Welcome to Friday's Fave Five! Are you ready to take a pause and look for the blessings in your past week? Please join us intentionally looking for and being grateful for the blessings God sends our way.
~ nothing broken ~ my Mom had a fall out her back door on Sunday and though she gave herself a good shiner and a horribly bruised shin and knee nothing was broken, Praise God! She was stiff and sore but was still getting around okay. I am so thankful she didn't break anything and that she wasn't by herself. My daughter was over there and could help her.
~ packing list coming together ~ my ministry trip with Operation Christmas Child is coming up fast! Only 3 more weekends left! I've got their packing list and am getting things checked off one by one. The spare room bed is a mess with everything thrown on there but it will soon be in the suitcase and ready to go. I am so thankful to have this opportunity to go!
~ car washes ~ after the bitter cold February and the huge snow dumps last 6 weeks or so, it is finally getting gorgeous out there. But with that comes the slush and muck and mess of a fast melt. The car gets pretty covered with grime, as I'm sure most of you are probably experiencing in some way. I'm thankful for the car washes that can get rid of that stuff without having to wait for summer and garden hose.
~ inspirational stories ~ Love a good inspirational story anytime but I've especially been enjoying some of the ones featured on American Idol this year. Some of these kids have overcome such hard situations and have such gumption to get up and audition.
~ sunshine ~ I am so thankful for the sunshine dominating the last couple of days. And not just sunshine, but warm sunshine bringing the temperature above the freezing mark. And not only warm sunshine but without wind. So glad to see and feel it. I actually sat out on the deck yesterday with a book while the kids played in the snow, still in my coat, but boy was it nice to be able to do that.
What were your 5 favorite blessings from the last week?
It seems so strange to me that you talk about Christmas and we still have winter ! But I understand that it takes time to prepare such an event !
Our winter seams to go away and the first bushes start to bloom ! But we still have a very strong wind and had lots of dammages ! Not us fortunately.
One of the teen girls on American idol is from our high school, Shaker High here in my town of North Colonie where my girls went!! She's hoping to win of course and we are all rooting,for her!!
So thankful your mother wasn't badly hurt!
I cannot wait to see pics and hear al about your trip!
I sat outside yesterday on break with my book and it was really hard to go back to the classroom for meetings.
Have a wonderful sunny weekend!
I'm so thankful that your mom didn't break anything! So exciting to have your trip coming up! Can't wait to hear about it! We've enjoyed sunshine here, too - so nice after days of rain or cloudy skies. Yay for warmers temperatures! Spring is coming!
Happy for you that you are getting some sunshine and nice weather at last.
SO thankful that your mom is okay! What a scare for her and for all of you. I worry about this with my aunt, who live alone.
It must seem like a dream that you are so close to leaving for your trip. If you told us, I've forgotten, but how long will you be there? How fun to have Christmas in April!
I'm on the run but I'll be back later to comment more!
I hope you have a wonderful trip!
So sorry your mother fell, but glad she is doing well. My mother is almost 90, shaky when she walks, but doesn't want to use her cane. I'm holding my breath. . . .
You must have been very relieved over your Mum. It's so easy to break things as we get older. You must be very excited about your trip. Look forward to hearing all about it.
Oh, your first fave is so important! I'm thankful your mom is ok! Falling as you age is no fun. And your daughter was there with her!
Sunshine! Yes! I have been craving the sun and am so thankful we both have had sunshine this week.
Your upcoming trip is so exciting! I know you'll have a wonderful time. I love how thorough CI is to send packing lists and all those helps.
Have a sunny warm weekend!
Didn't think back later meant 3 days later! So glad your mom's fall wasn't worse. Those bruises take so long to heal on older folk. We are enjoying the season of mud here in Colville but it's so nice to be able to do outdoor work without freezing our fingers off! American Idol has been so amazing with such tough life stories. I haven't watched every episode but the one with the boy that has cystic fibrosis and the other stories were brought me to tears. Yippee for sunshine. Hope this week is going well!
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