Friday, April 07, 2023

Friday's Fave Five #728

On this Good Friday there is so much to be thankful for.  But first and foremost what I am most thankful for is all that Jesus did for me on this day.  If I have nothing else to be thankful for this overflows my cup of gratitude.  And Sunday we will celebrate as Jesus rising from the dead sealed the deal.  And if you are a believer you have a home in heaven for eternity.  God created all but not all are children of God.  But the door is flung open wide and God's invitation  through Jesus is for all to become His child and live with Him for eternity!

But He was pierced for our offenses,

He was crushed for our wrongdoings;

The punishment for our well-being was laid upon Him,

And by His wounds we are healed.

Isaiah 53:5 NASB


If you have done an FFF please go ahead and link.  Due to circumstances, I just wasn't able to get a post done on time but will join in later today.
Linky should be fixed!

It was a super busy week for me, and I've been dropping into bed almost an hour earlier than I usually do, but I have 4 days off now from work now so should find some time to just breathe and relax.  

~ busy but fun ~ holidays always bring an extra busyness in work.  Extra crafts and activities to plan, extra shopping, extra work.  But I love doing all the fun stuff with the kids.  I love how excited they are to show off their fun crafts to parents in the doorway and I love their excitement when they see fun new things set out for them that only come out at the specific holiday.  It makes me tired but a good tired.  

~ sunshine ~ this week has progressively gotten more sunny and warm and the days during this time off are supposed to be gloriously warm and springy.  During our Easter egg hunt yesterday afternoon we were all able to be out in just sweaters or light coats, amazing since just the day before we were all out in snow suits still.  The sun being out makes such a difference in the warmth.

~ yummy chocolate ~ I don't usually buy myself chocolate but on a whim, because they got me at the till queue, I saw this flavor of Lindt I'd never seen before:  pistachio.  It was just a small bag so I got it and oh my, I have a new flavor I love.  I went back to get another bag to share with the fam at Easter but alas, they are all gone.  And no wonder.  

~ bible study with a friend ~ since last spring a friend and I have been getting together to study the Word together.  Though I know this smaller setting with just her and I probably won't last forever, I have enjoyed how much more indepth we can study than with a larger group.  We have been doing the verse by verse walk through the book of Romans with Mike Winger and it is very rich.  Love going by verse by verse to get the whole context.  And I love that because it's just my friend and I, we can pause and rewind and discuss whenever we want.

~ meeting new people ~ in church on Sunday I was able to meet a couple of new people I had never met before.  I know meeting new people can be intimidating for some but I really like it.  It does move me out of my comfort zone and challenges me.  I think I like it because I am literally at home all week both to work and to live and it moves me out of my little bubble.

Well I hope you have wonderful Easter weekend.  I'm very excited as all my kids, well adult children but I still call them my kids, are making it home this weekend.  This will be the first time we are all together at the same time since my Dad's funeral a year ago March.  A couple are arriving later today and the other one on Sunday.  So excited!  


Faith said...

My FFF is up but when I clicked on your Mr Linky nothing happened. will check back later.

Barbara Harper said...

Amen. Happy Easter to you and your family!

For some reason, Mr. Linky isn’t responded when I tap it. My link is

Melanie said...

Hi, Susanne, The Mister Linky doesn't seem to be working. I wish you a blessed Easter.

Susanne said...

Linky should be working now.

Faith said...

HE LIVES!!! AMEN AND AMEN and we can too!!

HAPPY RESURRECTION DAY to you and your wonderful family

Linky worked for me now.

I LOVE spring scented candles. I didn't include it in my fave fives although its in the photo with the wooden tray, I found a WONDERFUL lemon scented candle at my grocery store of all places this past week and it's my new fave besides my spiced apple one that i use in fall and winter. sadly someone gave me a coffee scented one and it's just too sickeningly sweet. It's odd because before you light it it smells JUST like a cup of freshly brewed coffee but once it's lit it's gross.

I hope you enjoy every single moment with your kids. Mine will be with us for Church on Easter and then the girls and I are going to meet 2 of my sisters and their families for brunch. Dave has to work production for all 3 services so said he'll enjoy some quiet time at home after. hahahah

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Susanne. I am glad you had a good week! That candy sounds delicious. I am so glad you have your children coming for Easter. Enjoy your time together.

Willow said...

Linky worked for me this afternoon.
First and foremost, Happy Easter to you and your family! He is risen! I am so glad for you that the whole clan will be together.

Melanie said...

A blessed Resurrection Day! I discovered Mike Winger a couple of months ago and just love his teaching. I can't always find his teachings in order. I'll try to find the Romans' one.

Anonymous said...

You had à nice week and Easter with kids is so much fun. I have à horrible week behind me and forgot that this Week-end is Easter. For the first time I will be without Rick but my friend whose husband died last week will come and that's good !

Billie Jo said...

Happy and Blessed Easter!

Barbara Harper said...

I'm glad you had a busy but fun week, and that you have four days off now. And that ALL your kids are coming!!! Yay!

I have to "make" myself meet new people, but I'm always glad when I do.

I love studying the Bible like that--verse by verse through a whole book. How fun to do so with a friend and have the freedom to stop and discuss wherever you want to.

Happy Easter!

ellen b. said...

Happy Resurrection Sunday to you and yours, Susanne!

nikkipolani said...

I can appreciate the extra busyness, but hope that you are resting up and reflecting on those excited smiles of your kids.

How lovely to get some sunshine and warmth! And a new fave chocolate.

What a great opportunity to go as deep and have as many discussions as you want with a tight knit Bible study with your friend. Our group is very small and we can do the same -- split a lesson, extend the conversation, pause for more research.

Ingrid said...

You had a real nice Easter ! Since there are no small children around me, I almost forgot Easter. For the first time I was alone.