Friday, March 01, 2024

Friday's Fave Five #775

Happy first day of March everyone!  I have no idea where February went. but here we are in March.  With the days zipping by it's a good habit to take a pause to reflect and recognize the blessings that we have been given.  In the everyday it's so easy to just not even notice those things that are a blessing in our lives.  Be they big or small, blessings from God are what lift us up, get us through our days, make us smile and make us feel good and yes, even loved.  In our busyness we can so take them for granted and not even realize they are there.  Join us in taking the intentional pause to take note and to give thanks.

~ visit from our youngest ~ Sunday our youngest daughter drove down and spent a couple of days with us.  It was a nice and relaxed visit where we just hung out together.  There was no pressure to go anywhere or have to do anything.  We just stuck around the house and enjoyed each other's company.  Love those kinds of visits.

~ hedgehog fun ~ not only did our daughter give us a visit but so did her pet hedgehog.  On Monday the dayhome kids had the fun of meeting her.  It was so much fun to watch them go from nervousness to wonder as they watched the little creature eventually uncurl and show us her nose and face.  They were fascinated and later played at being hedgehogs all curled up.  So fun to introduce them to a new creature.  

~ good deals ~ over the week I've come across several deals on some items I've been eyeing.  One was a purchase for the dayhome business.  We set it up this week and the kids have been loving it.  Love when I can get what I'm needing on a deal.

~ book gift ~ when shopping at Costco I noticed they had a book I've been wanting to read after hearing great things about it.  Upon voicing that to Hubby he promptly put the book into the cart and purchased it for me.  Love being the recipient of his giving nature that day and can't wait to read the book.

~ tea on cold evenings ~ the beginning of the week saw some colder temps which called for some nice hot teas in the evenings.  This week my favorites have been some yummy dessert teas such as Caramelized Pear, Turkish Apple, Apple Pie, Spiced Biscuit.  So warming and soothing on those cold nights.

Pickwick is a Dutch brand and available here (Canada) and here (U.S.).   I buy mine at a Dutch import store in town.  

What have been your favorite blessings this week?


Faith said...

Ok well now you need to tell Tamara that your NYS blogging buddy is wicked jealous of her hedgehog!! For YEARS we have wanted one but.....we hear they're needy. He/she is adorable!!! The little ones you take care of must have been thrilled. I would have brought out the Beatrix Potter books and done a whole themed week on that Hedgehog. hahahah. OMGOSH i have GOT to show Courtney and Claire your pic.

That's Kristen Hannah's latest from what I understand. It's already on my "waiting for it" list at the library. I'm also STILL waiting for Jodi Picoult's book Mad Honey

It must be the week for'll see a new to me one I shared in my FFF. The pear sounds interesting...I've never had a tea with pear in it. I do love pear hard cider :)

I hope you have a wonderfully relaxing weekend Susanne!! and did you ever get my letter (would have been late January) in the mail?? just curious.

Barbara H. said...

Somehow I never thought that hedgehogs could be pets. How cute! And how fun that the dayhome kids got to meet her. I'm smiling imagining them curling up like hedgehogs.

I love relaxing visits like that. It's fun sometimes to go places when our kids visit, but fun as well to just relax and visit at home.

And it's such a good feeling when something we want/need comes up on sale.

Melanie said...

That hedgehog! Now that is one adorable pet!! So cute.

I love flavored teas - hot and cold. My latest find is Wildberry Zinger by Celestial Seasons. It makes a wonderful iced tea. I don't think we can get Pickwick tea down here but the flavors sound amazing.

I had visits from family this week as well. I agree that some of the best visits are those where you just "hang out" with no plans.

I love to get good deals too. I'm glad you found some good ones for your business

ellen b. said...

The visit from your daughter sounds lovely and relaxing. I love visits like that. It seems many of ours are filled with events and activity! I'm with Barbara thinking about hedgehogs, not realizing they could be pets. So cute. Happy weekend to you and happy March!

Karen said...

OH, the hedgehog is adorable!! What is his/her name? It reminds me of Mrs. Tiggywinkle. I loved her.

My favorites this week included books and tea, also:) I haven't read the new Kristin Hannah. Her books are always sooo good.

Happy March :)

Willow said...

Oh my! A real hedgehog! I am really fascinated. Tamara is really lucky. What a fun experience for your daycare kids, too.
A visit from your daughter sounds like the very best part of your week. I'm glad for you that you had those days to just hang out with her.
Hope you have some sunny weather and some signs of spring.

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Susanne,
That little hedgehog is so cute. I honestly did not know they could be pets. That is so cool that your daughter came to visit and shared her little hedgehog with your day home children.
Your husband sounds like mine - whenever I tell him about a book I want to read, he tells me just to buy it. I do the same for him. We both love to read! I hope you have a great weekend. See you again soon!
P.S. Just emailed you the answer to your question about Ford Broncos.

nikkipolani said...

Yes, it feels surreal to be welcoming March. And I'm definitely thankful for this FFF habit that keeps me looking for blessings all week.

How lovely to get a visit from your daughter with no agenda. HOW does one have a pet hedgehog? And a traveling one at that! What a great photo of that handful of hedgehog.

Sometimes "dessert" teas don't come off, but I like the sound of these. Especially if you're getting to enjoy them with your new book.

Susan said...

That hedge hodge is just so cute! I am sure the kids were just thrilled to see it. I like to drink flavored teas on cold nights. Have a great weekend!

Ingrid said...

I never heard that you can keep a hedgehog as a pet ? How does that work ? I remember we had a hedgehog in our garden and when my mother walked in the garden with her red painted feet nails, the hedgehog followed her poor thing thought it was strawberries ! He loved them ! For the moment I am not into teas, I rather would drink coffee. And here in my "castle" it's always so warm 25° everywhere. So I dress like summer when I stay home, but have to change clothes when I go out. A hot drink would be worse !