Friday, December 17, 2021

Friday's Fave Five #663

Welcome to a frigid, frosty Friday's Fave Five.   It is bitter cold here in Southern Alberta, we are shivering at -18*C with the wind chill making it feel like -30*C (0*F, -8*F).    Brrrr.  Now that being said I want to say that my heart and prayers are with all those who went through the devastating tornadoes in the U.S.  At times like this I sometimes feel that posting an FFF post at these times seems insensitive to the extreme hardship others are going through at the moment.  I never want it to come across as that.  Even while trying to pause and find God in my own everyday, please know my heart is broken for those that have lost so much at this time.  I lift you up in prayer and may you feel God's love for you through the help and support of the people around you.  With these thoughts in my mind, I humbly thank God for the good blessings in my life this week.

~ front porch planter ~ I wasn't going to make one up this year.  But every time I went out front I missed having it.  So on the weekend we popped into a garden centre and picked up the greenery.  Now I'm happy I did.  

~ crockpot meals ~ This last week I've dug out the crockpot a few times.  Crockpot in my mind is satisfying comfort foods that warm me from the inside out.

~ Christmas scented candles ~ I love pulling out this season's scents.  They always make me feel cozy.

~ feather duvet ~ when the weather outside is frightful and frigid nothing is more comforting than crawling underneath my feather duvet.  It's so comfortable and warm without being really heavy. 

~ Christmas social at Mom's ~ Wednesday evening the supportive living place that is my Mom's home had a Christmas social for the residents.  It was modified and scaled back due to covid but Mom was allowed 2 guests so my sis and I went.  It was simple but it was nice to do something Christmas-y with Mom and we had a nice time.  

Well this week is going to be super busy.  I've very behind on everything to do with Christmas prep.  I still have a ton of cleaning to do, presents to buy and work is busy this week also.  There will not be an FFF next week as my family is coming and I'm spending every minute I can with them so plan on being off the computer and being in the moment with them.  I want to wish you all a very Merry Christmas filled with love and joy as we celebrate the birth of Jesus!  



a spirit of simplicity said...

I love your Christmas planter. With those temps I'm sure you took a very quick picture of it before scurrying back inside! We are having unseasonably warm temps down here. I wish it would snow a bit because I like a white Christmas. How sweet that you got to have a Christmas of sorts with your mum and your sister. This is our first year without my mother and it's not been easy. I've just this morning given myself permission to not have to do all of the Christmas things that I normally do.

Faith said...

Oh i am SO THANKFUL you got to have a little Christmas celebration with your precious mom...she looks great in her snowman sweater and you and your sis have the same sweet smile :)

LOVE your front porch decor. So nice, Susanne!! (sadly i lost my silk poinsettas I had in my milking can due to a large wind storm that came up a couple of days was oddly warm and windy...temps are supposed to drop down into the low 30s today after yesterday's high of 60 F.

I hope you get all of your stuff done.....breathe....listen to classical Xmas music and you will be awesome....i LOVE this season and have a long to do list my self this weekend but I told dave i will tackle one thing at a time and working out may have to wait until tomorrow. :)

I will miss you next week but i think I will list my faves anyways as our family will all be working until 3 pm except for me.

If I don't get on here again before the 25th, I pray you and your family have a wonderful Christmas celebrating the birth of our Risen Savior!!

Deb J. in Utah said...

Merry Christmas, Susanne. So glad you will be spending your holiday with your family! I love your porch planter and also that picture of you, your sister and mom. I hope you are able to finish all the Christmas preparations you need to make. Have a lovely holiday. :-)

Barbara Harper said...

Wow, that's cold. We've been in the 60s this week--unusual for December, but much appreciated. The planter looks so nice! You'll have to share some of your crockpot meals some time. Most have mine have potatoes, and not having time to peel them keeps me from using the crockpot as much as I'd like.

So glad you and your sister got to go the the social at your Mom's place! That was a neat thing for her facility to do.

Hope you have a lovely Christmas with your family!

Ingrid said...

I rhink FFF iq very important at least for me, because often I know things before they are here in the News and then from private people living there it's other News than what TV tells you. I saw the pictures too and thought hopefully there is nobody from our FFF group in there ! That's a nice pictures of you three girls. My Christmas is finally settled too. Christmas Eve I will spent with son and family here in Waterloo and as Rick can't come over, he is getting weak and weaker, we are allowed to participate in the Christmas meal for the residence. There probably will be other relatives too from other residents. At least he won't be alone and the menu is delicious ! I will write it down next time there are 5 courses !!

nikkipolani said...

Happy Christmas, Susanne! How lovely to see your sister and mom with you to celebrate -- wonderful photo.

I never think of our personal giving of thanks as insensitive to those suffering in the world. Joy and sorrow aren't opposites. But appreciate your thoughtfulness for those who are suffering.

Wendy said...

Glad you got to have a nice visit with your Mum. Our weather may be a lot milder than yours but we are back in the midst of another Covid variant and although we're not locked down it feels like we are because everyone is back to being cautious, at least before Christmas. I hope you have a lovely Christmas with your family and look forward to catching up with you in the New Year.

Willow said...

Oh that is so exciting that your family is coming! Just enjoy!
That is the sweetest picture of your mom and sister and you. I'm glad you had a chance to celebrate with her.
I always appreciate how all the people who post for FFF are just thankful for all kinds of things, large and small, that God provides. I was thinking yesterday how thankful I am for hot water. Being aware makes us more thankful but also more kind (and hopefully generous) to help others like the people who have lost their homes.
Your Christmas planter is so pretty!

ellen b. said...

Your porch looks very festive! How nice to have that photo of you and your mom and sister. A very Merry Christmas to you and yours!

Karen said...

What a great photo of you and your mom and sister! And, have I mentioned that we have the same style front door? (Of course, we do). I have been so out of the blogging loop these past weeks, doing an early Christmas with family. Just want to wish you a very merry Christmas, and enjoy having those you love at home with you!