Friday, February 16, 2024

Friday's Fave Five #773

Hi everyone and welcome to Friday's Fave Five!  We're taking an intentional pause in our week to notice what was a blessing in our lives this week.  Please join us as we develop hearts of gratitude.

I was not able to do my post last night due to a family situation that needed tending so will join in later today as I am able.  I've left Mr. Linky for you to go ahead and link up your own posts.  :)  

Well here I made it!  Ready and raring to go thinking about what was a blessing to me this week.  So many things going on right now but also so many things to be thankful and grateful for!

~ surprise bouquet & chocolates~ one of the families in my dayhome gifted me a surprise floral bouquet for Valentine's day.  It was totally unexpected and very sweet of them. I also got some chocolates from another family.  It was nice to be acknowledged on a day that for most childcare providers is a lot of work.

~ valentine's evening for the seniors ~ Mom's assisted living holds a Valentine's social (the day after Valentine's) where each resident is allowed 2 guests.  While I wouldn't count it as a rollicking good time it was nice to be one of mom's guests.  There was cake, beverages, roses handed out and someone playing accordian for the residents.  The time spent with her  celebrating love is what was the blessing.

~ hot coffee on cold mornings ~ It's been a chilly week again here and every morning I'm very grateful that hot cup of coffee to get the day going.  Small blessing but a blessing it is.

~ helpful hubby ~ Hubby has been taking on a lot of the grocery runs as of late specifically the "big box" store runs.  He isn't as busy at work right now and this helps me out immensely!  I'm very grateful he takes this on without me even having to ask.

~ blue skies ~ funny how little things like this kind of go unnoticed on a regular day until you don't see those blue skies for a week or more.  This morning the sun rose to a lovely, albiet still cold, blue sky.  

~ comfy pants find ~ the older I get the more I appreciate finding cute clothes that also don't pinch and constrict.  I love jeans but I tell ya, I am over the skinny jean phase of fashion!  On a trip to get my daughter a gift card for her birthday at a store we both like I happened upon a  pair of light blue colored jeans, perfect for spring, that didn't squeeze the life out of me.  Sold and for a decent price at that! 

Thanks for joining in with me this week, honing our habit of a life that is grateful no matter the circumstances surrounding it.  Have a wonderful week.  It is a long weekend for me so I am looking forward to the extra day to, hopefully, relax.  


Deb J. in Utah said...

I love the beautiful blue skies in the picture. The Valentine's celebration with your mom sounds like a lot of fun. Sounds like you made some good memories. Helpful husbands are always a wonderful blessing! I love comfy pants too - so glad you found some good ones! Have a great weekend!

Faith said...

OOH I still wear and LOVE my skinny jeans!! but i also love the baggier 1990s "mom" jeans that are back on trend. haha Glad you found a pair you love. and yay for sales!!

LOVE that flower very thoughtful.

Love the blue skies. We have very windy cold weather here today but at least the sky is blue and the sun is shining!!

Happy weekend.....I'm with you, too on the hot coffee first thing in the AM

Barbara H. said...

How sweet that some of your dayhome families remembered you on Valentine's Day. I'm glad your mom's place had an activity for the day, too. My husband has been doing most of the grocery shopping this year--I appreciate that so much. I know what you mean about blue skies. We've had a lot of overcast days, and it's so encouraging to see blue skies.

Karen said...

The flowers are so pretty. It's amazing what spring flowers and blue skies will do for a winter day. Your comment about the (not) rollicking good time made me chuckle. Still, such a nice way to spend time with your mom. I've come to dread going to the grocery store. I can't quite convince my hubby to do the big shopping, but he's good for a quick errand. Anything helps!

Enjoy your long weekend.

Melanie said...

You can't beat a nice pair of comfy jeans! I'm now of the age when comfort outranks fashion.

Such a pretty bouquet and such a nice gesture.

I had to giggle over the accordion player at your Mom's assisted living! I'm sure she really appreciated you being there.

I love my coffee in the morning too especially when it's chilly. I have it all ready the night before so I only have to plug it in when I get up.

Have a lovely weekend.

Willow said...

I am always thankful for your faithfulness to organize this group of thankful people, Susanne, even in the midst of family issues.
I agree on blue skies! Right now, mine are white with snow falling, but other days this week, I've contentedly gazed at our skies of blue.
Those flowers are lovely! What sweet families you work with.
Have a good and BLUE SKY weekend.

Wendy said...

Always good to feel appreciated. Have a good weekend Susanne.

Ingrid said...

We also had a Valentine's afternoon, just a get together no rules here ! We sang and made pictures with heart shaped glasses on our noses ! It was probably like your day care only for oldies ! I feel really happy here, yesterday the residents had a meeting with the manager and some employees to ask some suggestions and tell what is not right ! We laughed a lot ! Fortunately I don't have to do shopping anymore only for fruits or for my "beauty" ! Rick did it before he loved to go shopping !

nikkipolani said...

Such a pretty and thoughtful bouquet. I'm guessing that light pink blossom is a mum - so pretty!

How lovely to get to spend some time with you beloved mom. Hope she enjoyed the celebration.

Your non-pinching find had me smiling.

Ingrid said...

You must be a very good "spare" Mum during the day and appreciated, otherwise you wouldn't get these nice gifts. We are still sitting in the rain I am so fed up ! We all want to go out in our beautiful park !