Friday, May 12, 2023

Friday's Fave Five #733

Hi everyone.  It's Friday and that means time to look for our blessings in our week.  It's been a bit hectic this week and I had to deal with some work concerns last night so didn't have a chance to get a FFF post done and up.  Please go ahead and join in and link up and I will get my post done as soon as I can in my day.  

This is one reason why intentionally taking time to look for and ponder our blessings is important.  Those hectic weeks can make it super hard to take note of anything.  The good blessings God sends our way gets buried in the survival of the everyday challenges and busyness.  I'm late but her and ready to take note of God in my life.

~ family gathering ~ we went up to the big city to attend a family Celebration of Life for my Hubby's cousin.  We decided to make a weekend of it.  A little shopping at the mall where I found a pair of shoes I've been looking for and a pair of sandals I needed.  Then spending some time with our youngest daughter.  She wasn't feeling well so we just hung out at the house and watched a little Netflix together.  Then Sunday morning was just a relax time reading and having coffee until the event.  Then we went to the Celebration of Life where it was nice to see family we haven't seen for years.  It's so nice to get away from the regular and just spend time doing something different.  

~ rain ~ Central and northern Alberta are in a state of emergency with wild fires.  30,000 people were evacuated and displaced last week as the fire raged on.  Some even had to sleep in their cars for days.  It was great to have some rain down here in the south end over the week as everything here is so dry also.  While not lots every little bit helps as we are going to hit well above normal temps again this next week.   Praying for those who have been affected by the fires.

~ great buy on a jacket ~ I've been looking for a wind and rain resistant jacket that fits nice for some time and I finally found one and at a great deal.  Love when I can find what I need for a great price.

~ bird song ~ with the rain we've been having in the overnight hours, the birds are singing up a storm in the mornings.  It's so nice to open the patio door to the clean smelling air and the birds singing their songs.  We've got quite a few different varieties of birds in the neighbor's trees so they make quite a chorus.

~ lots of outside time ~ my favorite part of my day is when I can get the dayhome kids outside for some energy discharge!  The days have been really nice and we spend quite a bit of time out in the backyard.  The day goes so much nicer when we are able to do this.

Thanks for joining in once again to FFF!  I appreciate each and everyone of you and your encouraging posts!



nikkipolani said...

I'd been hearing about those wildfires in Alberta and hoping you were out of the fray. Glad for the bit of rain to help mitigate.

Nice getaway with family time, visiting your youngest, and shopping, too. Love it that you got some relaxation in so it wasn't all go-go-go.

Ingrid said...

We had the same idea I also bought à pair of shoes and sandals ! Mine were at least 10 years old ! Here it rains and rains and for May it's really too cold 12 °C or less ! How nice to meet you all together !

Faith said...

Wonderful things to be thankful for: rain! We had a week of rain a couple weeks ago and boy was it needed, especially because we only had a little snow in Dec and then nothing until March! and THAT snow melted so quickly. I hope those wildfires die down soon.

There's nothing like seeing extended family whom you haven't seen in a long time, even if it was for a sober occasion.

I'm hoping Tamara is feeling better as the weekend draws near. Nice to just relax with her in her apt.

I need a new pair of white sandals but I just can't seem to find a pair that says "Buy me"!! Ugh...the search is on as I wanna bring a pair on our Vermont vacation the end of June/July.


Wendy said...

I'm glad you got some rain. Sounds like it's been a busy week so hope you can relax a bit this weekend.

Willow said...

Oh, good on the rain. I hope you continue to get just enough rain to keep the fires away. I am writing this as I hear the raindrops outside.
All the outdoors time is wonderful for the day care kids, too. I think everyone had a good time-- you, the doggie, and the kids.
I hope your girl is feeling better now. And glad you got to see her and many family members.
Have a good, relaxing weekend.

Billie Jo said...

Hello! I am glad that you got rain. We are finally getting some spring-like weather here, and I am ready for it! Have a cozy weekend, my friend.

Melanie said...

I'm sorry to hear of the threat of fires in Canada. That is a concern here in eastern Tennessee as well so I sure understand. I'm glad to hear that you're getting some rain. I feel so bad for those who had to evacuate.

Your kiddos should be very happy to be let out to play outside. I can't imagine the pent-up energy they had bottled up inside!

My condolences for the loss of your husband's cousin. I'm glad that you were able to so some shopping though and spend time with your daughter. I spent some time with Netflix myself last weekend.

Bird song is lovely. I miss it where I am. An apartment complex can be busy and noisy so I miss hearing those bird calls.

I hope you have a lovely Mother's Day.

Barbara H. said...

Oh wow--I pray God sends more rain your way and to the areas struck by fires.

It feels so good to find something we need on a great deal.

I'm sorry for the loss of your husband's cousin. I'm glad you go to go to the celebration of life and see some family members and do something different.

I'm glad the dayhome kids were able to play outside. Timothy loves to do that. I'm sure it's needed even more with a number of kids together full of energy.

ellen b. said...

So sorry to hear about wildfires so early in the season. Ugh. Sounds like a nice weekend in the big city. Hope this new week is going well.