Friday, May 24, 2024

Friday's Fave Five #787

Welcome to Friday's Fave Five.  The weeks seems to be flying right by and yet sometimes the individual days seem to be so long. All the more reason to take note of the blessings God brings into my ordinary everyday. Learning to focus on the good makes the blessings more obvious and takes some of the power away from the bad. When we focus on the bad and/or negative things in our lives they quickly become monsters that we can't see around. Let's train ourselves to look for the blessing.  

~ long weekend ~ Monday was Victoria Day here in Canada so we had an extra day off to make the weekend longer.  The weather was just not in the holiday mood.  Cloudy, cold and rainy I don't remember ever having such a yucky May long weekend but having that extra day where I didn't have to get up early was still nice.  

~ flowers bought ~ the weather has made it so I haven't even been in the mood to go buy the bedding out plants but amidst cool and sprinkly weather I went and finally got them.  It's always a shopping trip I look forward to.  All the lovely colors and varieties make me happy.  Hard to choose but I finally did it.

~ Mother's Day gift card purchase ~  with the weather being as gloomy as it was I decided to go spend the gift card my younger daughter sent me for Mother's Day.  I spent an nice, relaxing time wandering the aisles of the local Marshals store and finally settled on a really cute planter for some of those flowers.  

~ a meaningful thank you ~ visiting with my Mom last weekend she brought up and thanked me for the Mother's Day KFC lunch we had taken in and had with her on Mother's Day.  It's been a tradition since our kids were little and my mom loves KFC.  On Mother's Day she had been in a lot of pain and we had even asked if she wanted to forgo dinner and just go lay down and rest and but she wanted to have her KFC!  So when she thanked me a week later I was shocked and so happy that it pleased her so much she remembered having it a week later.  She may not remember what she has for lunch a few hours after she has it on any given day but she remembered the Mother's Day lunch she loves.  It warmed my heart.  

~ cold meds ~ I'm just going to put it out there...I'm thankful for cold meds that work.  When it means the difference between a night of tossing and turning and not getting sleep or a night of good rest I know which I will choose.  I experienced both this week and I'm thankful for the night I took the cold meds before bed and got that sleep.  

What were you're favorite blessings this week?


Faith said...

Oh ugh...spring colds are the worse! I'm glad you found some meds that help you get a good night's rest. Little tip: i haven't had a head cold in over a year. I take DoTerra OnGuard capsules (2 a day) when I feel one coming on (which is rare cause I also take a really good multivitamin which contains fruits, veggies, as well as all the minerals and vitamins) and the onguard actually works!! sometimes I'll still have the stuffy nose but most of the symptoms are kept at bay.

LOVE the planter you bought. the shape is nice!

Pretty flowers you chose.

We are having early summer-like weather and it's lovely although a little too hot for me so early in the season.

I love that your mom remembered the Mothers' Day lunch with you all. That is indeed a blessing.

Barbara H. said...

I'm glad you had a long weekend and a day not having to get up early. We have a long weekend coming up with Memorial Day. The flowers look nice! Spring flower-shopping is one of my favorite excursions, too. That planter is cute! I love gift cards--they make the gift-giving occasion seem longer. That's so neat that your mom remembered her Mother's Day dinner and thanked you for it. That's great that the cold meds helped you get a better night's sleep. I hope your cold goes away soon. Have a great weekend!

Melanie said...

What a sweet story about your mother and KFC! Those moments you hang on to and remember.

We have Memorial Day this coming Monday as our long weekend and we're promised the same kind of weather as your Victoria Day. Oh well.

The planter is so pretty. I want to get some large pots and plant some hearty flowering plants that can withstand hot afternoon sun. I can put them on the front of my apartment. I just don't have a green thumb and plants don't seem to live long with me.

I appreciate cold meds too. The difference between a good night's sleep and wakefulness makes the cold last even longer.

Have a great weekend.

Willow said...

Even with gloomy weather, you can't go wrong with flowers for potting and a new pot to put them in.
That is so sweet that your mom remembers her Mother's Day celebration lunch.
Our Memorial Day weekend starts now. It is an important portents and somber time as we honor those who fought for our freedom to live safely and securely.
Enjoy your weekend, hopefully planting your flowers in sunny weather.

ellen b. said...

Cute planter. Sweet story about your mom remembering her KFC mother's day meal. We have friends who have KFC every Christmas Eve. Sorry about the cold symptoms and yes, hooray, for cold medicines that help with rest! We are entering our long weekend here. Have a nice weekend!

Wendy said...

Sorry to hear you weren't well - hope you're feeling better now. That was a sweet moment with your Mum. Hope you have a good weekend.

nikkipolani said...

Love it that your Mom remembered that she got her favorite meal and that it came from you. My Mom loved KFC, too, though we seldom got the treat when we were growing up. Many years later, I moved to a home with a KFC mere blocks away. She was afraid I'd eat there every week when in actuality, I think I ate there twice in 10 years ;-)

I'm sorry your weather isn't cooperating, but those flowers look just gorgeous and so cheery. I love the colors and choices you make for your porch planter.

Glad you got some good sleep and the extra day to relax. Hope you get more good rest this weekend.

Susan said...

That is so special that you can be with your mom and she enjoys her KFC. Yes, thankful for the meds that make us feel better and get some good sleep! Have a great weekend!

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Susanne! I love your flowers and the planter you got with the gift card. I sure hope that you are getting over your cold quickly. It's so sweet that you took your mother to KFC and she had fond memories of that. A long weekend is always nice. Enjoy! See you again soon!

Ingrid said...

I think we are sitting in the same boat, for a so said spring it's raining and cold ! We also planted flowers on the only day where the sun shined to show that it is still there ! Now there is a lot to do in our park, and most of the residents are happy to stick there hand until the arms into the earth ! I take photos ! I don't have a green thumb !
I just wonder when I ate the last time KFC, that exists in Europe too since a few years, but I can't remember ! That's nice that your mum loves KFC and not Caviar (lol) !

ellen b. said...

Fun planter. That is a sweet story about your mom.