Friday, February 07, 2020

Friday's Fave Five #570

Friday is here.  And that means we hit the pause button on our busyness and take a moment to recognize and ponder and be thankful for the blessings in our lives from the past week.  Busyness, to do lists, stresses, demands, even the everyday mundane can all cause us to overlook what is good in our life.  Studies show that one of the biggest factors that produce a happy life is an attitude of gratefulness.  If that is true, no matter our circumstance we need to intentionally purse looking for the gifts God brings, both big and small.  The more we train ourselves to look for and be thankful for blessings the easier it becomes to be aware of them all the time, not just on Fridays.  Please join us as we share five of them.  

~ safety ~ My mom had a fender bender accident on Monday.  Though the car has some fender damage I am so grateful she is not hurt and no one else was hurt.  Insurance can pay for damages but her and other's safety is something I am so grateful for.

~ warmer days ~  though the wind has been insane overnights this week has had weather above freezing everyday.  So that means outside time with the dayhome kiddos.  The days go so much better when the kids can get out and burn off pent up energy.  And I do better too getting my dose of daily fresh air.

~ that first cup of coffee ~  I was reading in a story the other day that the character lived in a time when coffee was not readily available and they only had 1 small cup a day if they were able to get lay their hands on some.  I can't imagine.   It made me realize how blessed we are to have  such easy access to things we enjoy like coffee.  I love that first cup of coffee in the morning.  

~ warm socks ~  I don't know why but this week warm socks have been such a blessing to me.  It's been warmer outside but I think because of that the heat doesn't come on as often  and my feet have been cold.  Nothing like nice, soft, cozy socks.

~ purging leftover items ~  when our youngest moved out in October last year it came on the tail end of her being quite ill and there were some things got left behind in her room.  We are finally getting around to sorting through it getting it either into the garbage or into a box for donation or into another box for her to take with her.  It's nice to get things like that dealt with.  Sometimes the hardest part is just starting it.  But it was time and it's feeling good.

What are you grateful for this week?


Ingrid said...

I do the same when I tidy up ! Clothes and all kind of stuff go to an organisation for "Battered women" or to the Red Cross. For warm socks it would be too warm here ! For a winter we have too high temperatures up to 15° !! Good for heating costs !!

Faith said...

I had to laugh at the coffee statement because the very first thing i do after hitting the alarm off at 5:30 is go to the bathroom is go downstairs, take my vitamins and get that first steaming mug of coffee which begins brewing around 5:35. We set it up the night before Sunday -Thursday and it's a HUGE blessing in this household!! 😀

Praise God your mom and the other car involved are all safe.

Yay for warmer temps. Ours have been hovering around freezing and yesterday we had a two hour delay due to horrible freezing rain and sleet. Today we might get snow! This is Feb on the east coast! I'm taking a sick day today as a mental health day due to major work issues with a certain child. Lurmboss actually encourages us to do so. We have a difficult student and all of us are fighting some kind of cold virus. It's a blessing you could take your daycare kiddoes outside.

I love sorting through things and organizing. Glad you had the chance to do so.

And yes to the cozy socks!!

Happy weekend!

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Susanne. So glad you mom wasn't injured in the fender bender. You have once again found lots to be grateful for, even in the normal day-to-day of life. I love these Friday Fave Fives. Thanks for hosting each week. Have a good weekend!

Barbara Harper said...

So glad your mom is all right! And that you've been able to get outside with the kids. Yay for cozy socks and coffee--I have to drink decaf due to heart rhythm issues, but I still love the warmth and flavor. I know what you mean about jobs like your daughter's room--it's hard to get started, but feels so good to work on it and get it done.

Susan said...

Okay I am so computer illiterate so I have no idea if I am doing this correctly... I have signed up to do the link up and it said to leave a comment but not where to leave a comment so I am assuming this is it. I have so many questions but I learn easily so I am hoping I will learn how do participate. Your help would be appreciated.

Thankful for Grace said...

Hi Susanne, it's been a few months since I've participated in the Friday Fave Five, but i've been longing to get back into it. As you say, it is too easy to overlook the good things in our lives, and your link-up is a great way to slow down and be mindful of our blessings. Thank you so much for hosting this.

Oh, yes, great news that your mom is okay after her fender bender. Cars can easily be replaced, but serious injuries from accidents can be catastrophic. So glad no one was injured!

My dogs are like the dayhome kids---they need to get out and run off some of their energy. We get mostly rain or a rain/snow mix in the winter, and we have had a ton of it lately, so my dogs haven't been able to spend time playing outside. I don't want muddy, wet dogs, so I walk them out to potty, then bring them back inside. They are desperately longing to get out and play!!

I like warm, fuzzy socks too!


Susan said...

I joined and I posted. I hope I did the button and link correctly. I guess I will find out in the days to come. I really like this posting of 5 blessings of the week. I was glad for you all and reminded of blessing of my own as I read each ones post. God bless you all.

Jerralea said...

Praises for protection for our loved ones! We need to praise Him every time we become aware of it. I'm convinced it happens way more than we know.

I'm a big fan of warm socks, hot coffee and de-cluttering.

Enjoy your weekend!

Susanne said...

Susan: If you come back to these comments I have no way to reach you. I clicked on your name in these comments but there is no way to contact you on your profile and I don't see that you have a blog? It only shows two people whom you follow. If you could contact me through email which you will find in my complete profile link under picture and description I will try and help you.

Wendy said...

So glad your Mum was ok. Warmer temps must be a blessing for you, especially to be able to get outside. I know how hard it is just coping with 1 when we can't get out at all. We are beginning to sort out all our clutter. I think it's going to be non stop! Hopefully we'll be done before we move lol Have a good weekend.

Thankful for Grace said...

I see you are reading The Victory Club. I will be interested to hearing what you think of it. It is one of my all-time favorite books!!

ellen b. said...

Getting started is the hardest thing a lot of times but once you start, things can go well. So good that your mom is okay. I do enjoy my cuppa in the morning! Thankful for that. Yippee for being able to go outside. Happy weekend to you!

Anonymous said...

I'm thankful for safety this week also, as written about in my FFF due to very bad weather yesterday. And yes, getting those children moved out can be quite a chore -- one both difficult and yet relieving to get done. And don't they always leave SOMETHING behind? :-) --Ann

Willow said...

I love warm socks too! I've been wearing my handknit ones and love them for cold, cozy days.
Your mom's accident was scary--I'm so thankful she is ok. Cars are replaceable but people aren't.
Isn't it great to get outside in the fresh air and sunshine? I'm glad you've had those days this week!

Bina Simon said...

You actually make it seem so easy with your presentation but I find this topic to be really something which I think I would never understand. It seems too complicated and extremely broad for me. I’m looking forward to your next post, I will try to get the hang of it!
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