Friday, May 19, 2023

Friday's Fave Five #734

Welcome to Friday's Fave Five. Taking a pause in this busy week to ponder and look for the blessings God has given during the last week.  Please join us as we share five of our favorites.

~ calls from the kids and sweet gifts ~ Sunday was a very quiet Mother's Day for me.  None of the kids were able to make it home, they had all just been here for Easter and I saw two of them last weekend.  While that did make me sad, they each made sure they called me or face timed with me at some point in the day.  And each sent a sweet little gift.  I really appreciated it all.  

~ supper with Mom ~ though I didn't see my kids I did get to see my Mom.  Along with my Sis's family we had a KFC dinner, as per Mom's request.  KFC was kind of a Mother's Day tradition and Mom had not had it in a long time so she was pretty pleased.  Along with a tiramisu cake we had a lovely and fun dinner together.

~ walk to watch the pelicans ~ after church on Mother's Day we took a walk to the weir where the pelicans hang out.  It was a gorgeous day, sunshine but not too hot.  There were about 2 dozen pelicans hanging out sunning and fishing for their lunch.  It was so peaceful just spending some time watching them.  It is definitely a happy place for me.

~provider gift ~ apparently last week was National Provider Day, a day that recognizes child care providers, teachers and other educators that work with young children.  The agency I contract with left a nice little gift of notepads or scribblers with a pen in our mail slots.  It's nice to feel appreciated.

~ steal of a deal on fave candy ~ on a trip to the drugstore lo and behold my favorite candy was on sale for half price.  I rarely eat candy but I just can't resist chocolate covered jube jubes.  Especially when they are half price.

What have been your favorite blessings this last week?  Take a moment and remember all the good God has brought into your life and then feel free to share 5 of them.


Faith said...

I love all of your faves! What wonderful blesssings from the Lord God! It was awesome to see your photos of the pelicans and that's a lovely photo of you, Dave, and your mom. I'm glad she got to eat the food she was missing :)

YAY for Teacher Appreciation and especially for those of you who provide loving daycare in your homes. That's SO needed in our area.

We are experimenting with going without sugar/desserts other than fresh fruit for the work week and are going to allow ourselves something small and whole foods sugar on the weekends. It's hard!! But if I see my fave candy on sale you better believe i'll grab it!! (mine is chocolate truffles by Lindt).


ps Courtney, Nathanael, Kai made it back to Albany safely yesterday from their 2 day train trip. THANK YOU for praying for them. It meant a lot to us.

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Susanne. So you glad you had a nice Mother's Day and heard from your children and were able to visit your Mother. I love that picture of you with your mom. I see a lot of family resemblance between you and your mom. I love the pictures of the pelicas. What a great Mother's Day activity to take a walk to see them. I love the nice little gift you got for National Provider's Day, and also that you were able to get your favorite candy on sale! I hope you have a good weekend, with lots of time to relax and read. See you again soon!

Barbara H. said...

It's sad that none of the kids could come for Mother's Day, but understandable. It's sweet that they each called and sent something. I'm glad you were able to have Mother's Day dinner with your mom with some of her favorite food.

I've never seen so many pelicans together before! What fun it must have been to watch them.

I had not heard of National Provider Day, but it's a good idea. I'm glad your agency recognized its people.

Mu husband usually gets me Lindt Lindor Truffles on special occasions, but I realized after Mother's Day that I didn't get any. I may treat myself. :-) Maybe I'll find some Mother's Day packages on sale.

ellen b. said...

I do enjoy the simplicity of a KFC meal! Nice that you could celebrate with your mom. I'm a sucker for 1/2 price sales! Hope you have a lovely weekend.

Susan said...

So nice that you could see your mom. I lost my mom almost 13 years ago. I like the pelican picture!

Willow said...

Happy Mother's Day to you. I'm glad you were able to chat with each of your kids. It means so much to us when we can chat with our adult children.

And Happy Educator's Day to you! That recognition means a lot, too.

Love that photo of you and your mom! I see the resemblance :)

Enjoy your weekend, and hopefully more pelicans.

Wendy said...

I'm glad you got to spend time with your Mum on Mother's Day and at least you had contact with all your kids. What a great spot where those pelicans are! Always good to feel appreciated. My downfall is chocolate. Can't resist it lol. Have a good weekend Susanne.

Billie Jo said...

Sounds like your Mother's Day was lovely! Calls and gifts from your children and a visit with your Mom! And we love KFC!!! Good choice! Have a cozy afternoon. Rainy here in PA.