Friday, September 24, 2021

Friday's Fave Five #651

Hi everyone!  It's been quite a week as the possession date for the sale of my Mom's house is next week.  There has been lots of work happening and still a bit to do.    But I don't want to miss an opportunity to  intentionally look for how God has blessed me this week!  Please join our group in cultivating a grateful life!

~ shed moving ~ the shed was the only thing that didn't fit the city compliance in the Real Property Report, it was sitting too close to the property line.  But it is a old, old shed.  It's got to be at least 45 years old so it was pretty beat up and broken down and just plain rotten.  But because the shed was listed in the listing,  we gave the buyers the choice: we'd move it or tear it down.  We really, really thought they'd say tear it down, but nope they said they'd prefer it being moved if we could.  Ugh.  I stressed about this thing for a week.  But a realtor friend, the same one who helped with the sale, came over with tools and him and my husband did it.  It took a good hour but I am amazed they were able to move that thing without it falling apart on their heads and no one getting hurt!  Standing ovation to them.  

~ dahlias! ~ My dahlias, in fact all my potted flowers on the back deck, were mediocre all through the summer.  And then September came and the dahlias took off like crazy.  They are gorgeous and whereas in the summer I was getting a bloom here, a bloom there, they have really decided to put on a show to end the season producing blooms as big as my hand.  I'm going to try to winter the bulbs.  Say a prayer.  I don't know what I'm doing.   If you have any tips leave them in the comments!

~ this cute thing ~ Ah, Tux.  He makes me smile, he makes me laugh.  He melts my heart.  He also makes me want to tear out my hair.  He's such a stinker.  Good thing he's so cute.

~ chocolate ~ I discovered this chocolate at a drug store in town and it is so good.  I tried a few flavors and though they were all good this one I really liked.  I don't eat a lot of chocolates but this is nice just to have a square or two once in a while when I'm craving chocolate or a dessert.  It's 65% dark chocolate so a bit less sweet than a milk chocolate.  (Though their Milk Chocolate Nelson Pear and Manuka Honey is also amazing!)  

~fuzzy housecoat ~ the cooler evening and morning weather has me reaching for my soft and fuzzy housecoats.  So cozy and comfy.

What has blessed you in your life this week?  What are you thankful for?


aspiritofsimplicity said...

Glad the shed got moved without falling apart. Down here the real estate market is so crazy you probably could have sold the shed for top dollar because it’s such a buyers market. The Dahlias are particularly beautiful here as well. I’ve never grown them before but have been considering growing some next year. Wish I had some bulb advice to share with you. The pear and honey chocolate sounds soooo delicious.!

Faith said...

Cute doggie!

Love he blooms. I had tossed out a plant of wildflowers that weren't doing well at all come august. Just tossed it into a corner of the yard and guess what is all of a sudden blooming like crazy???? I'm loving it. Enjoy those flowers!

That's weird the buyers wanted the shed!! Maybe they have plans to restore it. My Dave would have said burn it!! 🤣

That chocolate looks amazing. I've never heard of that brand. Orange with ginger!! Yummy.

Happy weekend!

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Susanne. I am going to see if I can find that chocolate around here somewhere or maybe on Amazon. Like you, I enjoy just a square or two of dark chocolate now and then. So glad you got that old shed moved. From the looks of the shed, I am also surprised it didn't collapse. Your puppy is so darn cute! Those Dalia's are beautiful. I have no idea how to winter the bulbs, but I sure hope you can figure it out and let the rest of us know. I would love to have some of those flowers in my yard! Glad you have a fuzzy housecoat for those cooler evenings. Sounds like you had a pretty good week. I hope your weekend is a good one too!

Willow said...

I would second your comment on warm fuzzy housecoats. And I would add snuggly afghans.
Wow, moving that shed was a crazy job. Hats off to those guys who did it without (hopefully) any bloodshed.
Dahalias! My grandma and my uncle grew them. I loved them. Then I found out when I was an adult that you have to dig them up and overwinter the bulbs. I never planted any. I'm sure I watched my grandma doing things with them, but I don't know. I'll be waiting for some info from you.
Have a good weekend. Stay snug and warm.

Barbara Harper said...

Wow--I'm surprised it only took them an hour to move the shed. I'm glad it was moveable. I don't think ours is. Plus eastern TN is very hilly since we're so close to the Smoky Mts. -- there aren't many other flat areas on the property.

The dahlias are amazing. I have never tried to plant them. The flowers in the shed picture are pretty, too.

Tux looks so cute.

I had a fuzzy housecoat in my college/early married years. This cooler weather has reminded me I need to replace my everyday sweater--I hope to find one soon.

nikkipolani said...

Cute is a pet's defense mechanism. I totally get the whole stinker/cute dilemma.

Glad the shed move wasn't any more traumatic. What a picture! So relieved you are well on the way to being done with that property!

As for dahlias, yours aren't the only ones to be "late" this year. I've read around the blogs and a lot of other peoples' plants finally put on a show this month. Yours looks fantastic! You've picked out some really show-stoppers.

Linda Hoye said...

The dahlias are gorgeous! I have no tips as I've never grown them but I hope you're successful in overwintering them.

ellen b. said...

Hats off to the moving team! Hope all goes well as the house changes hands. Your dahlias are so pretty!