Happy Friday everyone and welcome to finding your blessings. Thanks for joining us as we intentionally take time to think over the last week and take note of the good blessings in our lives. Those things that God gives to uplift us, to carry us through, to make us smile. If you're new and would like to join take a peek at the guidelines linked in the sidebar and then just join in by making your own post of five of your favorite blessings this week.
~ finished up COVID-19 response info letter ~ This was a huge project for me and took 2 days to finish. It was a letter to parent's letting them know what to expect as they return to dayhome when I open back up and the new sickness policies being put into place. Because our area has basically fared well, I was flipping and flopping, one minute feeling it was so over the top, but then I'd remember what was happening in Calgary and Quebec and Ontario where they were hit really hard, then I'd flop back again. It was really stressful. But I started to take note of all the precautions businesses were taking that there was no way to do in a dayhome and realized I wasn't so over the top after all. Anyway, it was finally done and looks and reads professional. Whew, glad that is off my checklist. Just need to send it now.
~ filled an open dayhome spot ~ I was losing a couple of kids to kindergarten and maternity leaves which is normally not a problem. Then COVID happened and I shut for 3 months. And because we are still in phase 1 of reopening a lot of parents are still either working from home or have lost jobs. I feel very blessed that I was able to so quickly fill one of my two empty spots especially when I see a lot of other dayhomes in my city advertising right now. The other spot is for September and I have an interview lined up for that one also. Both of these were referred to me from existing dayhome parents and I am grateful for their support.
~ walk in the Wetlands nature preserve ~ Monday was a gorgeous day and Tamara asked if I wanted to join her for this short walk. I hadn't been here in years because they don't allow dogs even on leashes so hubby is not interested in walking here because he can't bring the hound. It was so peaceful. We saw all sorts of birds and there are painted turtles that live in pond. We even had a group of 3 families of geese and their goslings cross our path. And I got to spend time with my youngest on our own.
~ gorgeous color of flowers ~ the pots on my deck are starting to spill over with color. All the beautiful color and variety of flowers always makes me happy and lifts my spirits! God is an artist!
~ video call ~ Sunday I got a totally unexpected video call from my oldest girl, Kim, and her hubby to show me the new place they would be moving to. I love that she thought of me and knew I'd love to see where they were moving to and it was so much fun getting the "tour" of the empty home. Can't wait to see it filled with their belongings and in real life. Soon, I hope. I sure do miss them.
Well that's my favorite five blessings. It was actually great to do this exercise as it was a pretty stressful week for me. Taking this pause and taking note of blessing in the chaos was like drawing a breath of fresh air. I hope it does the same for you!
What were your 5 favorite blessings of the week?
So you will start to work soon again ? It's nice to have been able to spend so me time with your daughter in this beautiful place !I am moving too and I try to do it without stress but still it's not an easy time !-
It brings my heart so much joy when my daughter’s call me just because they were thinking of me and wanted to share something. How sweet that your daughter called to show you the house that they may move into. It’s nice to spend time alone with your daughter as well. I think it gives us a chance to talk in ways we might not if there were others around. I will be glad when Covid-19 is behind us. I’m not sure what things will be like when I go back to work (in a Montessori infant/toddler house) but I know it will involve me taking my temperature whenever I come into the building.
What a good feeling that must be for you to have that covid response letter done!! I had to take a survey for the state ed dept here in NY and it took me over an hour to fill it out. And praise God you have a new little one to fill a spot. That's wonderful!!
Love the bright spring blooms....i shared that as on earth if my faves, too!!
How nice to walk with Tamara in the Wetlands preserve and see some wildlife..you know that's always one of my faves! 😀
I hope you have a relaxing stress free weekend!
( ps my book review is up....are you the one who was asking about the latest JP Delaney book? Ugh......complete waste of time....not sure why i bothered finishing it!!)
Sounds like you are all set and ready to reopen soon. We need to get our economies moving again even with this pandemic. It is worrisome to be sure, but we move forward as best we can, taking precautions. Sounds like you are doing just that - and it is great that you have filled your vacant spots! I love your colorful flower pots. I have some similar on my back patio and I posted about them as well. Flowers do lift the spirits. I loved the pictures from your walk in the wetlands, and so nice that your daughter wanted to walk with you. So great that your oldest daughter called and shared with you the place they are moving. Warms a mother's heart to be included in her kids lives. My week was quite stressful too, so looking for the good with you was a blessing. Have a great weekend!
When do you open back up? I know that must be scary since there's no way to keep kids 6 feet apart. My husband and son feel that COVID will be around for a long time, unfortunately. I was hoping it would run its course and be gone. But we'll probably have to proceed with caution for a while.
That's great that your dayhome spot filled, with another looking likely after your interview. I would guess references from other parents are the most promising.
How nice that one daughter invited you for a walk and the other took you on a virtual home tour! I love when my adult kids do things like that to show they're thinking of us and want our company.
Pretty flowers!
Well I'm glad you got your paperwork done and hope you can soon get back to work. It's been a very strange time. Getting out for a walk always help and it must have been nice spending time with just you and Claire. I very rarely get to spend time just with my daughter. When things get back to normal I need to work on that.
Glad you had a time to pause and refresh. This week started out stressful for me too. I really had to work on redirecting my thoughts back to God's Sovereignty. Glad you got that letter done and that you filled a spot! Happy weekend to you.
My husband has been working on letters, emails and strategies for reopening our church services, reading all the state and county requirements and writing and editing. It's a lot of work! Hurray that you got your letter finished.
Isn't it great to have those walks in such beautiful places?
And I love phone calls and video calls from my kids. They're the best, aren't they?
Have a wonderful weekend!
I love the sentiment about a thankful heart. So true.
It's amazing how much effort business owners have to put into getting places ready to open. My hairdresser spent hours (and a lot of money) so that she would be in compliance. I'm sure your dayhome parents are thankful for your efforts and at peace that their kids are in good hands.
I met a friend for a walk near one of our ponds and was delighted with the families of geese and ducks. There is something so endearing about the way the parents look after them.
How fun for your daughter and her hubby to have a new place! I hope you get to visit with them soon.
Peaceful being outdoors -- what a blessing it is to see beauty and tranquility in God's creation. Glad you are all geared up for reopening and were able to think through all that is needed. I think folks don't appreciate how much work it is to deal with an unprecedented situation and be as wise as you can.
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