Friday, October 14, 2022

Friday's Fave Five #703

Welcome to Friday's Fave Five.  I'm not going to be too wordy on this week's post.  Not because I don't have lots to be thankful for but because my brain is mush and I need to go to sleep.  Lots going on with work and I'm a bit overwhelmed so I need to get my rest so I can stay healthy.  But onto the blessings  from the past week.

~ family Thanksgiving ~ Two of the 3 kids were able to make it home for Thanksgiving and we joined my sister's family to have lunch with Mom at her supportive living home.  It was so nice to be able to celebrate a holiday all together again.  Last time we were able to do this was last Thanksgiving.  It seems every holiday someone was a direct contact with someone who got covid or someone was not feeling 100% so we weren't allowed in the facility.  It would have been perfect if my Oldest girl could have made it home but she's a 7 hour drive away so it's not just a day or overnight trip for her.  But am very thankful that most of us were able to be there.

~ simplified meal ~ Because of having the meal at the facility where they really have no means to keep a meal hot or even to reheat near the room we had, we went real simple with our meal.  Ham, crockpot ranch potatoes, salad, buns and dessert.  And it was absolutely delicious.  So much less stress than  cooking a full out turkey dinner (though we do love a full out turkey meal!) and trying to transport it and keep it hot and so much less expensive than a turkey dinner takeout from a restaurant that, as we learned from last year, left some of the menfolk not quite filled up.  

~ unexpected day off ~ I had an unexpected day off yesterday and it was much needed.  I have been overwhelmed with paperwork and to do lists as I prepare to get my family dayhome licensed.  So. much. work!  Very grateful for an extra day.

~ shared interest ~ I came across a show on Netflix that is a reboot of a show me and the girls enjoyed watching together when they were younger.  I immediately txted my oldest who was excited to know and to watch and the very next day my youngest texted me to tell me.  It was fun to know that the girls too thought it was a fun memory of something we watched together trying to figure out the mystery of who was "The Mole".  I'm sure we'll be texting our guesses back and forth each week.  Hopefully the reboot won't be disappointing as I have noticed the rating has gone from I think a PG or PG13 to MA.  

~ decision made and moving forward ~ This whole year I have been struggling with a decision concerning my career that has produced a lot of stress in my life.  The constant back and forth, worry, grieving, anger and indecision were starting to be not mentally healthy for me.  Last month I weighed all the pros and cons I could think of for both directions and finally came to a decision.  While neither choice was absolutely ideal,  the choice I made is livable and it has at least allowed me to move forward instead of standing still like a deer caught in the headlights. 

What have been your favorite blessings this last week?   


Ingrid said...

That's a nice picture of almost all of you ! I am also against big meals only because it is a special holiday it's a long time I didn't make a turkey anymore (for Christmas) it was too much for the 5 of us. You made me curious now concerning your job decision, what did you decide finally ? I don't know how it works in Canada for day cares, but in Belgium you need an official license to open one.

Faith said...

I remember praying for you this summer regarding that decision process. Glad you have one and can breathe a bit easier now. Hopefully going forward, things will be less stressful!!

How wonderful you had most of your family for your Thanksgiving and could spend it with your precious mother. And your food choices sound perfect for the visit and conditions!! I no longer eat ham but I sure do remember loving it!

YAY for unexpected days off.

ENJOY the weekend Susanne......God's richest blessings to you.

Barbara Harper said...

I love the photo! So glad your family could be mostly all together at Thanksgiving. BTW, your son looks a lot like his dad.

As much as I like all the frills and extras of holidays, sometimes it really is nice to just simplify--especially in a situation like that where you have to transport everything.

I have not heard of The Mole--will have to check it out. It's fun to share an interest in a show like that and discuss it between episodes.

I'm glad you had an extra day off and were able to come to a decision about your career. That's one thing that has really helped me with decision-making, to realize each option has pros and cons and neither will be perfect. I used to be stuck searching for "the best" possible choice, only to realize there wasn't one. But instead of that being discouraging, it helped me move forward with the options I had.

ellen b. said...

Sounds like the best of Thanksgiving time together. Glad a decision was made and you can move forward. Hope you have a relaxing weekend.

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Susanne. I am glad that you had most of your family together and had a nice Thanksgiving. That is a great picture of all of you. I am glad that you are moving forward with your career choice and had an extra day to work on necessary paperwork. Even when life isn't particularly easy, it is so good to stand back, take a hard look at our blessing and be intentionally grateful. Thank you again for hosting this link that motivates us to do just that. I hope you have a wonderful weekend.

Karen said...

Such a nice family photo! (I really like your blouse).

I'm glad you had a well-deserved day off. I've been thinking of you and our conversation. The government just can't make things easy, no matter what country we live in. Now, that you've made your decision, I'm praying for smooth sailing :/

As always, I so appreciate you for hosting FFF. It always makes a difference in my attitude at the end of the week.

Willow said...

My husband would be all in on the easier less fussy Thanksgiving dinner. He keeps encouraging us to SIMPLIFY it. So I'm glad you were able to do that. Love that family picture.
All the work decisions do make for mushy brains. I hope you can rest and relax this weekend.

nikkipolani said...

So glad that the decision-making turmoil is behind you. That you made it through with the load of paperwork is terrific. And the blessing of an extra free day! Thanksgiving indeed.

Love the smiles on everyone's faces in your family photo. You've got me looking up crockpot ranch potatoes. Sounds low stress and delicious!

Aritha Vermeulen said...

Making decisions is so good. It's better than walking like a chicken without a head (Dutch proverb). Your family photo is really beautiful. We have no thanksgiving day.

PaulaShort said...

Happy belated Thanksgiving. What a lovely family. Your mom must have been thrilled to have you all there. I love how you did your Thanksgiving meal, while I enjoyed an all out meal, sometimes less is more and allows for extra quality time spent with loved ones. I'm saddened that you were facing a difficult time this summer. Extra prayers coming your way.