Friday, August 13, 2021

Friday's Fave Five #646

It's Friiiiday!  And I for one am glad.  It's been a busy couple of weeks with 3 new kids and I am tired.  So glad it's Friday.  I'm ready to take a look over the week so that I can make note of the blessings God has brought my way otherwise they might slip by me on weeks like this.  

~ Italian Brunch table service style ~  Sunday we went out with our dear friends to a local favorite restaurant for an Italian brunch.  It used to be a buffet before Covid but now they've pivoted and made it an at table served buffet.  None of us had come to the served buffet before and it was such a fun experience.  And such good food.  The menu is here and they bring it family style and portioned to the number of people at your table.  Our server was excellent and had the brightest of smiles through her whole service.  And for dessert the best tiramisu ever!

~ This years rose bud geraniums ~  This year I planted rose bud geraniums again but one of the plants was a touch different.  They also are very unique and quite the showstopper.  The flower heads are large and don't open too much more than this.   I've been enjoying seeing them grown on my front porch.

~ New glasses ~  My eyes have been changing and I knew it was time to get new glasses.  I had tried some on and thought I had made a decision when these just jumped off the rack at me.  They are kind of cool in that they look a different color in different light.  Sometimes almost purple, sometimes black, they are actually a royal blue.  I really like them. And I shopped local and got a good price which is always a win.  I'm not the best selfie taker but here ya go:

Gosh I have no idea why my neck always looks like I'm straining.  I hate selfies.  LOL.

~ reading time with the kids ~ one of the favorite parts of my day is sharing my love of reading with the dayhome kids and reading them stories as a group.  I love to watch their faces when they are particularly into a good story.

~ cooler evenings ~  it seems most of the summer we in Southern Alberta have been under heat warnings.  These warnings come when temperatures reach a certain degrees or higher and the nights don't cool off past a certain degree either.  We have spells of this in the summer but I don't recall ever going through such a prolonged one as this year.  This week the heat warning finally broke with a day of intermittent showers and though it is warm and sunny now in the day, it's not brutally hot, and the evenings are getting a cool feel to them.  It's nice to finally turn the ac off and open some windows in the evening!

What have been your favorite blessings this week?

**Please note**
There will be no Friday's Fave Five next week.  My kids will be home for a visit for only a few days.  I have not seen my oldest daughter since last August because of COVID and it's been about a year and half since my whole family has been all together.  I am going to be soaking in every possible moment of my family all being under my roof at the same time for the first time since COVID began.  I will be back the week after once again.  Have a great week every one!


Ingrid said...

Your new glasses suits you very well ! and the selfies are nice too ! How nice that you will have the whole family together ! We had no summer this year never real high temperatures lot of rain and flooding. Maybe autumn will be summer ! Lots of people have a cold and are confused because they think they have the Corona Virus despite the fact that they are vaccinated ! Lots of people are afraid of their own shadow and are really hysterical !!

Faith said...

Oh that italian brunch sounds like something dave and i would love!! How fun!!

I love reading with the preschoolers.....their little faces....the joy....

Your new glasses look great on you!! I assume it's the photo on the right.. my neck always looks weird in a selfie too. It's because we don't hold the phone high enough according to daughter #2.

How fun to have all of your children visiting at once!! I hope you take lots of photos for the next week FFF! I will probably still write one as i will be on my first week of vacation ( staycation).

That flower is stunning!!

Enjoy the weekend....i sure hope our high heat and humidity break tonight. It's been a HOT week here.

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Susanne. I LOVE your new glasses. They look great! So glad your whole family is gathering together next week. How lovely! Have a good one and I will see you again in two!

Barbara Harper said...

The brunch sounds great all around! And the geraniums are so pretty. I like the glasses! It's fun when they look different in different settings. You look great! Reading with my kids was a favorite when they were younger. How wonderful all your kids will be there! My oldest will be here this week, too, and of course my other two live nearby. So we're looking forward to lots of family time, though the two who live here will still have to work. My oldest son sleeps late when he's here, so I'll have a bit of computer time in the morning (I can't seem to sleep past 6:30-7 any more).

Linda Hoye said...

Oh how I envy your rain. Here in British Columbia we’re praying for it to rain.

Anonymous said...

You will be missed next week!! Have a wonderful time with your family. Thats good that you will spend your time with them rather than FFF. Beautiful glasses. I got new ones this summer also and am very happy with them also. --Ann

nikkipolani said...

You did great on the new glasses (and the selfies -- I'm bad at those, too). Hope you'll have some really rich and fun family time.

That geranium is definitely unique. I like that deep blush color. Creative pivot for that local restaurant! Glad you could enjoy their good food again.

ellen b. said...

Those rosebud geraniums are so pretty. Nice glasses. I'm ordering new ones on Tuesday. Hope you have a good relaxing recuperating weekend!

Wendy said...

Your glasses look great and that flower is very pretty. Have a great weekend with your family next week. Will look forward to hearing all about it.

Willow said...

You are amazing with your three new daycare kids! Yes, I love seeing their faces when they are listening to a great story book. (What are your favorites?)
Isn't rain a blessing? I wish we could share the rain around and everyone get some relief.
Enjoy your time with your family next week!

aspiritofsimplicity said...

I am going to be looking for these geraniums. They are so pretty. Have a wonderful time with your family.

Karen said...

I LOVE the new glasses! Our evenings are getting cooler and the mornings, too. Still hot, hot days days, but it's still summer after all. Enjoy the time with your family next week!