Friday, August 07, 2015

Friday's Fave Five #340

Hi everyone! Welcome Friday's Fave Five.  Please join us as we look back over the week and find the  blessings in our lives.   Again it will be short descriptions for me as my hand is still healing from surgery.  

1.  Coffee.  Plain ol' fresh ground coffee.  It's been getting me through the day.  This year was the first time in about 25 years I took 2 weeks off back to back.  It was needed this year due to carpal tunnel surgery.  But I got sooo out of routine, late nights reading and then lazy mornings sleeping in and sitting around took their toll and getting back to work this week was a killer.  That caffeine boost first thing in the morning and again in the early afternoon has been very much appreciated by myself and my foggy, sleepy brain.

2.  The Big Move.  On the long weekend we moved my son to where he'll be going to school for paramedic studies.  It was a jam packed weekend that went smoothly and without incident.  He's got a great condo with two friends who are brothers and have the same kind of values and goals as him.  And they are friends so he doesn't have to move in with strangers.   I'm very thankful that is off his to do list and he doesn't have to worry about housing anymore. 

3.  Family Bike ride in the new city.  Last week I had mentioned a favourite was a bike rack we had purchased.  Well it went with us as J. wanted his bike taken up in his move.  We loaded all of our bikes and took a couple hours Sunday morning to explore some of beautiful trails.  It was the perfect biking morning.  Sunny but not yet too hot.  The trails went through forest and through out a ravine so we went in and out of shade and sun.  We didn't even dent discovering all the trails we have in that city.  I loved it.  It's exactly why we purchased the bike rack.  I'm looking forward to using it even more.  And not to worry, I wore a wrist splint and made sure not to put weight on my right hand.  All went well.  Missing was our oldest, but hey, it was a little hard feeling sorry for her as the girl is in Paris!  Yes,  that Paris, 

4.  Safe travels.  To get my son to Edmonton, we had to drive a highway called the QEII, short for Queen Elizabeth II.  It is the busiest highway per capita in Canada and let me tell you, it is insane.  Drivers drive like crazy people.  It is fast, it is practically bumper to bumper, and it is nerve wracking!!  Getting off that highway always makes me breathe a huge sigh of relief.  I'm sure people drive it without giving it a thought, but coming from the slower paced southern part of the province I just am not used to that kind of driving.  

5. So far so good.  I think.  My appointment isn't till next week but my hand seems to be coming along quite well.  It gets tired and a little weak at times but for the most part if I'm careful to follow the recovery rules, it is doing good as far as I can tell.

What are your favourites from the week?


Willow said...

I've never driven (or ridden on) the QEII, but if you don't like the traffic there, don't come to LA! We braved several LA freeways on Sunday and will need to do it again on Saturday. Not my favorite part of a trip or celebration.
Your bike rides sound so so inviting!

Susan said...

Sorry for your end of late nights reading, sleeping in and sitting around. :)
I am sorry for myself too as my vacation ended on Wednesday. And while I LOVE my job, it felt good to be reckless with my schedule.

Hurray for a healing hand and a bike ride to enjoy with your favorite man.

I hope you able to get rest this weekend and start next week with more energy and a lesser need for caffeine.

Gattina said...

Nice to hear that your hand is getting better !
I couldn't live without coffee either, that's the first thing I do each morning, take a cup of coffee !

Faith said...

Dave and I and our girls back when they were really little and we had a pop up camper drove for a little ways on the QE outside of Niagara Falls Canada. We were scared to death!! (and keep in mind we are used to BOSTON traffic!! lol) That was one scary, fast paced highway. But one thing that struck me about Canada was how pristine it is....we saw NO litter along the highways. Quite impressive (this was back in 2002). Yay for your boy getting into housing with friends and for the biking you got to do. HUGE blessing for you. And yay for Paris!!!! Is she on a vacation or is this because of work? I cannot get through the first half of my day without a couple of mugs of good strong coffee :) Enjoy the weekend!!!!!

Barbara H. said...

Glad you had two weeks off after your surgery. It's so easy to get used to the different hours and more time for other pursuits! Glad caffeine helped the transition and that your son's move-in went well and he's got good roommates. How fun that you got to have a family bike ride! That highway sounds crazy. We have a few like that in the US - makes for a very tense stretch of a trip. Glad you made it through that ok!

nikkipolani said...

So good to hear that your hand surgery is going well. I'd've never thought bike riding would be safe for its healing, but you've managed it :-) How fun to do a family fun ride in your son's new city. Hope it goes well for him in his studies and new life with roomies at their new place.

I know the relief of surviving crazy traffic and near-misses (why do we call it that??). Have a restful weekend, Susanne!

Karen said...

Your bike ride sounds wonderful. We need to look into getting a bike rack. Glad to hear that your hand is healing nicely. I missed FFF last week. Hope to sneak it in later today.

ellen b said...

Happy to hear your son is settled in a good setting for his courses! Your bike ride sounds like it was very nice. Paris! What a fun destination for a young lady!
Good news about your hand. Have a wonderful weekend.

Jerralea said...

Bumper to bumper traffic makes me very nervous, and thankful I live in a village of 750!

It sounds as though your boy is in the perfect place for him, and I know that makes a mama heart glad.

Ann said...

Glad your son got settled. This getting adult children launched is almost harder than rearing them!! :-) I know it's a relief to you to have him in a good apartment setting.

Deb J. in Utah said...

Glad to hear that your son is safe and settled. I agree with Ann's comment about getting adult children"launched." Seems the older our kids get - the bigger their problems are and the less able we are to help them - at least that is where I'm at right now. I am so sorry to hear about your hand. I must have missed that post. Hope you heal up quickly. I love the link to the book outlet. I will be checking that out more closely soon. Sorry to get so behind on my blog reading. Enjoy your weekend. (Also, I enjoyed reading your review of Refining Fire, and totally agree with you. My three out of five stars would be close to your 6.5 out of ten stars so we were pretty close. Have a great week!

Laura said...

That highway freaks me out too, crazy!! Glad you had a good trip though with a fun bike ride at your destination. Sweet!!