Friday, September 01, 2023

Friday's Fave Five #749

The end of summer 2023.  At least that is how I think of the beginning of September.  This weekend is Labor Day here in Canada, a long weekend, the last hurrah of the summer.  I know technically summer goes another 3 weeks but in my mind come Tuesday, the day after the long weekend we are now into autumn.  Though summer has gone much too quickly there are blessings in my days I want to take pause and make note of and be grateful for.  We don't need to Thanksgiving season to be thankful to God for the good things in our lives.  It should be an everyday occurrence.  Please join us as we practice this consistent and steady practice in our everyday lives.

~ Mom out of the hospital ~ It was a long haul, almost the whole month of August she spent in there.  But she is back at her supportive living facility.  I know this will be so much better for her mental health.  Praying that the decision is good for her physical health too.  I know she has sure enjoyed being able to go outside at will again.  I've caught her a few times catching a nap out in the sunshine in the courtyard.  

~ Pancake lunch ~ mom got back to her facility in time for us to be able to enjoy a pancake lunch that they put on for the residents and a couple of family members.  It was nice to be able to share that with her and I'm thankful she was feeling good to attend.

~ more garden gifts ~ I have continued to be blessed with gifts from dayhome parents and friends gardens.  We've enjoyed carrots and tomatoes and cucumbers the last couple of weeks. Nothing like a home grown carrot or tomato.  And I had a yellow cucumber for the first time ever, didn't even know there was such a thing, and it was delicious.

~ texts with friends ~ the last week I have received some encouraging texts from friends.  It's a blessing to have people who can give words that lift you up when you need it the most.

~ fun time spent with my sister ~ Saturday after lunch with Mom my sister and I took a little shopping time together and it was fun just to relax and share some laughter after all the stress and hard decision making of the last month.

What have been your favorite blessings from the past week?


Susan said...

Glad to hear things are better with your mom. I lost my mom when she was 75 to Alzheimer's. Pancakes sounds like a fun meal to share. Noce that you have been blessed by friends. Enjoy your weekend!

Barbara H. said...

That's such good news that your mom is out of the hospital! Praise the Lord! And fun that you got back to her place in time for the pancake lunch. I'm glad you had some relaxing time shopping with your sister afterward. Supportive texts from friends are a special blessing. It seems like lately all I've heard is the downside of smart phones, but this is one of the biggest blessings of it.

I feel the same way about autumn, that it seemingly starts Sept. 1. It won't really feel like it here for a few weeks yet, but it's heartening to know fall breezes are coming soon.

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Susanne. For me, summer is over as well. Our weather forecast here is for a rainy Labor Day weekend with the possibility of SNOW in the mountains - so yes, summer is coming to an end. I am really glad to hear that your mom is out of the hospital. It is good that you have had the support and encouragement of friends and family as you have been supporting and encouraging your mom. The pancake lunch sounds very nice. I hope you have a good weekend.

Willow said...

I am SO GLAD your mom is back in the assisted living facility. The pancake meal sounds like a really sweet time for your mom to 'host' her family.
You are indeed blessed to have a sister and that she lives so close to you.
I am so glad that September (autumn) is here, too. Although we will have some hot weather next week, we know the cooler temps are coming!
Enjoy your weekend and all that garden produce!

ellen b. said...

Hooray for your mom's release from the hospital. It is so hard to rest in a hospital. Glad she's feeling better. Sounds like a nice time with your sister, too. Happy September. I put up some Fall decor today!

Karen said...

So glad for you and your mom that she's back where she's comfortable. And nice that you had an outing with your sister. Enjoy your nice, long weekend!

Billie Jo said...

A lovely post! I am so glad your mom is back at her home. I am thankful that I got my mammogram this week, and everything was okay! And I am thankful September is here! Have a cozy weekend.

Ingrid said...

How nice your mother is home again and happy ! End of summer ? I don't even know when it started !! 21 rainy days in July ! I count the days when I move !

Wendy said...

So glad to hear your Mum is doing better. I'm sure it's been a very stressful time for you. Hope you're enjoying your long weekend.

Faith said...

I'm so thankful your mom is out of the hospital!! I'm just now back from Michigan (last evening) and i'm trying to get caught up on emails and blogs. I hope you had a restful long weekend!!

nikkipolani said...

Ah, that is good news indeed on your mom getting to enjoy sunshine and pancake lunch with you. Those things are so stressful and am glad you feel God's blessing for this week's Fives. A blessing indeed to have a sister whose gifts complement yours so well.