Friday, October 06, 2023

Friday's Fave Five #754

Hi everyone and welcome to Friday's Fave Five.   Please join in as we develop hearts of gratitude for all those good blessings that God sends our way.  I will join in later as I can today.  I ended up with a whopping headache and just couldn't sit at the computer to do a post so hopefully I will have kicked it soon and will jump right in.  Meanwhile enjoy each other's posts.

Oy vay.  Had my post half done this morning and came back to finish this afternoon only to have everything I'd done this morning disappear.  Sigh.  It's been a week.  Good thing I have Friday's Fave Five to help me notice the good things going on in my life!  

~ quick C*stco trip ~ the key blessing word being "quick".  In my world, quick and C*stco are oxymorons and never, ever go together.  But I had a plan.  I took Hubby.  He is the get in, get out kind of shopper.  Follow the list to a T, no wandering, no getting distracted.  Worked like a charm.  Got what I needed and a few extras that were on the path to what was on the list and we were done in about 45 minutes.  And about 15 - 20 of that was standing in the crazy line up.  It went fast but I got in line when it was about half way down the store.  And here I thought I was smart getting the Thanksgiving shopping done ahead of the insanity of Friday, Saturday and Sunday of the long weekend.

~ tea and conversation ~ Oh how I miss my friend who moved out of province but what a blessing to have her make time when they run into town for a cup of tea with me.  We are at similar places in life and the fact that there is someone who gets exactly what I'm going through and feeling because they are walking a very similar path is a huge blessing.  We can support, encourage,  and pray for each other.  What a treasure it is to have.

~ flowers still showing off ~ it's been cooler here this last week with last night dipping down to -2*C (28.4*F) and yet most of my pots are still showing off.  I just can't bring myself to tear them out to make room for the pumpkins I usually have in here for Thanksgiving.  I'll just let them shine in all their glory until they are ready to go.  It's supposed to be a gorgeous weekend, sunny with temps up into the mid 20's C (75*F)  so I'll just enjoy the color for as long as they'll let me.  

~ quiet time ~ as mentioned, it's been a week.  Loud and chaotic in dayhome with no break from the noise.  So thankful that the crew of 6 that I have all still sleep.  It's blessedly quiet and I can actually sit and think and have a coffee.  Whew!

~ crunchy leaves ~ what is it about walking in the fall leaves when they are dry and crunchy?  I find it utterly relaxing and stress relieving.  Am I the only one?  I can be the only one.

It's Thanksgiving here in Canada this weekend and I want to say how thankful I am that you all join with me most every week here at FFF or leave comments.   It makes my day and I love reading your posts.  I find encouragement in each one.  Have a great weekend!


Ingrid said...

Take care and rest, even if you are the last one, doesn't matter, you first !

Sandi said...

What a blessing to read this. Yes, gratitude and thankfulness make a good life.

ellen b. said...

So sorry about that headache, Susanne. Hope by now things are better and that you have a good Friday and weekend, too.

nikkipolani said...

Oh dear! Hope the headache won't last too long.

Linda Hoye said...

Sounds like we both had weeks (you know what I mean—WEEKS) but enjoyed the gift of friendship in the midst. Priceless. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family.

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Susanne! Your flowers are still beautiful. I sure know what you mean about Costco. It is the same why around here. I hope you are feeling better and that your headache has gone away. Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!

nikkipolani said...

I'm totally with you on the Costco runs (I detest it in the extreme; mine has the added bonus of inadequate parking) so applaud your record time there and out.

So glad you had an encouraging time with your friend. Nothing like face-to-face.

That bronzy leafed thing (coleus?) is amazing. And your other flowers (calibrachoa?) are still going strong. Lovely combinations!

Thankful indeed for you and your cheerful faithfulness.

Barbara H. said...

Those flowers are gorgeous! I would leave them out as long as they're blooming so well, too.

We have a C*stco here, but I have never been. It's not nearby, so I haven't been tempted. But my son and d-i-l go frequently. Our W*l-Mart here is like that with crazy long lines. And they will *not* open another register no matter how long the lines are.

How nice to have an occasional meet-up with a good friend in the same stage of life.

I'm glad you have a quiet space in your day. Naps are wonderful. And I know what you mean about crunchy leaves--such a pleasure.

Faith said...

Happy Thanksgiving!! I don't shop at those big box stores but sounds like things are off to a better start for you this weekend. Hopefully the little ones in daycare will be quieter in the new week.

I hope all is well with you. ENJOY the long weekend!

aspiritofsimplicity said...

It's so nice to have a chance to visit with good friends. I love crunching in leaves as well. This is my favourite time of year.