Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Fill Your Mind and Heart

In today's world there is plenty of things to be worried and scared about.  No matter where we turn COVID 19 is hitting us in the face. The news and social media are blowing up with the latest turn of events.  People cannot stop talking about it.  It is everywhere.  Last night I sent an email to the ladies in my small group encouraging them as we are not meeting right now.  And what I encouraged them with I would like to also encourage you with.

Make an intentional decision to turn off the tv and social media
for a time each and every day.
Get unplugged.
Then go get your bible or audio bible and fill that space with the Word of God!

Yes, it is important to stay abreast of what is happening and the developments and what we are to do.  But if we don't temper that with God's word it is going to affect our hearts and minds with fear and anxiety!  Whatever we continuously pour into our minds and hearts will eventually overflow.  It is our choice what that thing will be.  Do we choose to be filled with anxiety or do we choose words to point us to how mighty God is and words that fill us with faith and peace.   WE CHOOSE what our hearts and minds meditate and dwell on!   Let us be wise and do what the medical leaders are asking of us to help halt this thing but let us also build our faith and surround ourselves with God's peace.  Light will always dispel the darkness!

To get you started here is a handful of good things to think on and fill your heart with:

Psalm 91

Phillipians 4

Psalm 34:4

II Timothy 1:7

Nahum 1:7

Isaiah 41:10

Deuteronomy 31:6

John 14:27

I Peter 5:7


ellen b. said...

Great encouraging post, Susanne!

Barbara Harper said...

Wise words, Susanne. I'm intentionally avoiding the national news (I usually do, anyway) and just catching the news snippets on the radio. My husband listened to a Q&A for reporters, and they were really reaching for all the sensational, scary, what-if scenarios. People might need to think through those, but a steady diet of them steals our peace. In a book I "just happened" (but I know was really God leading) to pick up this week, the writer shared Psalm 131:2: "But I have calmed and quieted my soul." Those action verbs struck me--as you said, we choose what to dwell on, and we need to dwell on God's truth.

Deb J. in Utah said...

Wonderful advice! Thank you for this post!

Karen said...

"Whatever we continuously pour into our minds and hearts will eventually overflow." I love this. It's a great visual. I tell my kids, you'll find what you're looking for. If you're looking for the negative you'll find it and if you're looking for good, it's right there.