Friday, March 04, 2022

Friday's Fave Five #673

Welcome Friday's Fave Five.  We're intentionally looking for our blessings in our every day lives, whether big or small. Whether it's been a good week or a difficult week.   Looking for those moments God has sent us good things to lift us up.  Won't you join us? 

~ an unexpected visit from our son and his girlfriend ~  it's just a quick little visit, a few days, but it's so nice that they live so much closer that they can do day trips or just a couple of nights.  We didn't do anything major, just enjoyed each other's company.  Jeremy cooked us a wonderful dinner which was a real treat.  Stuffed chicken breasts, mediterranean orzo, and green beans.  It was like having a restaurant meal at home.  He's turned into a really great cook and cooks a meal for us every time he comes home.   And he brought fresh homemade bagels he made himself.  So good.  It's always a blessing when the family comes home.

~ magical snow day ~ this morning brought some snow and it was one of those lovely magical type snow days all day.  It wasn't that cold, a few degrees below freezing, no wind at all, and the snow was just falling gently but consistently.  It was so quiet and lovely.  Later in the morning I got the dayhome kids all dressed in their snowsuits and we went out and enjoyed some lovely fresh air and playtime in the snow.  It was a blessing to get outdoors and enjoy the beauty.

~ birthday dinner out ~ for the first time in two years we were able to go out and have dinner out to celebrate Hubby's sister's birthday and really the first time we've been able to get together with them since last August.  We enjoyed a great meal together and great company.

~ tea with an old friend ~  I had a friend that I have not gotten together with for about 20 years connect with me on facebook and we met for tea.  It was so wonderful to visit with her and we discovered that we are in very much a shared journey right at this moment.  It was a relief and joy to be able to talk to someone who understood where I am right now.  We decided that we are going to meet once a month and study the Word together and do a book study.  So looking forward to this time we'll have together.

~ speed skating competition ~ our neighbor invited us to come to a speed skating competition that their son was in.  I've watched and enjoyed speed skating while watching the olympics but have never seen it live.  It was a fun couple of hours watching the kids and young people compete and to listen to our neighbor's explanations and obvious enjoyment of the sport of choice of her son.    

What have been your favorite blessings this past week?



Ingrid said...

It seems you had a nice week ! It's funny that your son also loves to cook, mine is the same even after a hard work day he cooks because he said it's anti-stress ! I used to love to cook too but now I prefer to eat others had cooked ! Still some snow ! This year I have seen one snowflake for half an hour and then winter was gone it had never started. That's nice to find an ancient friend on facebook ! I had the same with Rick's cousin, he saw my name and asked if I am Rick's wife !! After that the two stayed in contact via Whatsapp !! They hadn't seen each other since they were 8 years old !!

Faith said...

Susanne, isn't it a true blessing to have a sister in Christ to study the Word with? I LOVE that you have this and that you can meet for tea and good conversation. It's certainly something I love and treasure. So glad you reconnected!

Jeremy is a keeper!! Can I order some bagels from him?? :)
(it looks delish!)

YAY for fun days in snow with little ones. Our snow is almost gone but it's been BITTER Cold. only 8 F this am as I type this!

It's been a REAL blessing that our nation (and probably yours?) is finally getting back to a more typical state of affairs......more going out, more restaurants with more people and less mandates. Something to truly be thankful for. (oh and more people vaccinated!!)

enjoy the weekend!

Barbara Harper said...

That's so nice that your son lives close enough to pop in for short visits occasionally. And it's always great when someone else cooks, esocially such nice food.

The snow day sounds fun, especially in that it was a day the kids could get out and play.

I'm glad you had some good outings and fellowship this week.

I've not seen speed skating live, either. It would be great to watch with someone who could explain the nuances of the sport.

Deb J. in Utah said...

Sounds like you had a lovely week. So glad your son came home for visit. It's great that he cooks for you! That bagel looks delicious. So glad you could meet up with a friend and get out more. It's so great that Covid seems to be dwindling and restrictions of lessening. Hope you have a lovely weekend. See you again soon.

Wendy said...

Lots of good things there. I'm not sure either of my sons are good cooks but I know their wives make them take a turn at cooking so they're not useless either. How lovely to reconnect with your friend after such a long time and for it to be so enjoyable. Enjoy the weekend.

Willow said...

Oooh! Those meals cooked to perfection by your son--that's truly a fave. A visit from the offspring is wonderful and a meal cooked and served by them just adds to the joy.
I'm glad you had that time with the long time friend (we had a similar experience this week). I like the idea of the Bible study/book study together.
Enjoy your weekend!

nikkipolani said...

Beautiful looking bagel!! I tried pretzels a while ago and my baked goods never come out looking so nice.

If you don't mind, I'll enjoy your snow from the safe seats.

How lovely to get two outings with family and a dear friend. Love it that you're committing to spending enriching time together.

ellen b. said...

It's always good to enjoy a meal prepared by someone else and when it's your son it makes it extra special. He is tall!! Your gatherings sound very refreshing. Hope your weekend is going well.