Friday, March 22, 2019

Friday's Fave Five #526

Happy Spring, everyone!  I am so very glad to say those words!  Spring is a blessing.  And that is the perfect bridge to welcome everyone to look for their blessings from the past week.  They may be big, they may be smaller, they may be tangible, it may be something that made you laugh or smile, or just something that got you through the day.  But no matter the week you've had, it's always a good thing to make time to look for them and be thankful.

~warmth~ it has been a lovely week, weather wise, to welcome the spring season.  We have actually been outside without coats this week.  So different from just a couple weeks ago.  I will soak up every ray of sunshine because it is Southern Alberta after all, and I'm sure some spring snow will be coming at some point.

~ spring clothes ~ because it's gotten warm, and a spring snow is not the same as frigid winter cold, I've tucked away the big sweaters and warmer clothes and moved the spring clothes to the front of closets and drawers.  Bye bye darker colored clothes, hello brighter, lighter spring colors.

~ ankle rain boots ~ every spring I've always wished I had a pair of rain boots.  Winter boots are too hot, and yet it is still wet and slushy out there.  But I've been too cheap to spend what stores were asking.  But at the end of the season last year I found a really cute pair at Marshals about 2/3 off the regular price.  I only paid $20 and I have worn those things so much already this year.  Love them and so glad I didn't hesitate when I saw them on sale.

~ pockets of time to relax ~ It's been so busy the last few weeks and the next couple of weeks will be even more so.  I've been very thankful to find pockets of time to just slow down, take a break from the big to do list, and just enjoy a cup of coffee or tea, read a chapter, or just watch a show.

~ a clean house ~ there is something about a nice clean house, isn't there?  No matter how tired I am on Friday after the last child leaves, I really try hard to get that vacuum out and give a good going over of the whole upstairs.  Sitting down to clean flooring somehow relaxes me.  When I don't do it I feel antsy and can't always pinpoint why, but as soon as it's done, it's like a sigh of relief.  Weird?  Maybe.  And can I say how thankful I am for a vacuum cleaner and that I don't have to throw rugs over a fence and beat them?

What were your favorite blessings from the week?


Ingrid said...

I don't separate winter and summer clothes anymore, one stack of the warm one stack of the spring and summer season and that's it. We don't have such very cold winters only very seldom. Fortunately I have a cleaning lady who is very much welcome because with the age some things become difficult to do ! Now I need even somebody for the garden all things Mr. G. had done before and now can't do it anymore because of heavy arthritis in his hands !

aspiritofsimplicity said...

I am very glad to hear those words as well. I am headed out the door on a very rainy morning and your ankle rain boots sounds wonderful. I think I will have to look for a pair. Both of my rainboots wore out.

Barbara H. said...

What a blessing to be warm enough to go outside without coats and put away the heavy stuff! I haven't gotten out my spring clothes yet, but I love the changeover in the closet from dark and heavy to lighter colors and textures. I know what you mean about cleaning being relaxing in the end. And yay for pockets of time to relax. I love how God plants them in our days.

Dianna said...

I completely understand how you feel more relaxed once the floors are vacuumed. I am the same way. I need to give the kitchen floor a good scrub and then I could really feel relaxed! :)

I'm so glad that you had pockets of time to relax this past week. I am also glad that you shared about "pockets of time" because sometimes I think I need a nice window of time to really relax but your reminder that just taking time to have a cup of tea or read a chapter or watch a show helps me. I will be putting that into practice. Thanks, Friend!

Karen said...

Good point about the vacuum cleaner! I'll stop complaining about mine;)

We've had some beautiful spring weather this week, too. I know we'll get the inevitable snow in April, but it sure is nice to enjoy until then.

Love a good sale, and how fun to have something new in your closet for a new season,

Feeling your excitement for the trip!

ellen b. said...

Good Friday morning to you, Susanne! I'm going to have to look for some ankle length rain boots for sure. I have my short boots for working in the yard but those ankle length shoes sound ideal for the season of mud. You are enjoying the same warmth and sunshine that we've had this week, too, such a nice change! It's great not having to bundle up to go out. Hope you have a good weekend~!

Faith said...

oh yes I am DEFINITELY THANKFUL it is Spring now!! Today is our coldest day of the was back to wearing a sweater to work with a thicker jacket but it'll warm up again I hope. The beginning of the week was just glorious!

I LOVE getting my housework done during the work week so I can enjoy the weekend but that doesn't always happen here.

Yay for quiet moments to sip coffee and read good books. I just reviewed the latest Picoult book earlier this week and I JUST finished the very best book I've read in a very long time. It gets a 20. HA!

nikkipolani said...

That's so great that boots you needed were ready for duty. With your still slushy spring, they sound like the perfect footwear. Love the reminder that miracles happen whether we notice or not, but isn't it more wonderful to witness them.

I feel as you do about clean. Congrats on having both pockets of relaxation AND a clean house!

Wendy said...

I'm glad you find some down time in your busy week. It is definitely spring here. I missed joining in this week as we've been away for the weekend.