You are truly blessed.

Your potted plants are lovely! That's what I want to do. Living in an apartment complex, I can't plant anything, but I can have a garden of pots!

I love getting new books. I've read "When the Day Comes" by Gabrielle Meyer. It was so good.

Have a lovely weekend!

nikkipolani said...

Oh my goodness, look at those beautiful color combos! You've got the eye, Susanne. And what a pretty delicate shade of diascias in that top left pot.

Another nice combination: anticipated book arrival and a couple of quiet evenings.

I remember Monk, though I saw only a few. Glad you had some nice entertainment at home.

ellen b. said...

It's always a treat to have someone else scrub the pots! Monk is an entertaining show. What a character he is. Your pots look lovely! Happy weekend to you.

Willow said...

Yes, My husband does 99% of the cooking. He enjoys it; I don't.
Oh, we love Monk! It's a hilarious show. I think we've watched every episode.
Love your pots! The annuals are always so colorful and cheerful.
I hope you have some quiet evenings this weekend.

Susan said...

The flowers are so pretty! I am blessed to have a hubby that cooks. Nice that yours helps clean. We are both blessed. Have a great weekend!