Friday, May 05, 2023

Friday's Fave Five #732

Welcome to a hot-hot-hot, at least for us,  Friday's Fave Five.  I don't know about where you are but here in Southern Alberta we totally skipped spring and went straight from winter to summer.  We are having the kind of temps we might get in the middle of summer.  Today hit 29*C (84*F).  I had to dig out all my tanks and shorts out of storage.  It's definitely putting me in a vacation mindset but when I look at the calendar I am brought back to reality that vacation time is still a long ways away.  LOL.  Oh well, vacation or not there are still lots of blessings to be thankful for.  Please join us as we look back over the last week and find the blessings in our everyday and then share five of our favorites.


~ the big escape ends well ~  one morning I got all the kids ready to go outside and of course Tux joined us.  We had come down off the deck and I was getting all the toys out from under the deck and checked the lawn for cleanliness when the oldest child said "The gate is open".  We have a great big gate, like single driveway wide, that shuts the backyard from the driveway that goes to the street and it was wide open.  Hubby had been doing outside work and forgot to shut the gate.  I realized Tux was nowhere to be seen.  As the reality hit me that my dog got out and I can't go find him because I had 4 children with me, my mind went into a weird panic, grateful mode.  Panic about what was I going to do.  Grateful that none of the kids left the backyard while I was getting toys out.  My neighbor "happened" to be outside right then too, and volunteered her teenage daughter and 4 friends who "happened" to not have left for school yet.  They immediately went to look for him and found him pretty much right away 2 doors down.  He didn't let himself be caught but did run straight home.  As soon as he saw me he crouched down thinking he was in big trouble but I was just so happy to see him safe and sound!  I am so thankful that God took care of us all and provided not the coincidences but the Godincidences that caused everything to work out.

~ gorgeous weather ~ wow, it has been gorgeous here all week!  It has been hot, we haven't had a chance to acclimatize the we usually do, but boy it's been wonderful to feel the warmth of the sun and have sunny days.  It has been one long, weird, icy winter and I am so thankful for the lovely weather.

~ wor wonton soup for when one is under the weather ~ last weekend I just was not feeling myself and craved a big bowl of wor wonton soup from our favorite Chinese restaurant.  Hubby was gracious enough to go get some it hit the spot perfectly.  Turns out I had a head cold coming on.  Funny how the body knows what is good for it at the time and causes itself to crave it.  

~ hard working hubby ~ Hubby sure worked hard this week installing a basement window.  We had to hire a core cutting guy to cut the opening bigger but he is doing all the rest of the work himself.  Including all the physical work of digging the hole so the corer could do his job and then removing the great big chunks of concrete!  This on top of his job.   Thankful for all his hard work.

~ first grilling of the year ~ with the gorgeous weather you know we have to fire up the bbq and put it to good use.  Once again thankful for Hubby who pull it apart and cleaned everything up really nice.  Sunday we bbq'd steaks and Tuesday was burgers.  So yummy.

What were your favorite blessings from the week?


Wendy said...

So glad to hear your dog hadn't gone far and that saga ended well. Sorry you weren't feeling well though. Hope you're feeling better now. You're lucky to have a hubby who will take on jobs like that - mine would run a mile at the suggestion. (He does have his good points though - just not DIY lol) Wow that was a change in temps for you. It's been sunny here this week but only warm and now we're set for a rainy few days at least. Have a good weekend Susanne.

Faith said...

Don't you just love what the world would call a coincidence, we KNOW is a God moment.....I like YOUR word for it: Godincidences. SO glad the children and doggie were all ok and those teen girls were helpful.

YAY for warm weather and sun. We had the opposite (well no snow thank God): we had rain almost every day and periods of chilliness down into the 40s but now it begins to warm up and be real Spring: temps in high 60s and low 70s are predicted for the next 2 weeks and this outdoorsy gal is thankful!

Hope your head cold is over......I've never had that soup!

YAY for grilling! I hope to do that on Sunday!

I love that God has provided us both with hard working husbands.


ps How is the Max Lucado book?? I need to read that one....LOVE him and in fact am doing a mini devo by him on the You Version BIBLE app. But that one on your sidebar is a book I haven't read yet. We actually own several of his.

Barbara Harper said...

Wow, I am so thankful for all the little ways God showed He cared when your dog got out while the kids were there.

We've had mostly nice weather this week, too, though on the cool side. It took so long for spring weather to fully settle in, I hope it stays a while before the heat comes.

I've not had that kind of soup. How kind of your husband to get it when you were craving it.

The basement window sounds involved. Glad your husband can take care of most of it himself.

Yay for grilling! I'm looking forward to it Mother's Day if not before.

Melanie said...

Your weather sounds gorgeous! We've had cool nights and days in the 70s and we're expecting 80s during the day coming up.

Dogs are such adventurous spirits! They look for any opportunity to explore. I'm glad you were able to trace yours down so quickly. My sweet Mandy, who is at Rainbow Bridge, was gone for a day and a half before I could find her. Worse time of my life!

Have a blessed weekend.

nikkipolani said...

Wow. 84F is way hotter than we've been all week!

I'm glad you titled the first fave with a spoiler -- so glad God had your neighbors in place ready to shoo Tux home.

Mmmm. A warming soup when you're craving it is so perfect, and your dear husband who picked it up for you.

Willow said...

I love the "all's well that ends well" story about Tux's escape and return.

Yay for your warm weather! Ours just turned the corner today. SO thankful for better weather!

Your hubby is definitely a keeper. Griller and handyman.

Have a good restful and healthy weekend!

ellen b. said...

Glad the escapee ran home. Your hubby is a keeper for sure. It's good to be able to serve each other gladly. Happy weekend.

Karen said...

I'm so glad you got your dog back safely and that you didn't lose any kids in the process! Believe it or not, my husband did the SAME project for one of our basement windows. It was quite a job. He, too, did the digging and hauling away the concrete. (We just got rid of the last of it. We saved some of the blocks because they made good 'seats' for the grandkids around the sandbox).

Our weather has been really nice, too. Not as hot as yours, but it sure is nice to be outdoors again.

Ingrid said...

Wow ! that's quite a summer temperature, we only made it to 20°C which was warm in the sun, but unfortunately the wind was cold. How terrible you must have felt when your doggy ran away !! I had that sometimes with one of my cats, 3 days he disappeared we had put flyers everywhere, but then he showed up not hungry not thirsty, I think a child kidnapped him, he was so friendly. I have to hire a man now for all things Rick did, it's awful you are lucky to have a man with two golden hands, mine had it too. Now I even have troubles to put a nail in the wall !