Friday, September 08, 2023

Friday's Fave Five #750

Happy Friday, everyone!  I love these short work weeks.  Are you ready to look for your blessings from the last week?  I always like this intentional pause as it helps me to slow down a bit.  My life has been so chaotic the last couple of years and this exercise forces me to take a breath, regroup my thoughts and set my heart on being thankful.  I have found over the chaos, even in the midst of the hardest of days, there is always something I can be thankful for.  Thanks for joining in on this lifetime journey of building grateful hearts to God for all His blessings.

~ long weekend ~ I always look forward to the September long weekend.  In my mind, as I mentioned in last week's post, it's the final hurrah of summer.  But it's also the time to look forward to a new season, getting back into a routine after the lazier more spontaneous days of summer.  It also seems to be the weekend we end up going to see our oldest daughter.  It's nice to getaway and squeeze in that last road trip before the more winter type weather surprises us. 

~ spending relaxed time with our daughter ~ it somehow seems since covid we have seen a bit less of our oldest and it was nice to spend this time with her just relaxing.  It also seems the last few times we've seen her it's been so hectic.  But this weekend we just hung out together, walked the dogs on one of our favorite walks in her city, watched a movie, did a little shopping.  We don't know when we'll get to see her next so I'm glad we made the time and effort to go this last weekend.

~ safe travels ~ I'm always thankful and never take for granted getting to our destination and back again safely.

~ birthday celebrations ~ one of my former little dayhome kids turned 7 at the end of August.  Me and this little darling of a girl always had and still have a strong connection.  We celebrated her birthday with rainbow cake at a park/playground and then I took her to Walmart and let her pick something out for herself.  We have so much fun together and I'm so glad I was able to do something fun with her for her birthday.

~ new walking runners ~ With the help of my dog thinking they were a great chew toy, I have worn out my comfy sneakers that I wear in the summer for neighborhood walks.  During the weekend shopping with my daughter I found a pair that are both cute and  super comfortable and for a pretty good price.  

What have  been your favorite blessings this past week?


Barbara H. said...

How good that you had a nice, relaxing time with your daughter. Sounds like a great Labor Day tradition! It's fun that you still have connections with some of your dayhome kids. I hope your doggie doesn't develop a taste for your new shoes. :-)

Schotzy said...

I loved you simple yet rich week! Especially your relaxed visit with your daughter. I find myself thinking,, oh, how’ve.I long for such a visit. When we see our daughter everything is so hectic and fast paced! I hardly feel like we get a connection! You were blessed this week!

Faith said...

What a wonderful list of faves this week Susanne!

I'm so thankful you had a safe journey and could spend time with oldest girl. YAY for walks and new sneakers!!

I love that you took one of your former daycare children to the park and shopping. How fun!! It's a memory I'm sure you both will treasure as she grows.

I hope you have a blessed weekend. It is WICKED hot and humid here with temps close to 90. I'm so over it. I love summer but this one was HOT, HUMID and WET (july). I'm longing for temps to return to the 60s and 70s so i can get some hiking in before winter

Schotzy said...

I loved you simple yet rich week! Especially your relaxed visit with your daughter. I find myself thinking,, oh, how’ve.I long for such a visit. When we see our daughter everything is so hectic and fast paced! I hardly feel like we get a connection! You were blessed this week!

ellen b. said...

Relaxed time with your daughter was a wonderful blessing for sure. That is sweet about your connection with your former dayhome girl. Hope you have another relaxing weekend.

Susan said...

I enjoyed your list today. Nice that you could see your daughter. I see my oldest son and youngest daughter often, so I am happy when I get to see my middle son. I will see all my family this weekend! Enjoy your new sneakers.

Willow said...

Time with our adult kids will always be a blessing. I am so glad you had the weekend with her to just relax and enjoy her company.
Don't you love those special little ones who make their way into your heart and never leave? Time with her for her birthday was truly a fave.
Yay on finding new shoes!!

Linda Hoye said...

Time with our adult children is always a gift, isn't it?

Ingrid said...

That's nice that you saw your daughter ! I will see my son after 2 months ! He will look at my future new home and take measures. I don't take a lot along, just what I need to make it cozy. You were in a chaos, I am in a mess !

nikkipolani said...

We indeed need a purposeful pause and I'm grateful for Friday's Faves.

How lovely to have some down time together with your girl with little on the agenda.

Congrats on finding that trifecta of shoes (cost, cute, comfort)!

Hena Tayeb said...

Glad you got to spend some more time with your eldest.

aspiritofsimplicity said...

Oh I love this!! What a wonderful reminder.