Friday, March 05, 2021

Friday's Fave Five #624

Hi and welcome!  It's Friday and time for Friday's Fave Five.  A place to share some of the blessings that have been in your life the past week.  Some weeks are easy to list off five blessings and others one must dig a little deeper.  I'll not lie, this has been one rough week for various reasons.  But I know there is still blessing in there, God wanting to lift me up amidst the trials and stress.  Won't you join me in looking for those blessings?

~ Sunday relax day ~ The weekends have been so busy lately that is was really nice to have a Sunday without running around.  I finished my book, watched a movie, cleaned my house and just relaxed.

~ bird song ~ this week's weather has been absolutely gorgeous with warmth and sunshine which has brought out the birds.  And they are singing their spring songs.   It's so pleasant to go outside and listen to their happy song.

~spring candle ~ I ran into Marshalls on Sunday for something for my Mom and found this springy smelling candle.  It's fresh and "green" smelling.  Perfect for spring.  DW candles are becoming one of my favorite brands.  Every candle I've had from them I've used right up.  That rarely happens with other brands.  I end up getting tired of them before way they are done.  

~ When Calls the Heart marathon ~ Netflix has finally got season 5 of this series.  I've been waiting probably almost 2 years.  And because it's been that long I restarted the series to remember everything that went on.  I'm reminded how much I like it.  It's been fun getting reaquainted with the characters as I enjoy an episode or two each evening.  Interestingly enough quite a few of the actors are from towns and cities close to me here in Alberta, British Columbia and Saskatchewan and the book the show is based on was written by Janet Oke, a Christian author who was born about 75 km (46 miles) from my city and I think still resides around the area.  As a new Christian way back in the day I devoured her pioneer stories.

~ really great books ~ I finished a book on the weekend that I just loved.  It totally engaged all my emotions and the story was well researched and written.  I looked forward to picking it up whenever I could.  I love stories like that.  I'll be reviewing "The Book Woman of Troublesome Creek" soon.  

What have been your favorite blessings of the week?


aspiritofsimplicity said...

I’m going to check out those candles. I love to have one burning and the brand I love is called Farm and Sea but I’m always on the lookout for a different kind. I also love Janet Oke.

Faith said...

I don't care for Janettes books but i LOVE the series and Omgosh i,had no idea season 5 is available!!! I watched every episodes de a couple years ago via Netflix and was so sad to learn about the scandals the one actress was associated with. So,glad,it's back!!

I love any kind f lemon candle!

Yay for relaxation no Sundays. We had one too and it was sorely needed!

We've had some Four coldest temps all winter this past week!! But the snow is gone due to rains so that makes me smile

Happy weekend!

Barbara Harper said...

We try to make our Sundays pretty relaxing, too. It sure helps the rest of the week to know we have that day set aside. I enjoy When Calls the Heart, too, but have only seen through season 5. I'm looking forward to season 6 becoming available sometime--hopefully soon. I looked up info about it, I saw an article saying the season's episodes come to Netflix in Canada a couple of years behind the US and Britain. Odd. I wonder why that is. I almost listed books in my faves this week, too. I've heard of that book--I look forward to hearing your comments about it.

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Susanne. Nice week for you. Warm, spring-life weather is always welcome! I think I am going to start watching that series on Netflix. Looks good. I will look for that brand of candle. I have one in my kitchen now, and the smell is starting to get to me...I need something new and delightful! Hope you have a great weekend.

ellen b. said...

Glad you had a relaxing Sunday. We've been enjoying When Calls the Heart. The other series that came off it about the orphanage is another good series. Forgot the name. It's fun to hear the birds. Hope your first weekend in March is good!

nikkipolani said...

I'm glad you had some good highlights and are drawing on God's help and hope during difficult weeks.

Glad there were more moments to relax and read or just not doing errands. Nicer weather and singing birds are a bonus! Hang in there, friend.

By the way, this week, I got back the Christmas card I'd mailed to you but using a domestic stamp instead of international. Sorry about that. And Merry Christmas.

Gattina said...

Sundays are always boring because we are retired and all shops and shopping malls are closed ! So it's TV when the weather is bad or otherwise meeting with friends, Good that you had a Sunday to rest !

Willow said...

We have noticed the birds chirping and fluttering around, too. Isn't it wonderful? We know spring is here!
I remember the Janette Oke books. I didn't realize where she lived and that it is close to you.
I hope you have a relaxing weekend and better week ahead.