Friday, October 25, 2019

Friday's Fave Five #556

Hi everyone.  Welcome to Friday's Fave Five.  Join us as we take time and pause in our busy days, our mundane days, our overwhelmed days and look for the holy.  For the blessings of God in our lives.

1.  Operation Shoebox 2019 kickoff  Sunday was our church's kickoff the the 2019 campaign.  It was so much fun putting together the shoeboxes with my ladies group the Tuesday before and reminiscing a bit for them about my trip with OCC in the spring.  The kick off went well.  The video I chose was very touching and motivating, it makes me cry everytime I see it.  I've included it below.  I'm so excited to finish packing my boxes.  I can envision every distribution I was a part of and the excitement and joy of the gifts, the children's faces as they listened to the gospel story and the parents gratefulness for loving their children.   Are you packing a box this year?

2.  Voters taking boxes.  Monday was voting day in Canada.  Our church is a polling station and every time that happens I order some extra boxes so voters can take them, fill them and bring them back.  And though this year's election results were a huge disappointment to Albertans in general, the good news about the night was that voters took more than half of our boxes leaving me with about a dozen boxes.  I had to go to the Regional Logistics director and ask for more!  How exciting and what a great problem to have to solve!

3.  Spot on the team.  While talking to the Logistics Director, she offered me a few spots on the team she is taking to Calgary to volunteer at the warehouse.  This is where shoebox gifts from all across Canada will come and be processed and packaged for shipping to the countries.  This is a step in the shoebox journey I haven't done yet.  I've always wanted to but have just never got around to it and in recent years it has become a very popular thing.  You have to apply and it's really difficult to get a spot.  This invite was a huge blessing and opportunity.  I can hardly wait.  The first time I saw the warehouse, the boxes had not arrived yet from the collections week and they were just getting ready for them.  We had stopped there to pick something up for my son going on a "water filter mission trip" with Samaritan's Purse and the lady there gave me a tour of the warehouse.  As soon as I walked into that massive place, I burst into tears at just the sheer magnitude of what they do from there.  It was overwhelming.  I'm sure there will be some tears again when I go to actually work this time.  And bonus:  one of my daughters and a friend from my small group are going with me.

4.  Wonderful stories.  I love all sorts of stories but some just get me in the heart with their writing and story telling and subject matter.  I just finished a great book that I've had sitting in my pile for years.  Don't know what took me so long to get to it but I sure am glad I finally did.  Review to come.

5.  Laughter with kids.  Kids are so funny especially when they don't even try to be.  There was few times in dayhome this week that something the kids said or did had me in stitches.  Laughter with small children lifts my soul!  They are awesome.

What were your favorite blessings from the week?


Faith said...

Of course I'm doing an OCC box again this year!! It will be my 30th year doing one and Courtney's 26th!! Claire is going to see if the church she goes to at college does it too....last year they didn't so she helped me via texting. 😜 ( told me what to buy).

A friend of ours who lives close to the headquarters for Samaritans Purse helps out loading the big trucks each NOv before they get sent to the planes. She loves it! Glad you get to do that!!

That's awesome aboutmthe voters taking boxes.

I laugh the laughter from,toddlers and preschoolers. Sadly, in our classroom, there isn't a lot of laughter usually. Such needy children we have this year some with absolutely no affect at all. It breaks my heart, please pray for my teaching team. We are struggling with the needs of these little ones.

I hope you have a fantastic weekend! Did it warm up there?? We saw 67 F yesterday!! I'm totally loving autumn this year!

susab said...

The OCC video was precious. I hadn't seen that one. I hope to go on a distribution journey some year, too. My church will pack our boxes on November 7th. We are delayed this year because of my shoulder.
How cool that a new crop of people was exposed to OCC because of your elections.
I can see why visiting the OCC Warehouse was an emotional hit. When will you go help there? How cool.
Laughter provided by and because of kiddos is the best.
Have a great week, Susanne.

Barbara H. said...

Yes, I am excited to do a shoebox again this year! How fun that you get to go to the warehouse! I can't imagine the massive organization this takes. I'm so glad for people who are willing to do all the behind the scenes work.

I know what you mean about good books. Those funny moments with children are so special.

Wendy said...

The shoeboxes are a great project and lovely that you will get to see another part of it this year. I'm sure nothing will beat actually distributing the boxes and watching the children's reactions. Yes children laugh at the silliest things but their laughter is so infectious. Glad you had a good week. Enjoy your weekend.

Ingrid said...

I have never voted in my life ! In Belgium I am not allowed because I am German and in Germany because I don't live in Germany ! That's a great project the shoeboxes ! Children make the best jokes because they are natural !

ellen b. said...

The boxes are mostly gone at our church for filling. The video they show on Sunday announcements always makes me cry. Another first for you with the shoeboxes in a warehouse this time. I'm sure you'll be blessed. Laughter is so good. Happy weekend to you.

Willow said...

I have two friends who are leaders for Operation Christmas Child in two cities in our county. Our church did the kick off this past Sunday too.
I'm glad that you get to participate in this new function in this amazing ministry.
Aren't kids funny? Do you remember Kids Say the Darndest Things?
Have a great weekend!

Karen said...

I love hearing about your involvement in the Shoebox project. We did them when my kids were younger, but it has been a long time. You've inspired me to look up where the collection sight is near me, and it is just up the street! I still have time to get something together. I hope you can take pictures at the warehouse during your visit.

nikkipolani said...

What a FANTASTIC idea to have the shoeboxes for people to fill! Yes, I'm filling boxes -- was going to be two but a third snuck in. So glad you got to be on the team and see another aspect of a ministry you love so much.