Tuesday, December 14, 2021

God in the ICU: The Inspirational biography of a praying doctor by Dave Walker MD ~ Book Review

Dr. Dave Walker started his career in South Africa as an Anesthetist with interest in the ICU.  After the  devastating loss of beloved family members within a short 2 year span where all his medical knowledge could not save them, he found himself struggling with his faith.  This is his story of how God led him full circle to offering to pray with and for patients and touching their lives while transforming his practice.  His story starts in South Africa during the time that democracy was rising up and then moves to the Middle East.  

I loved this book!  I listened to it as an audiobook and having Dr. Walker read his own story made it seem like I was sitting with him in conversation listening to his stories.  I found it brave and encouraging and challenging to my own faith as he walked out what God asked him to do and that was simply to start offering to  pray with patients and their families.  Though God didn't always answer the prayers in the way that the Doctor thought He should or wanted Him to do, Dr. Walker, and his patients and families, saw miracles worked by God in His way and His timing according His purposes.  Though sad at times, I found this book extremely encouraging, uplifting and inspirational pointing us to a God who hears us when we pray and is with us even in our darkest times.  His use of scripture was not heavy handed or preachy but flowed with the stories and was perfectly naturally placed with the text.   I will listen to this again!

Rated this a 10/10.
Reading Challenge Goal Met:  Non-fiction November book


Deb J. in Utah said...

This sounds like a good book for sure. I may see if I can check the audiobook out from the library. I always like listening to something uplifting. See you again soon!

Barbara Harper said...

This sounds really good.