Friday, July 17, 2015

Friday's Fave Fave #337

Well the best of intentions sometimes just doesn't translate into the action that produces the product and unfortunately that is exactly what happened with my FFF last week.  I never did get back on the computer to get to it.  Oh well, today's another FFF so let's get to it!

1.  Of course even though she has gone home and the week is past I must mention that my oldest child's visit tops my list.  I just don't get to see that girl enough.   But even though she is going to Europe for 2 weeks next month, she still took a week to come home and spend time with us.  It was a lovely week spent together.  A shopping trip to Calgary,  time spent in a book store together trying to choose just one book (Yeah, that didn't happen!), dinners together and just spending time being together as a family is a blessing I never take for granted. 

2.  A haul of spices to bring flavorful meals to my family.  Of course on our trip to Calgary a stop at the Farmer's Market is imperative and I went prepared with list in hand to the little spice booth that I love.  The grocery store variety does not compare!  I came home with a great haul and have already used several of spices in my cooking.   So many yummy meals to make!  I better be careful or I'm going to end up being a spice collector. 

3.  High Quality Olive Oil and Balsamic Vinegar.  My daughter is a fan of doing the mixing of the two and dipping bread into them.  I've tried it once before and didn't care much for it, but at the Farmer's Market there is Olive Oil and Balsamic Vinegar Bar.  It is always busy but I've never thought to check it out.  But because our daughter was with us this time, we sorta followed her in there.  Okay, now I'm totally hooked!  The number of flavors of high quaility olive oil and balsamic vinegars was astonishing.  And you were able to taste however many you wanted.  I always wondered how on earth anyone could put balsamic vinegar on ice cream and now I totally get it.  They were delicious.  And the great thing about it, other than the tasting of course, was that they sold little $5 bottles so seeing we only get there a couple of times a year, I came home with a few choices.  I finally tore myself away after choosing Persian Lime Infused Olive Oil, Herbes de Provence infused olive oil, Mandarin Infused Olive Oil, Blackberry Ginger balsamic vinegar, Black Cherry balsamic vinegar, Alfoos Mango balsamic vinegar, and Espresso balsamic vinegar.  I also came away with a ton of ideas on how to use them in cooking other than bread dipping from the chef that worked at the booth.  And yes, I am totally going to try the Espresso vinegar on ice cream as soon as I buy some.  

4.  Celebrating my mom's birthday with her family around her.  My mom is now in her '80's and so every year is worth celebrating with her.  This year was special because K, our oldest and her first grandchild, was here for her birthday for the first time since she moved a province away.  They really have a special bond and it was wonderful that they were together for this birthday.  The whole family took her for Chinese food, one of her favorites and we had a really nice time together.  I know it blessed her having her family all together surrounding her.

5.  A new Thai Fusion restaurant in town.   Every once in a while we like a good feed of sushi and asian foods and this new restaurant has all you can eat lunch and dinner menus with a great variety of foods even if you're not a sushi fan.  And the food is quite delicious.  Hubby had bought me home a salmon bento box one day and I couldn't believe the amount of food.   A new restaurant to add to our date night favorites.

What have been your favourite blessings this week?


Ingrid said...

What a nice time you spent with your daughter ! Where is she going in Europe ? I only use olive oil and Balsamic vinegar at home. Of course, with an Italian husband ... But I really love this vinegar too ! Nice birthday for your mom !

aspiritofsimplicity said...

It's always my fave when one of my daughters comes over, but I know I mentioned that last week, so I'll go right to the really nice farmer's market and the sushi! Yum, yum, yum.

Faith said...

I'm so glad you had a great visit with your precious daughter, Susanne! And yay for good quality dipping oils. My oldest has also come home from college deciding I need to buy higher quality dipping oils. Who knew??! :) I love the sound of the Blackberry one. I'm wondering if my local Fresh Market might have it.

Yay for shopping in bookstores. and how special for your mom to have all her grandchildren with her on her b-day. that IS a blessing for sure!

I'm not a fan of sushi although Dave and my youngest LOVE it...all kinds....
I do like certain seafoods and Thai food though. How fun that your husband surprised you with the salmon lunch.

ENjoy every moment of this glorious weather!!

nikkipolani said...

How lovely to have some extended time with your girl, exploring all kinds of tastes and soaking up inspiration for cooking! That restaurant sounds like a fun place to try new tastes as well.

Grandma looks happy surrounded by her loved ones. It's so good you can still all gather for her special day.

Barbara H. said...

I know when my oldest son, who lives out of state, is here, time with him takes priority, so I understand completely.

Happy birthday to your mom! It's wonderful that she could have the family with her for her day, especially her first granddaughter, since she hasn't been able to for a while.

I've never tried balsamic vinegar but just found a recipe that calls on it, so might give it a try. It's neat the farmer's market had some oils and vinegars to try - dipping bread into them doesn't sound appealing to me but samples like that are perfect for trying out new things. My son and d-i-l are big fans of the farmer's market here but I've only been once.

Monica said...

SO good to have our daughters back for a time! Happy Birthday to your momma! :)

Jerralea said...

I learn so much here! I didn't know that one could eat balsamic vinegar over ice cream. I find that quite an astonishing idea.

Glad your daughter could be home during your momma's birthday!

ellen b said...

A nice visit with the daughter is worthy to put at the top of the list. How nice that you could all gather around your mom for a meal out to celebrate her birthday!

Ann said...

There is an olive oil and vinegars store in our town - maybe it's time to visit it. :-)

Susan said...

Date nights are such a special treat and to be able to add an other fave restaurant is a treat too.
Hurray for getting to spend some time with your daughter. And how fun to buy some books. I don't think I will ever tire of buying books for myself or for others.
And hurray for your mom's party with family all around. Having family there really is the best treat.

Susan said...

Susanne, the surprise ingredient in my Paleo Shepherd's Pie is cauliflower. And I've recently eaten a pizza crust that was made from cauliflower. Both dishes are TASTY.

Deb J. in Utah said...

You have had a great family week! So wonderful! Time with family is my favorite thing as well. Enjoy your weekend.

Karen said...

If you come across any good recipes, I hope you share. I can't seem to come up with anything other than dipping in bread (which is absolutely delicious!)

So glad you had a nice time with your daughter. Those visits are so precious.

aspiritofsimplicity said...

Happy birthday to your mum. That food sure looks delicious.