Welcome to Friday's Fave Five. What a busy week it has been. I had such good intentions of doing a few posts but alas, I didn't even make it around to comment on anyone's FFF post. It was Thanksgiving weekend here last weekend and I have been consistently busy since last Friday, so I do apologize for that. But it is life, and life is meant to live. So that I did. And with that it's time to once again to look for the blessings in our lives. Please join in with us. Guidelines are linked in sidebar if you've never read them.
~Thanksgiving ~ I have to say I love thanksgiving. It doesn't have all the crazy busyness and distractions of Christmas and of course I love the giving of thanks. That's what we try to do here at FFF on a consistent basis. It was a lovely long weekend filled with family. We had a turkey dinner on Sunday. Everything turned out delicious and we enjoyed each other's company all gathered around the meal. So thankful all the kids were able to make it home and that the crazy weather and snow we've had as of late did not hinder their travels.
I cannot take a decent selfie type pic for the life of me. This was the best of the bunch and as you can see there is always a variety of poses and quirkiness going on behind my back.
~apple cheese"cake" ~ I had every intention of making a homemade dessert but when I was in the store I saw they had apple cheesecake on sale for the holiday. I'm a cheesecake fan from way back as the saying goes and I thought why not? It would be one less thing to worry about. Well when we cut into it we had a good laugh. It was cheese cake alright. The bottom half was actually cake with the top half being an actual cheesecake portion. I was so disappointed, I was looking forward to that creamy cheesecake all day, and in all honesty I am not a huge cake fan. But it actually turned out to be delicious in an odd, unexpected way. I did take a picture of it but I must have dumped it along the way sometime.
~family mall trip~ I usually try and avoid the mall but Thanksgiving day the kids all wanted to go so Dave and I joined them. It actually turned out to be a lot of fun. It felt like we were on a little vacation. We used to enjoy going to the big malls in Calgary when the kids were younger and this reminded me of those times. I also found me a great fall sweater on sale for a great price.
~peanut butter cup latte~ David's tea had a feature on this drink so I just had to give it a try. Found it quite delicious. Not a peanut in it, but it did taste like a pb cup.
~Operation Christmas Child~ the kids helped (I keep saying kids but they are all adults!) and the boxes are ready to be taken and filled at our kickoff at church this Sunday. Always something I really love to do. That little shoebox gift is a life changer and brings hope and love to so many kids around the world who otherwise having nothing or who live in desperate situations. If you've never participated it's a great ministry to be involved in. You can go here for more info:
United States
What were your favorite blessings from the last week?
You had your Thanksgiving day ! It's always so discreet with you Canadians, not like the Americans who want the whole world know, lol ! Nice to gather the whole family !
Happy belated Thanksgiving!! Sounds like a fun weekend. thanksgiving is the opposite for me, I'm not a huge fan now that we don't have the big family beach house because it means traveling to MA and depending on whose turn it is to cook, we either sleep at my inlaws or a hotel and it's just so hard to cook when not in ones own kitchen. Plus the traveling is horrible that weekend on the Mass Pike. So i much prefer Xmas when i can be in my own home!! Way more relaxing. Your selfie came out fine!!
Yay for sweater sales. We are having some mild autumn weather here and yesterday we were in shorts. Supposed to be cooler this weekend.
I've never heard of a PB latte. Not sure I'd like that!! I do like the caramel ones.
Happy weekend!!
Belated Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family! I'm so glad you were all able to be together. The cake sounds good but a little odd to have cake and cheesecake together. I'm glad it tasted good! We used to go visit the mall as a family when the kids were little and haven't done that in a long time. Sounds like fun! We're finally in a church that does OCC, so I am excited to participate this year!
Happy Thanksgiving! I really like that picture, will have to remember your technique:) The PB cup latte sounds interesting. I am a huge fan of that combo of flavors. Your family time always sounds like such fun. It's been years since I've been to a mall with my kids.
Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family! It's lovely to see you all together! And even though they're all adults, they'll always be your kids.
I love that you always write about Operation Christmas Child. I hope there will be lots of boxes for children in Sulawesi. I've been watching all that devastation in a county I love.
Have a great weekend!
So glad you had a lovely thanksgiving. It is always a joy when the who;e family is home for such occasions. Bummer about your dessert. I would have been initially disappointed as well. I've never had a cheese cake and cake combo. Not sure what I would think about it.
A peanut butter cup ANYTHING is an attention grabber.
I love OCC!. My church starts its kick off this Sunday, as well. The OCC crafting group I work with all year long will have its packing party on Tuesday. I am looking forward to that.
Have a great week.
Belated Happy Thanksgiving. Looks like you had fun with your family. We're looking forward to going to Vermont this year and celebratin with our DIL's family. Apple cheescake sounded lovely until you described it.
Love love love quirky family photos. Ya did good!
I had to smile at your adult "kids" -- my team at work are significantly younger than I am and it's hard not to think of them as kids. Or sometimes, puppies :-) Anyway, OCC made it on my faves, too!
Glad you enjoyed that strange cheese "cake". More quirkiness to enjoy!
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