Friday, October 07, 2022

Friday's Fave Five #702

A wonderful sunny fall day to pause and look for our blessings from the past week?  Are you ready, like me, to just let go of the busyness of our everyday lives to stop what we are doing and just take note of every good thing God has brought into our life?  And don't forget to be grateful and give thanks for those blessings, great and small! 

~ warm days ~  it has been an incredibly lovely start to the fall.  This past week was warm and sunny during the day.  The nights are getting colder but the days have been gorgeous.  So thankful to still get outside and play.  And today the slight breeze cause the trees on our street to start losing their leaves.  It looked like a golden rain coming down.  

~ hot air balloon ~  I'm a huge hot air ballon fan and it's on my bucket list to one day ride in one.  Three times last weekend we saw this guy fly by our house and hubby said one morning it was hanging low right above our home.  We haven't seen a balloon in quite a few years around here and it always bring back great memories.  When the kids were young there were 3 or 4 balloons that regularly flew around our area and the kids and I would watch for them and get so excited when they came by.  They especially loved the "Jesus" balloon that a pastor from Southern Alberta flew.  We even had a balloon festival a couple years in a row, which is so bizarre considering we are known for our wind.  But it was such fun to chase the balloons and watch them land and we even managed to get to a couple of launches.  Now those are exciting and an adrenaline rush with all the scurry of prepping the balloons and the noise of the hot air being blasted into them and then seeing one after another rise up and fly away.  But anyway, made my week to see a balloon hanging around our area again.

And speaking of hot air ballons I've been loving all the pics coming thru facebook about the Albuquerque Balloon Festival!  It is on my bucket list to go there one day.  Hopefully soon!

~ doggy cuddles ~ nothing like having one's pup curl up right next to you on the couch or in your lap at the end of a long day

~ new favorite chocolate fix ~  Grabbed a bag of these on a whim while in line at the tills at my local Marshalls.  You know how they like to get you with stuff, especially food, as they funnel you through the herding chute to the tills.  I thought chocolate, cherries, less sugar. What can go wrong?  I wasn't prepared for how yummy they were.  Went back and bought a couple more bags because you know Marshalls, ya never know if you'll see them again.  When I went to link them for this post I found they are actually exclusive to the Marshalls/Winners/TJX stores.  (Sorry for poor quality pic.  Late at night after a long day.   And the silly price tag is one of those that rips apart in a million pieces some of which refuse to come off). 

~ it's Thanksgiving ~  Yes in Canada it is Thanksgiving weekend.  I'm looking forward to having at least 2 of the kids here on Monday and we'll all have lunch with Mom.  She's 90 years old now and my mind always goes to "What if this is her last "fill in the blank" holiday.  So I'm glad that even though gathering in the community room in her supportive living home is not nearly as nice an atmosphere or  meal as we would normally have at home, it's still an opportunity to make it as special as we are able under the circumstances for her.  

I'd like to wish all my Canadian blogging friends a Happy Thanksgiving!  Enjoy your weekend.


Faith said...

Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!! how wonderful you can share a meal with your beloved mom. I sure miss my folks when it comes to the holidays.

Praise God for a glorious autumn and all that comes with it.

OOOH....We have a HUGE hot air balloon festival each late September here in the eastern the same town where 2 of my 3 sisters live. We took Courtney once when she was about 3 yrs old to see the morning launch. They launch in the morning each day they are here and again in the evening. Cost then was $75.00 per ride for a 10 min ride. NO idea what it is now in 2022. Last time we went was 1996. :D

YAY for good chocolate snacks. We have a Marshalls right here in town AND a TJM on other side of town...i'm gonna look for these. YUMMY

HAPPY WEEKEND and enjoy your Thanksgiving.

Ingrid said...

That's funny on my bucket list stands also a balloon ride ! I thought maybe for my 80th birthday in July that would be something special. Our trees despite the hot and dry weather still have their green leaves, which I like, we also have up to 17/18° so in the sun I could sit on my terrace ! Since the succession mess is over, I feel much better ! At least one thing !

Barbara Harper said...

Happy Thanksgiving to you! I'm glad two of your kids are coming and you'll be able to get together with your mom.

We went to a hot air balloon festival this summer for the first time. So much fun! And I agree, watching them get set up and filled with air is exciting.

We've had lovely fall weather, too--pleasant days and cool nights.

Deb J. in Utah said...

So glad you have had nice fall weather. We had a beautiful week here in Utah as well. Those candies sound so good. I am not even sure where a TJ Maxx or Marshalls is around here, but I need to keep my eyes open. Hot air balloons are cool to watch. We had a lot of balloon launches near our home in Arizona and my (ex) son-in-law even proposed to our daughter during a hot air balloon ride. Happy Thanksgiving to you all! So glad you can gather with family and have your mom with you. Have a great weekend!

Billie Jo said...

Happy Thanksgiving to you!!! Enjoy with your people!

Danielle's Heartfelt Home said...

Happy Canadian Thanksgiving! Enjoy lunch with your Mom! Chocolate covered cherries are my weakness. Looks like I have to make a Marshalls run!
Have a great weekend : )

ellen b. said...

Happy Thanksgiving weekend to you and yours! That chocolate looks real good! I'm off to a Women's Retreat with gals from our church.

Wendy said...

Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family Susanne. I hope you have a good weekend celebrating. I like watching the balloons but definitely not on my bucket list to ride in one. Recently our shops have been banned from having anything unhealthy near the checkouts so no last minute chocolate buying for us.

Melanie said...

Your dark chocolate and cherry candy made my mouth water! My two favorite flavors for sweets! We have Marshall's near me. Maybe I need to check them out. In Townsend, TN, not too far from where I live, they have a hot air balloon festival every year. I went year before last and it was amazing to see those beauties! You could ride up in one for a fee - just up and down and not going anywhere but that would have been a thrill! Happy Thanksgiving!

Karen said...

Happy Thanksgiving!! I'm happy for you that two of your kids will be there to enjoy it with you:) and that you'll all get to see your mom.

Hot air balloons are a regular sight around here, but they continue to thrill me when I see them. I had the opportunity to go up in one, years ago. Quite the experience!

Oooh, when you make it to Albuquerque, please come by my house for a long overdue chat and coffee!!!

Willow said...

Oh, Happy Thanksgiving to you and all your Canadian family and friends! Enjoy the long weekend, especially the time with your mom and your children.
I love anything dark chocolate! Yum!
Now I want to read all about the all hot air balloon festivals. What fun seeing them must have been for your kids.
Have a great and celebratory weekend!