Friday, March 13, 2020

Friday's Fave Five #575

UPDATED with favorites!

Hi everyone.  Welcome to Friday's Fave Five.  We are a community that are intentionally looking for the blessings from God in our lives.  And then sharing 5 from the last week.  Please feel free to join us if you are new.

Unfortunately, I have pulled something in my upper back and it is painful to be on the computer to do my post as of this time on Thursday evening.  I am hoping that I will be able to get on here today (Friday morning) sometime to do my post.  But don't let that stop you!   And in the meantime here is a thought to bring you peace in this crazy fear filled time:

Well it's Friday morning and my back feels much better though not 100% yet.   I think limited time on the laptop, lots of that Watkins ointment I mentioned in last weeks FFF, stretches and following my massage therapist's recommendation of putting my book on a thick pillow to elevate it when reading should all help this weekend.  We are socked in with a winter storm right now, so not planning on going anywhere.

But I'm ready to get to my FFF!  Being thankful always lifts my spirits!  So here we go:

~ I found toilet paper! ~  Who would have thought that this would make my Friday's Fave list of blessings.  Crazy times we live in.  I don't know where you are but in my area the hoarding of toilet paper is in full force.  It's absolutely ridiculous.  Those who are panicking are buying out the toilet paper forcing those of us not panicking to have to buy more than we would because when we actually run out and need it there is none on the shelves because of the panickers.   But hubby went earlier in the day on Monday and actually scored some.  We took 2 and left the rest for others.  Hopefully some sanity will be restored soon.  Doesn't help that the media is really driving the panic into a frenzy.

~ reading pile going down ~ I'm so glad I made a 3 month reading goal and put the books listed into a separate book bag.  It's so satisfying and motivating to see that bag getting emptier and emptier.

~ small moments of rest ~  this has been one hectic week and I'm so thankful for moments of rest.  I've been making a point of seizing these when they come available.  Which, for me, has to be intentional as I could very easily fill them up on a hectic week thinking I am "getting things done".  But then this comes at the expense of my physical and mental well being.

~ particular dentist ~  I am very thankful for my new dentist.  Turns out she is particular and wants it just right.  I'm thankful for that even it it means I need to wait another week for my crown because she sent it back to the lab for not being just right.

~ scripture ~ last but most important is that I'm thankful for scripture.  In this crazy culture of fear I am very thankful for the solid ground of scripture.  That doesn't mean we don't follow recommendations and use wisdom but it means the fear and panic don't have to dictate and take over.  My heart can be calm knowing that this isn't a surprise for God and He is the provider of peace in the midst of debilitating fear swirling all around.  The above scripture is a perfect example.  I can set my mind on that instead of diving headfirst into fear.  I'm very thankful we have such easy and available access to God's word and pray for those who don't.

Praying everyone stays warm and healthy this weekend.  What are your favorite blessings from last week?


Ingrid said...

poor girl wish you feel better take care !

aspiritofsimplicity said...

I’m sorry your back is bothering you. I will include you in my morning prayers.

Barbara Harper said...

Oh no, I'm so sorry, Susanne! I hope you feel better soon.

Faith said...

Oh no!! So sorry to hear about your back. Will be praying for,you today! You'll have to go on FB to see our latest news. Omgosh. Ugh.

ellen b. said...

Sorry to hear about your back, Susanne. Hope you feel better soon.

Wendy said...

I hope you feel better soon and glad you could get some rest during the week. Toilet rolls? I have lots but our shops are empty and not just toilet rolls, things like rice pasta and other things. People seem to be stockpiling for months rather than a couple of weeks. Have a good weekend.

Faith said...

I'm with you on the TP issue. It's completely ridiculous that people are panicking but hey.....those who have no Hope or Faith in Christ are going to be filled with fear. And yes the media doesn't help nor our inept president.

I love the Scriptures too and have been focusing on the ones that speak of peace and trusting in our precious Lord. I actually feel sorry for non Believers who just have no hope and are filled with fear. Maybe this pandemic will bring some to salvation!!

Yay for rest and reading time, I'm sick today from work due to the new OCFS regs regarding teachers with coughs. Good grief. I had to go to doc to get a note saying i do NOT have the corona virus. I'm spending the afternoon reading and catching up on blogs.

Jerralea said...

Glad your back is better - and that you found toilet paper! Today is the regular day when I'm supposed to buy some (we're down to 3 rolls) and I'm hoping and praying to find some!

It's crazy!

But you are so right. Scripture should ground us when crazy times come. I'm hanging on to the Word for dear life!

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Suzanne. I love this post. Hope your back is feeling better. I totally understand how painful and frustrating back issues can be Toilet paper is in short supply around here too. Bottled water too. People don't seem to get that COVID 19 is not in the water supply. I love that scripture. Glad you are taking some time to read, rest and relax. Have a good weekend!

Susan said...

I prayed for you as soon as I read your post. Otherwise it sounds like a good week. I am so thankful that we have not had to shop for TP and won't have to any time soon as my last run to Sam's will do me for a while. Yes I am thankful for scripture too. I open God's word and it jumps off the page to me. Comfort, exhortation, encouragement! It is all there.

nikkipolani said...

I'm sorry to hear about that back pain! Hoping the rest and rub will bring some relief.

The TP crisis is insane. We certainly live in interesting times -- schools closing, working from home as the preferred mode, trips canceled, and empty store shelves! We trust in the Lord who saves and keeps us sane. May more and more turn to Him.

Willow said...

Yes, it is really crazy, isn't it? NO toilet paper or bottled water. We were fortunate to not need either. We did make it to the store today, but now we can stay home--and we don't even have a winter storm, just a viral storm.

I too hold on to Scripture. One of my favorites right now is "Be Strong and Courageous. Don't be afraid." Joshua 1:9

I hope your back will be better soon.

Ingrid said...

I bursted out in laughter so that my husband thought I had become crazy ! I had read the sentence in blue "run out of toilet paper" you are the 5th continent who has written that ! USA, Australia, New Zealand and now Canada and of course Europe in Belgium there also was a rush on toilet paper, incredible, real battles and the shelves all empty ! I don't know what happens has the whole world diarrhea now ??

Barbara Harper said...

So glad you're feeling better! The TP thing is so crazy. I don't know if people feared quarantine and thought they might run out if they couldn't get out to the stores, or what. Stores here were also running low on bottled water, pasta, and chicken tenderloins, of all things. Totally out of sanitizer and the ingredients to make your own. We did find some TP at one small discount store nearby.

It's hard not to let the panic infect us, but resting on Scripture and God's faithfulness surely helps.

I like dentists like that. I don't want to be the one insisting that it's not right.

Glad you're taking those moments of rest when they come. We so need them.