Welcome to Friday. It's time to look back over the week and intentionally look for the blessings that God has brought our way. We are working at having lives that are filled with gratitude, that look at our cups not just half full but overflowing, that can quickly notice good things and not be overwhelmed when the hard times come. We are softening our hearts to God's goodness. Are you ready to join us? Guidelines are linked in the sidebar if you are new to Friday's Fave Five.
~ perfect gift ~ Dave and I had agreed not to get gifts for Valentine's, or so I thought. But he was sneaky. I woke up to just the perfect card that made me laugh and a Starbucks gift card. Then later that morning a flower delivery brought this gorgeous bouquet to me. The card read "Seeing as You Love Shoes". Now I would never in a million years wear stilletos of that height (or stilletos of any height anymore, truth be told) but it sure looked nice with flowers in it! The gifts were a sweet blessing but the quieter blessing in it all is that my hubby knows me so well and knows what will make me smile and make me feel special.
~ blessing returned ~ As is usual, we were planning on staying home eating a simple homemade meal on Valentine's because neither of us enjoys going out on this day. The restaurants are always over-crowded and we always feel rushed. And now more and more restaurants around here, at least the nice ones, are doing special menus on Valentines that features three or four courses, so it is more expensive. But I had something up my sleeve too. While he was still finishing up his work, I went out and got one of Hubby's favorite fast food meals, KFC (Kentucky Fried Chicken). He'd been wanting it for a few weeks but it never seemed to work out in our meal plans. When I called that supper was ready and he came up from his work area and saw we were having KFC, his surprise and smile were worth it. He was so happy. LOL, Guys and their love of KFC. Apparently neither of us is good at following our rules.
~ Sunday worship ~ The worship at Sunday service was absolutely beautiful and powerful. I am so thankful we have a team of dedicated musicians and singers who are willing to put in the time to lead us in worship. The songs were meaningful, people participated and entered in and God's presence was really felt. I left feeling filled up and refreshed.
~ condo sold ~ My dad had moved into a senior residence last spring and his condo has been up for sale since. It has started to become a great source of stress for him as he still had to pay condo fees, insurance and taxes even though he was no longer living there. Money flying out the window. I asked my ladies group to commit it to prayer a couple of weeks ago and within 2 weeks that condo sold. Praise God!!
~ long weekend ~ this past Monday was a long weekend in Alberta and I for one, very much appreciated the day off. I slept in, stayed in pj's reading with coffee close by and basically relaxed in the morning. Then seeing it was family day, I went and had a nice cup of tea with my Mom, then went and spent some time with my Dad too. Tamara joined me for that so it was really nice. Then I spent the evening with my hubby watching a movie.
Bonus blessing: Today is our oldest daughter's birthday. It's hard to believe it was 30 years ago that God gave us the wonderful gift of her. Though we can't be with her for her birthday she is in our hearts and minds this day and we are thankful for the beautiful, strong woman she has grown into and the blessing she is to us.
What were your favorite blessings you are thankful for this week?
Happy birthday to the girl who made you a momma!!
How fun to have the surprises on Valentine's Day!! We also ordered out and it was so much fun! ( and cheaper!)
I love a good worship service and music team. Isn't it a true blessing when God's people come together to glorify Him??! Glad you had a good one.
Your day off sounds heavenly!
Happy weekend!
Hi Susanne. I love your Friday Faves this week! God's goodness and tender mercies are everywhere in our lives when we look up to see what He has given us! Thanks for giving us all this opportunity each week. I know it makes me a better, happier and more grateful person! Sounds like you had a really nice week. So glad. Enjoy your weekend!
Love your Valentine's Day treats for each other. I have never seen an arrangement in a shoe! How clever and cute. I don't know how people walk in those, either, but they are good for flowers. I love KFC myself, too. The thoughtfulness behind both of your actions and gifts is the sweetest part. We stay home that day, too.
So thankful for the answer to prayer about your dad's condo. We had concerns about the sale of Jim's mom's house when we moved her here, since we were 2,000 miles away and had to sell the house "as is." I don't remember the time frame, but it was such a relief when it sold. That money then helped finance her care for the next ten years.
Yay for long weekends, relaxed mornings, and family time. Happy birthday to your daughter!
I am 100% with you about eating out on Valentine's Day!! We went the night before. My hubby isn't much on Valentine's Day, but he cooks breakfast for me every single morning that I work. So I do not take that for granted!!! :-)
What a lovely Valentine's day you two had. Surprises are so nice. Happy Birthday to your daughter. It makes it even more wonderful when they grow up so nicely. Praise God for selling your Dad's condo and blessing you in worship. I love the worship team at our church. They are truly part of the message and often I feel so full that I could leave right after the music and feel I had already heard a sermon. But we have fantastic preachers so I would probably never do that.
I have never seen Casablanca all the way through but I would love to watch it and eat from Muddaddy's. Too bad I live on the opposite coast. Sounds like a great week and I prayed you'd be feeling better soon. There was not link to the free class so I was wondering if you could post one please.
Very thoughtful of your husband and of you, too. My husband enjoys KFC, too. Fun bouquet vessel. Happy birthday to your dear daughter. PTL that the condo sold. Hope you have a lovely weekend.
The shoe bouquet is wonderful. I want to keep that idea tucked away so I can make this someday. What a blessing your hubby knows you so well. And you know him well, too. How fun that both of you surprised each other in the perfect ways.
Hurray for prayer and for the sale of the condo.
Happy belated birthday to your daughter.
I love your quote. That is the rub, learning to appreciate life for what it is and not for what we wish it were.
Have a blessed weekend, Susanne.
What sweet gifts you gave each other. It's obvious you are really thinking about the other person when you give gifts.
I am glad your dad's condo has sold. I know the stress of waiting and waiting for a buyer to come. (Maybe I should ask you to ask your group to pray that my house will sell!)
Your 'day off' sounds like it was exactly what you wanted and needed.
Happy Weekend to you!
What a great list. Those flowers are cute and how well you know your hubby. I'm glad your Dad's condo sold that must be such a relief. Belated birthday wishes to your daughter. My baby has just turned 30. I'm trying not to feel old lol. I hope you're having a good weekend.
Your day off sounds perfect. I like the idea of Family Day. Those flowers are so cute! and I love how you are both such 'sneaky' Valentines and go rogue with the rules:) My hubby loves KFC, too;)
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