Friday, October 21, 2022

Friday's Fave Five #704

Hi and welcome to Friday's Fave Five.  I'm just popping in to post Mr. Linky for you all.  Unfortunately I don't know if I will have the time to do a post.  At least tonight (Thursday) I didn't.  Maybe Friday I'll be able to snag a little bit of time to get a post up.  Just a lot of overwhelming stuff on a deadline that I'm having to deal with right now.  But please don't let that stop you from looking for your blessings from the week and being grateful and thankful!  Hopefully I can pop in and maybe visit your posts also sometime during the week.  

Happy weekend!


Faith said...

ooh I miss your FFF when you don't share AND I miss you visiting my blog. I hope all is ok......i'm still praying for you and that work situation!!

Wendy said...

Thanks for posting the Linky Susanne. Hope you manage to get done what you need to get done and aren't too stressed and exhausted and can hopefully enjoy your weekend. Take care x

Willow said...

I hope you have a chance to relax this weekend. Just take some time and get out for a walk.

Ingrid said...

That's nice that you took the time to leave the linky ! It just happens that sometimes there is so much to do ! Fortunately my paperwork is over the succession story is behind me, imagine I have to pay taxes on half of the money we got from the house sale, because the sale happened less then 5 years !!

Barbara Harper said...

I'm sorry you weren't able to make it this week. Hoe everything went ok with all that had to be done.

I have this on my FFF, but in case you're not able to make it by, I wanted to let you know about Debbie in Edmonton who used to participate in FFF at a blog called Purple Grandma. She's been battling cancer in her pancreas which metastasized. They're tried different types of chemo, but her body reacts badly to all of them, so they're not able to continue. They're trying some herbals things--and praying lots. She's ready to go to heaven, but would love to stay here a bit longer to be with her family.

nikkipolani said...

Hang in there, Susanne. We're praying for you.