Friday, February 14, 2020

Friday's Fave Five #571

Oh my.  How could a week have already skipped by?  But it did, so welcome once again to Friday and Friday's Fave Five. And a very happy Valentine's Day everyone.  I hope you know and are assured that whether you have a valentine or not you are absolutely, fully, wholly loved by God!  In a week where the time has just whizzed right by I'm especially glad I have this intentional place where I can pause and take note of blessings and good things in my life.  Please join me in being intentional in gratitude not just one day a year at Thanksgiving but daily.  

~ valentine treats ~  I am so not a baker.  Love to cook, bake... not so much.  And with the hectic week I totally forgot to plan for valentine's day for the dayhome.  So last night I was making a quick run to the grocery store to get some strawberries and valentines cookies for snacks.  The first store had not one strawberry or valentine cookie in sight!  Thankfully the other grocery store was only a block away and had exactly what I needed.  And apparently I was not the only one that realized it was valentine's tomorrow and needed stuff.  The dollar store was humming with people getting stuff as was the card aisle at the drugstore.  And it wasn't just guys, lots of women digging through the dwindling stock of cards and chocolates.  

~ extra time on my massage appointment ~ after the crazy week I was very thankful to have had a massage appointment last night.  I tend to get knots in my back around the shoulder blades and these appointments have been so helpful in keeping those at bay.  I remember before massages how tight I used to get and how painful it used to be.  Anyway, last night she gave me some extra time.  It's a little thing she does for those booked in the evening before or the day of valentine's as a little gift.  It was so nice to have those extra minutes.

~ dinner and games night at our friend's home ~ We were treated to a delicious dinner of chicken parmesan and sides and a fun games night at our good friends'.  We always love hanging out with these two because we can really just be ourselves with them.  We laugh a lot, we all love good food and enjoy sharing meals together, and we played a fun card game with lots of teasing and competitive joking around.  A lovely few hours.

~ new to me tea ~  at the above mentioned dinner my friend made some of this delicious tea for me.  It was so good and seeing I liked it so much she sent me home with a full box to enjoy.  Yum!

~ playpen gifted to me ~ in a childcare dayhome, at least in mine, the playpens the kids use to sleep in are put up and taken down on a daily basis.  Lots of wear and tear so they are inspected regularly and replaced as needed.  Playpens can get quite costly and when I had 2 start to show signs of needing to be replaced at once I kinda took a deep breath.  When one of the parents found out I needed a playpen, she offered me hers that is only about 3 years old and only used a few times when her little guy was a baby.  And she won't let me pay her for it.  What a blessing that was!  And the other one I was able to score a half off sale.  

What little things are you grateful for from the past week?


Ingrid said...

I never baked a cake, I used to love cooking (not anymore) but baking not ! How nice that you got the playpen from this mum ! Going out from time to time and laughing is good for the health !!

Faith said...

I love that you were able to get extra minutes with your massage! My chiropractor gave me an extra massage last week, too!! And i don't go back until the 26th so that extra few minutes was precious!

Yay for dinners and games with friends....the tea looks yummy.

What a blessing to get the playpen for free! God is good!

Happy Valentines Day!!

Susan said...

That tea looks yummy. It is very nice to have a place to pause and take note of the blessing that the Lord has given to me this week. I love that I found such a joyful group to join in with. God bless you all and I hope this next week bring amazing FFF's along the way.

susan said...

That Sweet and Spicy Tea is my absolute fave tea. I drink it all the time. So glad you discovered it.
I went to the Dollar Store yesterday for some cards. But as I looked inside and saw all the mayhem and L.O.N.G. line, I left. I'll go on another day. So glad you got all the Valentine's supplies you needed.
Hurray on getting a free playpen and then another one at half-off. Blessings, indeed.
Dinner and games with friends - such a lovely way to spend an evening.
Hurray on extra massage time!
Happy Valentine's Day, Susanne.

Barbara Harper said...

Happy Valentine's Day! I love the variety of Valentine treats available these days. Glad you scored some! What a sweet gift from your massage therapist. The dinner and games with friends sounds so fun. Such a nice and thoughtful gift of the playpen, and how cool to find a good sale on the other.

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Susanne. I sure wish I could find a book massage therapist. The extra time yours gave you is great! Glad you were able to get some Valentine's Treats for your Dayhome Children. The gift of a playpen to help you out is so nice. Dinner and games with friends sounds so great. Have a good weekend and Happy Valentine's Day!

Karen said...

What a lovely gesture by your massage therapist.

Your gathering with friends sounds wonderful. I think I need to initiate something like that soon. Our friends have been so good to us these past weeks and months. Chicken parm sounds pretty good, too!

Happy Valentine's Day <3

Anonymous said...

Great bargain on the playpens!!! Something like that is always a blessing. --Ann

ellen b. said...

Sounds like you had a very good week. It's nice to get invites for dinner and games. That massage sounds real good. I need to schedule mine that the kids gifted me for Christmas. Happy Valentine's day to you and yours.

Willow said...

Friends are the best--especially friends with whom you can just be yourselves and laugh and chat.

What a sweet gift from your day care parent. I'm sure she appreciates what good care you take of her little guy.

Happy Valentine's Day and Happy Weekend to you.

Wendy said...

A week and a half have passed me by! Nice to get extra massage time and fun with friends!