Welcome to Friday! And welcome to Friday's Fave Five. A place to pause and think about all the good things that were in our week. Blessings, things that lifted us, that encouraged us, that made us feel special or made us smile. Those gifts from God that might sneak right by us without really being noticed or acknowledged had we not stopped and thought about it. Please join us as we work towards being more grateful and more thankful for everything good thing.
This week has sped right by. With Canada Day plopped right into the middle of the week, it really broke it up and this Friday came fast. So it's a good thing I'm intentionally pausing to reflect because life just whipped by and I wouldn't have even took note.
~ visit from my son ~ We have not seen our kids who live out of town since I think Christmas. The were all supposed to be here for Easter and then a little thing called COVID hit. And that is just way too long for this Mom. I enjoy the company of all my kids as adults and it was time. He graciously went and got tested as per my request, and came down for a visit. It was so nice to see him and spend some time with him. He was scuba diving with friends during the day on Friday and Saturday so we had planned on doing something outdoorsy on Sunday, in lieu of him missing Father's Day, but it started to rain, and then pour. For the rest of the time he was here. Oh well, it was still nice even if we just sat around the house.
~ Father's Day dinner ~ because he wasn't here Father's Day and because the weather was crummy and because his Dad is just not ready to venture out to restaurants yet, Jeremy cooked an awesome dinner for us on Sunday. A vegetable chicken curry over udon noodles. It was so delicious.
~ spice delivery ~ I love to buy my spices from this awesome place, Silk Road Spice Merchants, whenever I can. They are so flavorful, and aromatic and delicious and they not only have the individual spices but they create all sorts of hand mixed blends. And they are affordable. They are the reason I have a spice addiction. Usually when we make a trip to Calgary, where they are based, we stop either at the Calgary Farmer's Market where they have a stall or go to their store and stock up. Seeing how COVID interfered with that little day trip, I asked my son to stop in their Edmonton store and pick me up some spices. He did but then forgot them on his counter at his house. Well I was bummed but what can you do? Then my friend at small group mentioned she was going yesterday to Edmonton to see her kids. My son connected with her and she is bringing them home with her for me. Yay, I don't have to wait another 2 months before I see them. That makes me very happy.
~ fresh cut grass ~ after all the rain we had over 3 days, a day of warm winds helped to start drying everything out and Hubby was able to cut the grass this morning. I opened up all the windows and let that wonderful smell of fresh cut grass into the house. I just love that smell.
~ birdsong ~ when the rain finally quit, the next morning was filled with all the birds singing their songs. It was lovely in the morning listening to them.
Though my list is pretty simple, nothing earth shattering, and probably doesn't mean much to anyone but me, as I reflect that is kind of what is so neat. Blessings are so individualized to each person. God knows us better than we know ourselves, and if we just take time we can see His hand offering us what we love and what lifts us up. Big blessings are amazing, but it's the little everyday ones that keep us going. May you be lifted and may you note those blessings that tell you are special to God. Have a great weekend everyone, and Happy 4th of July to my American friends.
The best is a visit from family, especially after such long absences. I love the sound of birdsong as well. I love waking up to it first thing on a spring morning. I just bought a fresh cut grass scented dish soap from Mrs. Meyers.
It's so nice your son could visit! We haven't seen my oldest since Christmas--we missed our Easter visit, too. We're hoping a planned August visit will work out.
That was so nice that your son made you dinner! I love when my kids cook.
I know what you mean, the seemingly small blessings often mean the most.
I think that's a great list Susanne. Sometimes it's just the simple things that mean so much. Enjoy the weekend.
I would LOVE to hear all the birdsong in your yard. I love to watch birds but would love to get to observe some of the western birds as well. Congrats on getting your spices before you expected them. --Ann
Hi Susanne - simple pleasures like those you wrote about today are best. I love that you were able to see your son. The only one of my kids I have seen since this all began is Josh, who lives with us. I know what you mean about hearing the bird songs. Simple gifts from God. Belated Happy Canada Day! It's a great nation you live in. Some of my ancestors were Canadian! Have a good weekend!
I love your list!!
yay for your son coming for a visit and yay for chicken veggie curry...one of my FAVES! i like mine with naan or brown rice.
I LOVE spices and literally just finished alphabetizing them in our cupboard (it's the only way we know what we have cause i have 7 rows of them!!
I hope you had a wonderful Canada Day!
Love your thoughts at the end of this post. be well!!
It is always good to enjoy the mercies of the Lord big and small. Glad you got to enjoy your son and that those spices will be coming to you!
Happy Canada Day to you!
How wonderful to see your son! I haven't seen my boys since Christmas, and I haven't seen my two girls for over a year.
Oooo! Spices! Olfactory overload.
I think that the smaller blessings are sometimes really the bigger ones--family, especially.
Happy Canada Day! The sounds and smells of summer are lovely things for which to be thankful. And visits from family, and knowing your spices are coming in the mail. I love finding gratitude in the ordinary, and need frequent reminders of this.
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