Friday, June 07, 2024

Friday's Fave Five #789

Hi everyone and welcome to Friday's Fave Five.  Come and join us as we find our blessings in the midst of our week and share 5 of them.  The point is to notice and find and be thankful for the good things in our lives no matter what kind of week we are having.  This week, for me, has been stressful.  Lots going on with my Mom, who as she approaches her 92nd birthday is starting to be even more frail.  I'm glad I have this weekly exercise to help me to turn my focus from despair and worry to one of noticing blessings in the midst of life and thankfulness to the Lord.

~ lunch out with friends ~ Sunday we met with our good friends, whom we haven't seen since Christmas, for a long overdue visit.  We had a lovely visit that was just what I needed to help destress a bit and get my mind off of things.  I'm thankful for good friends in my life.

~ favorite walk ~ after our Sunday lunch, it was so nice outside we decided to take a walk in my favorite area of the city, the River Bottom.  Everything was green from the recent rains and it wasn't too hot.  Perfect day.

~ train sighting ~ While on our walk a train crossed the viaduct.  This happens daily but being down in the park almost right under it is always exciting.  It was a long one that spanned the entire length and then some.  This is a favorite because it still thrills me when I see this.  There is nostalgia attached to it both from when I was a kid and from when our own kids were little.  We'd always try to count the cars as they went by.  And there is just something thrilling about seeing a train that high up in the sky.  Interesting fact:  this is the longest and highest bridge of it's kind in the world.

~ first cherries of the year ~ Hubby did the C*stco run for me this week and surprised me with a container of cherries.  A variety I've never heard of before:  Coral Champagne.  They are not local ones, they were imported from the States.  Very delicious and it was sweet of him to think of me, knowing I love cherries.  

~ The Chosen season 4 The Chosen season 4 ~ Though I saw it when it came to theatres,  I was excited to see season 4 finally coming to livestream and on the app.  There is so much subtle detail that is so well done in this show that watching more than once only enhances the experience as you catch more.   Things are heating up in season 4 and it was also interesting listening in the livestreams to some of the actors and the director each talk about the filming of the episode.

What were your favorite blessings this week?


Susan said...

Sorry about your mom. I lost my mom when she was 75 from Alzheimer's. The pictures of your walk are so nice!
We are enjoying the Chosen too!

Faith said...

Oh yay I'm so glad The Chosen season 4 is now available! Is it on the Chosen app?? which streaming service? I watched the first 3 on Netflix. Currently i'm watching season 16 the latest Heartland series and I LONG to get out that live so close to where it's filmed!! One time they even mentioned Lethbridge!

I wrote that cherries made my faves this week too!!! They're soooo good.

Love your walk photos.....that's cool to see such a high train.

How fun to finally meet up with your friends.

Enjoy this gorgeous weekend!

Barbara Harper said...

I'm so sorry for the stressful week. It's difficult as our parents get older, knowing our time with them is numbered, watching them go through health issues. I'm glad you were able to send time with friends and destress.

That does look like a nice walk and good weather for it as well. That was sweet if your husband to get the cherries for you.

ellen b. said...

Life can get tough for our elders. It's nice that you are close by. Hooray for summer fruit season. That viaduct is something!! Happy weekend to you.

nikkipolani said...

You are so right about counting blessings especially in the midst of stressful times. Your mom is about the same age as roomie's mom -- getting frailer, huge dip in energy.

Glad your time with good friends and that gorgeous walk with two of your favorites gave you a mental break.

Those cherries look wonderful. We're starting to see them in shops here, too.

Melanie said...

I'm so sorry that you are having so much stress over your mom. It's a difficult time. I've been there. You were able to have lunch with friends and a nice walk so hopefully that helped you.

I love the sound of trains and their whistle. When I first moved to Tennessee, I stayed for 3 months at my son' and daughter in law's home. They don't live very far from train tracks, and I loved listening to the train whistle in the middle of the might.

Have a good weekend.

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Susanne. So sorry it's been a stressful week. It is so hard when our parents age and start to decline. God bless you as you travel that journey. Your walking trail looks like a good one and seeing that train go across that very tall and long bridge is really cool. We love The Chosen and will be watching Season 4 soon also! I hope you have a good weekend! See you again soon!

Willow said...

The train track is amazing--so long and high. Our kids and grands have always loved the trains. Warrior Boy would always yell, "TRAIN!" whenever he saw one. So now, we will do that because it makes us laugh.
Having a good lunch and fellowship and then a walk is a great way to spend a Sunday afternoon.
It is hard to watch our parents as they age. For you it is a blessing that you can be there helping her and comforting her.
Have a good week!