Friday, April 14, 2023

Friday's Fave Five #729

Welcome to Friday's Fave Five.  So glad you came by.  I am typing this up right before I go to bed.  It's been a week.  Two new kids starting has just plain tuckered me out.  So though this will be short and sweet it is no less thankful and grateful.  Please join in as we intentionally look for the good blessings in our last week.

~ family together ~ All the family made it home at some point over the Easter weekend.  And Sunday we were all actually able to have Easter dinner together.  As the kids have grown into adulthood and have moved away to other cities and started their own lives it becomes harder to get us all together at the same time.  I am so grateful we were able to do it this Easter!

~ family dinner with Mom ~ as the years go by and Mom gets older, she is now 90, and has different health issues cropping up, I am becoming more and more acutely aware that each holiday may be the last we spend with her.  Fortunately, not only my family but my sister's family were all able to come together to have Easter dinner with Mom.  She was able to sit with us longer than I had anticipated and it was so nice to all be there having a holiday dinner with Mom.

~ gorgeous weather ~ Easter Sunday the weather was incredible warm and gorgeous so we headed down with the dogs to the river bottom for a walk.  I think both humans and dogs were very happy being out in the warmth of the sunshine.

~ good news from doctor's appointment ~ bloodwork and tests all came back good which was a huge relief.  I was half dreading going in.  I've gained some weight back after my gym closed down during covid and I ain't getting any younger so I was expecting to get some kind of news where I was going to be told I'd have to go on some kind of meds.  I had an answer all prepared to talk my new doc into giving me time to try and get  whatever under control without meds.  But all the tests came back good!  I fairly danced out of his office I was so happy.  

~ relaxing tea ~ it's been a week!  And it's weeks like this that I tend to crave herbal tea in the evenings.  This week I've found this mint and ginger tea very soothing and destressing.  Bonus for the zinc and vit D in it.  

Well those are my simple but no less impactful to me blessings from the week.  What are you grateful for this week?


Susan said...

Nice that all your family was with you for Easter. I lost my mom early to Alsheimer's. Treasure your time with your mom. Great that your blood test came back okay. A few of mine did not and I have to go on meds. I need to change how I eat. Your tea sounds interesting. I can't drink mint because it is not good for acid reflux. I have been drinking warm water with a little honey. Have a great weekend!

Barbara Harper said...

What a blessing to have all the family together for Easter. Glad you and your sisters and family members had a nice visit with your mom as well. It's wonderful to come from a doctor's visit with no new problems or medications. Yay for good blood work!

Faith said...

Those are wonderful faves and simple blessings are sometimes just what we need to get through our week. That tea is a good one!! I've had that before.
I too refuse most prescription meds (especially because i was put on so many antibiotics during the lyme disease saga as well as those ridiculous meds all last year for the headaches...which never worked cause the doc didn't know the root cause!). Praise God your blood work was normal. I like natural methods to keep cholesterol and blood pressure down and am thankful, like you, that i don't need to go on prescriptions! Plus..the power of prayer and a bit of research goes a long way :)

I LOVE that you were able to get together with your entire family and how very special to still have your mom and eat with her.

YAY for river walks and time in the sunshine!! Vitamin D!! :)

ENjoy the weekend and i hope it's a relaxing one for you. (ps the book i'm reading is one you would LOVE)

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Susanne. I love your post because the blessing you mention are all simple yet profound. I am so glad that your check-up turned out well and that you could get together with your entire family for Easter. Connecting with family is so important. It's great that you got to spend a good amount time with your mom. Sounds like it's been a busy week for you. I enjoyed your picture of walking the dogs by the river bottom. I hope you can relax a bit over the weekend. See you again soon!

Melanie said...

It's wonderful to still have your mom with you and that you could all celebrate together for Easter.

What a relief to have a good doctor report. Getting older isn't for the faint of heart.

Our Easter weather was lovely as well. Walks are perfect activities after a big meal.

Have a great weekend.

nikkipolani said...

That is quite a feat getting all your beloveds together in one place, especially your elderly Mom. And such a gorgeous day!

Hurray for that clean bill of health -- and no new meds.

Wendy said...

Sometimes the simple things are the best. Glad you got to spend time with your family and your Mum over Easter. Hope you get time to relax over the weekend after a busy working week.

Ingrid said...

How nice that the whole family could come together.I spent Easter Sunday with a friend who also had lost her husband 10 days ago. We have both to start a new life.

Willow said...

That walk along the river on Easter Sunday looks so inviting. I'm glad, too that you had the whole family together, including your mom. Treasure that time.
I hope your spring is truly arriving now.
Have a good weekend!

ellen b. said...

So many good things for you to be thankful for, Susanne. Happy for you. Nice that your kids came together for this Easter and that you could also enjoy an Easter meal with your mom. Happy new week to you.