Friday, March 20, 2020

Friday's Fave Five #576

Happy Spring everyone!  Looking forward all that the wonderful season will bring.  But I am also being thankful for all the blessings of today.  Please join us as we look back over the week for our blessings, be they big or small.  I find it is especially important in the craziness of what is happening in the world right now.  We must intentionally look for good things, find them and be thankful to the Lord for them in order to keep anxiety, fear and panic at bay.  This is when all the weeks of practicing this will kick in.  As we've developed this habit in the good times, we can pull from that and find how God has cared for and blessed us when the wheels seems to falling off this world.

~ technology ~  as everything is grinding to a halt in my province and we are following self-isolating recommendations I am so thankful for technology. The ability to txt, email, message, skype, phone and stay connected without actually being together is so important.  I can keep in touch with my adult children who live away from here, I can talk to my parents and other daughter who are in town here and keep tabs on how they are doing.  My small group ladies and I stay in contact almost daily to check on each other and pray for one another, and our church will be doing online services.  I have Right Now Media for more studies when I need them, Netflix to watch. 

~ books ~  even though I am still actually open in my dayhome under very strict rules I am sure it is coming soon when I will be asked to close the doors.  I am very well stocked up on books and I see some good reading times coming.

~ quick government action ~ in the midst of all this I am thankful that both federal and provincial gov'ts are quickly getting things in place where we can access funds to help us make it through when we cannot work either from being sick or self-isolating or the place where we worked closing down for a period of time.  Some work for large companies that have chosen to continue to pay for their workers, some are able to go on Employment Insurance which they've made easier to access with no waiting times.  I was stressing a bit for awhile because both my husband and I are self-employed so can't access EI and my daughter works on straight commission and tips for a small local salon.  But they are putting things into place so that people like us can also access funding.  Thankful that we will not have to make a choice between our health and safety and being forced to work to pay bills.

~ grocery store workers, pharmacies, health care workers, truckers, everyone else who are working through the insanity of panicked people.  They are all working like crazy to keep things as stocked as they can and keeping us healthy.  I so appreciate them going to work each day and facing all that work, tense and sometimes aggressive people.  May God refresh their bodies and minds and keep them safe and healthy.

~ gift of spaghetti squash and sausage ~  my neighbor came and blessed me with these yesterday.  She was gifted with some and she shared with me.  What a sweet blessing that was especially in this time of people hoarding things out of fear of not having access to things.

Bonus blessing:  I am thankful for this little community we have built here on FFF.  You guys encourage me and make me see blessings that I may not even have thought of.  Thank you for coming back week after week to participate.  May God bless you with peace in the midst of the storm and safety and health. 

What are you thankful for this week?


Wendy said...

Good to know you are ok and will be able to access funding during this difficult time. Yes good to still take a breath and find things to be thankful for. Stay safe and well Susanne.

Ingrid said...

We have already one week of confinement behind us. As you say fortunately we have internet and can keep in contact with our family and friends. I wonder if locking us up is efficient ! We will see at the end, because here some do as in Belgium very strictly, others don't and some Newspapers are panic makers ! Here the daycares remain open but the schools are closed.

aspiritofsimplicity said...

Here in Mass, the governor has just declared that except for children of essential employees all daycares must be shut down. I’m not sure how that will work. The schools have been closed since the 16th, all restaurants and pubs are closed to all but take-away food, retail stores are mostly closed except for grocery stores and pharmacies, and gatherings of more than 10 people are not allowed. It’s frightening.

Faith said...

I appreciate this community of bloggers more than ever!

Great list of blessings Susanne amidst a difficult week. I know this too shall pass and that God is in total control. How I'm thankful to have His peace in these uncertain times.

Have a safe and healthy weekend!

Ps Happy Spring!!! β˜˜οΈπŸŒ±πŸ’πŸŒ·πŸŒΈβ˜€οΈ

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Susanne. I love being s part of the Friday Fave community, especially now. So glad that you are doing well and looking for all that we still have to be grateful for! Have a good weekend! God bless.

Barbara Harper said...

You're so right, Susanne, this practice of looking for blessings large and small is such a help to keep our perspective where it should be. I am thankful for all these as well--well, except I haven't received any squash or sausage. :-) But God has provided. I wondered about your dayhome--glad you'll be able to access funds if you have to close down.

ellen b. said...

In times like these I am grateful for our blogging community! Stay safe and keep the Faith!

Willow said...

Like Faith said, I appreciate that you are continuing to host this group of bloggers and I love reading these blessings every week.

Get out and walk as much as you can and enjoy spring.

Stay safe and well.

Anonymous said...

I cooked a chicken dish and spaghetti squash this week - and then it accidentally got left out all night. 14 hours. Rats!!! Hope you enjoyed yours. :-) --Ann

Karen said...

It's so nice to have this community to come to each week, especially now more than ever!