Friday, September 29, 2023

Friday's Fave Five #753

Hello and welcome to Friday's Fave Five.  Every Friday we take a few moments out of our everyday lives to intentionally become aware of the blessings God send our way.  Then we take time to be grateful for them.  What are some blessings you've had this week?  They don't have to be big and obvious, though they very well might be.  But mostly they are little everyday things that God sends our way to uplift us and let us know He has a hand in our day.  Are we willing to humble ourselves and notice them, recognize them for the gifts they are and thank Him for them?  I hope so.  I know it takes determination some weeks to find them.  Not every day or every week is easy.  Sometimes those blessings are buried in the chaos, busyness and/or pain of living life here on earth.  Sometimes we'll have great weeks where we can pick and choose which five to share and other weeks we are going to have to rely on the discipline of keeping our eyes open for them.  Please join us as we share this week!

~ movie:  A Million Miles Away ~ I've always been drawn to movies about the space missions and the people who worked to accomplish all that they have done and when this came into our feed on prime we watched it on the weekend.  Such a good movie based on the true story of Jose Hernandez, the first Mexican from a migrant farm worker family who had a dream since childhood of becoming an astronaut and realizing that dream to fly as a mission specialist aboard the Space Shuttle Discovery.  It's a story of family, dreams, hope, sacrifice, tenacity and hard work.  I loved so much about it and yes, yes I did cry.  Great inspirational movie if you've got Prime

~ re-watching an all time favorite movie ~ well the above movie kicked off the desire to re-watch one of my all time favorite movies:  Apollo 13.  I just love the whole story about Apollo 13, have read the book "Lost Moon", which the movie was based on.  And yes, I did cry in this one too even though I've seen this movie probably a dozen times.

~ show home afternoon ~ Sunday morning I texted my friend on a whim and asked if she wanted to go see some of the show homes.  It was the last day of the 2023 Parade of Homes and I really thought she'd probably already gone but turns out she hadn't.  We spent an enjoyable afternoon together, doing something that pre-covid was a yearly tradition for us, touring through most of the show homes.  We always start with the biggest most expensive ones because those are the most fun and work our way down.  We have a lot of laughs  trying to guess which one each other would pick if $$ didn't matter.  Spending time with a good friend is the best medicine.

~ coffee stop ~ when touring the show homes part of the tradition is picking up a coffee to take along in the car with us.  This year I tried something different and went with a Pumpkin Cream Cold Brew skipping the vanilla syrup.  I thought it was really good and it's fun to try something I haven't had before.

~ finding old physio notes ~ last year I had gone to physio for an issue with my arm.  Well the problem has started creeping back and I was hoping I hadn't thrown out the detailed exercise instructions that the therapist had given me in one of my decluttering frenzies.  Without too much trouble I located them and it's a blessing I did as I realized when looking through them there were quite a few I didn't remember.  

What were your favorite blessings of last week?


aspiritofsimplicity said...

I just love seeing old homes. It gives me little ideas on how to decorate my little home. I hope your arm feels better soon.

Faith said...

susanne I would LOVE to do a tour like that with the homes. We have something similar here with at Christmas time but the cost is high so I never have gone. Was your tour free? coffee with a friend makes it all so much more fun!

YAY for finding the PT notes.
I hope your arm is doing better.

We LOVE Apollo 13 here in our home. I had never heard of the one you saw on Prime. Will have to check next time i'm on prime. This week we've finished up The Chosen season 2. SO good. Now i need to see if Angel streaming service has Season 3.

I hope you have a totally relaxing weekend!

Barbara H. said...

We've seen ads for the Million Miles Away movie and thought it looked like it might be good. I'll recommend it to Jim next time we look for something to watch. We loved Apollo 13, too. It's so good you got to do an old favorite activity with a friend. I'm glad you found your physio notes. Hopefully you can head off the arm problem before it gets severe.

Ingrid said...

I don't like this space stuff this money could be spent for more important things like medical researches. I would have loved to go with you to visit the houses, that must be fun !
My back still hurts from my sprained rips, after 10 days now, I finally went to my doctor and nothing is broken ! But it still hurts.

Linda Hoye said...

Apollo 13 is one of my all-time favourite movies too.

ellen b. said...

Yippee for time with a friend enjoying tour homes and coffee! Happy last two days of September to you!

Willow said...

Oh fun! Watching all the movies! I remember seeing Apollo 13. It was great. A friend just recommended The Lost King to me (the story of discovering the remains of Richard III)
Show Home tours were always on our list every year when we lived in Oregon. I don't think we've lived near any options like that since we moved from there. Your time sounds like lots of fun.
And coffee with it--win-win!
Have a great weekend. I hope you are able to get out and enjoy a walk or bike ride, too.

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Susanne. Those movies both look good. Glad you found your old physio notes. I do exercises a physio taught me years ago for my shoulder and back pain. The home tour sounds like a lot of fun, but I am afraid such a tour would fill my head with expensive ideas. ;-) Have a good weekend. See you again soon!

nikkipolani said...

How fun to have some space-themed entertainment. Will recommend to my Mom since she has Prime.

Your home tour sounds like a fun especially with a friend and coffee. Didn't realize "2023 Parade of Homes" is a thing! We apparently have it here in the States, too.

Glad you have found exercises to help your arm.

Susan said...

I watched that movie with my sister and it was really good! I am enjoying the Netflix series called Call the Midwives.